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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Tuesday 16th June

    Tue 16 Jun 2020

    Good afternoon Parents and Carers.

    I hope your day has gone well. We have survived our second day with Year 6 (or is it that they have survived day two with us??) They are doing really well and are enjoying being with their friends. We recognise that this is another big change for them.

    Our Year 1 children will return on the 22nd June and our Reception children a week later. Classroom arrangements are well under way for them.

    I would like to CONSIDER extending re-opening the school to more children: our current Year 5. This would be from the week beginning 6th July. Provision for Year 5s is less easy to predict as six of our classrooms are already being used, as is the hall and Hawthorn for the Keyworker children. If our number of KW children continue to grow we will need to use the Year 5 classroom and the school will be at capacity. There will not be room for any more children.

    This may not be the case every day. I just do not have that detail yet.

    It would be helpful to me if Year 5 parents could email school and register an intention of interest for the 6th July. I would really like to be able to accommodate Year 5s even if it is only for a couple of sessions to meet their new teachers.

    If there are more than eight Y5s interested the children would have to come in on  a rota basis because we cannot fit more than eight in the classroom.

     Please can you let school know your intention by the end of Friday this week. I apologise that I cannot be more certain about Y5s returning. It is completely dependent on the number of KW children.


    Thank you so much.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Monday 15th June

    Mon 15 Jun 2020
    Dear Parents and Carers
    Good afternoon all! Today we welcomed back our Year 6 children. We had 21 children using three classrooms. It went very smoothly. The children were a bit nervous at first but but we soon 'brought them round' with a bit of humour and TLC! It was very lovely to see them all and they have all gone off home with a big smile on their face. Everyone followed our directions and the day went very smoothly.
    Our number of Key Worker children is rising significantly and this week we will spill over from the hall in to another classroom. We are swiftly running out of rooms!!
    It is absolutely pouring down where I am. (At least I won't have to water the garden!!)
    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    Keep safe and well.
    Mrs. Perry
  • Friday 12th June

    Fri 12 Jun 2020

    Hi everyone

    I hope you are having a good afternoon. I am in school putting the final arrangements in place for the re-opening of school for Year 6 on Monday. Mrs. Owen and Mr. Longworth have planned great activities for the three groups.

    I hope you have had the chance to have a look at the Risk Assessment! I know it is very long but it just reflects school's thinking on how things will need to be altered to keep all of us safe and well. It will change all the time as the children return and present us with new ideas.

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    Keep safe and well.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Mrs Perry's update 11th June

    Thu 11 Jun 2020

    Good afternoon Parents and Carers

    I have been in school all day and it was lovely to see the children there having such fun. I have also really enjoyed talking to parents in person and on the phone. The children planted some sunflowers  and hopefully when they grow you will be able to see them from Heywood Road. Having said that, when I got home the sunflowers I planted have been blown over by the wind. :(

    Can I make a plea. Several parents have emailed school this week asking for information about school re-opening for more children. Please can parents read the information school puts on the website. All the information you need is there. 

    Bury's Cabinet met yesterday. St. Margaret's is acting within their guidelines and continues to make plans to re-open school for:

    Year 6 on Monday 15th June;

    Year 1 on 22nd June;

    Reception Class on June 29th.

    Decisions made, have come directly from our detailed Risk Assessment. This will be available on the website tomorrow. It is very lengthy and is a working document, meaning that it will be subject to regular change as new guidance is published.

    All PPE equipment has now been delivered and is in place. We feel we are good to go!!

    Have a lovely evening. I will be in touch again tomorrow.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Letter for Parents from Karen Dolton 11 June 20

    Thu 11 Jun 2020



    Department for Children and Young People


    Our Ref                   KD/AB

    Your Ref                 

    Date                       11 June 2020

    Please ask for           Karen Dolton

    Direct Line               0161 253 5501



    Parents/ Carers of Bury primary aged children



    Dear Parent/ Carer




    I am writing to you about the recent government announcement about the re-opening of primary schools. 


    Since schools closed to most pupils in March, families have had to adjust to home learning whilst many have been working from home and others have been furloughed or have lost their only source of income. This continues to be a very challenging time for many families.  


    On 28th May the Prime Minister announced that the government’s five tests had been met and that primary schools could re-open to more pupils from 1st June.  Bury primary school leaders have been working tirelessly to plan for the re-opening of schools and it is anticipated that all will re-open to more pupils by no later than 22nd June.  However, please be aware that these plans will be kept under constant review and may need to change at short notice.  The most important consideration is the safety of pupils and staff. 


    I would like to thank the headteachers for undertaking robust risk assessments, taking into account regular government guidance updates, prior to re-opening to more pupils.


    Every school is different due to the school buildings, including the size of classrooms and entry/ exit points, the number of staff available to work in their schools and also the demand for places.  The vast majority of Bury schools have remained open, including during school holiday periods and Bank holidays, in order to provide for children of critical workers.  Over the last week the number of children of critical workers accessing provision has increased significantly which has affected the number of places that can, under each school’s risk assessment, be offered to year groups.   I am sure that you understand the need for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children to continue to be prioritised.  Parents should therefore be aware that every school’s offer to its community will be different and may not be convenient for all families. 


    As our schools open to more pupils in a phased way, teachers will be continuing to offer home learning to the pupils that are not in school.  This places an additional pressure on the staffing given that the maximum group size is 15 pupils and, in many cases, groups will need to be smaller due to the limited size of some classrooms. I know you will appreciate that the level of home learning may be reduced especially as schools open to more and more pupils. 


    Our schools will need your continuing support as they move into this next phase of re-opening to more pupils, thank you. 


    Yours sincerely





    Karen Dolton

  • Reception and Year 1 Returning to school , 11 June

    Thu 11 Jun 2020

    Dear Reception and Year 1 Parents and Carers,

    I am writing to let you know the arrangements for re-opening St. Margaret’s for Reception and Year 1 children.

    As instructed by government our re-opening plan is careful and considered and is based on putting safety at the forefront of our thinking. We hugely appreciate the support from all parents to respect our rationale for this measured and steady approach. These measures are intended to ensure that children and staff keep to small and consistent groups at all times across a day and over the course of a week. These are called bubbles. Mixing between bubbles will be reduced to an absolute bare minimum and will not happen at all where possible. This is easier for the older children to achieve but is almost impossible with the youngest children. We will try our best! This is to protect staff and children from being exposed to the virus outside their group.

    Phased return

    From June 22nd Year 1 children will start a phased return in a morning Monday to Thursday.

    Drop off time: Year 1 Bubble 1: 8.55am to 9.05am. Pick up time: 11.55am to 12.05pm

    Drop off time: Year 1 Bubble 2 -9.05am to 9.15am. Pick up time : 12.05pm to 12.15pm.


    Reception children will return from Monday 29th June.

    Drop off time : 8.45am to 8.55am. Pick up time: 11.45am to 11.55am.

    On Fridays schools will be deep cleaned by our school cleaning staff and therefore only keyworker children will be in school.


    Classroom space and class capacity

    Firstly I feel it is important to stress that, as a school, we agree with the government guidance that states;

    “Unlike older children and adults, early years and primary aged children cannot be expected to remain two meters from each other and staff.” 

    So whilst our plan is to encourage social distancing as far as possible, we cannot guarantee that children will be two meters apart from other children and adults at all times and we wish to make that explicitly clear to parents and carers.

    When organising class capacity we have followed government guidelines. Which states ‘Children aged 3 and 5 years need 2-3 metres squared per child’. Therefore Willow Class has been set up with 2m by 2m play areas for each child. We can fit five children in Willow class to facilitate this.

    Y1 will be sitting at tables that are distanced 2m apart. There will be five children in Lilac class and five children in Oak.

    How will my child enter and leave the school?

    Drop off and collection times will be staggered to support social distancing measures. We will ensure that siblings are assigned the same times.


    Coming in to School

    Year 1 children will enter through the main front door and parents need to observe the tape on the floor and school instructions:

    Social distancing measures must be in place for drop off and collection times. Only one person should bring their child to school and this person needs to be the same. Children will come in to school one at a time (like we enter supermarkets).  I ask that parents bring their child up the school path as normal. We need to guarantee that they have socially isolated on the way. There will be tape on the floor to signify social distancing.


    Reception parents will need to bring their child to the gate as they usually would where a member of staff will greet each child and take them into school one by one. Parents will then leave through the school car park and down the drive.

    Please refrain from socialising at the bottom of the path before or after drop off and pick up, unless you are observing social distancing.


    Where parents need to speak to the office, we ask that this takes place by email or by phone. If, in a very small number of situations,  this is impossible then parents will need to wait for the children to be admitted to school and then come into the foyer where there will be clear instructions to follow to keep office staff and parents within appropriate social distance.


    The proposed time allocations are to minimise the number of adults on site at any one time. This is subject to trial and we may move to wider staggered times. Please do not gather in groups or stay on site any longer than needed to drop-off. We will not be able to facilitate any face to-face queries with teaching staff during arrival and departure times – if you need to talk to a member of staff please telephone the office or email. Email addresses for teachers are on the class page.
    It is vital that you arrive within the allocated time. If you are late, we ask you to wait outside the school
    grounds, phone the office and a member of staff will come to meet you.



    Will my child be taught by their class teacher

    The children will not necessarily be taught by their usual class teacher as we have limited staff who are working on a rota system across the bubbles of keyworker, R, Year 1 and Year 6. They will be taught by one teacher each day, however this might not be the teacher that teaches them for the week. It is important to note that the curriculum will not be the usual Reception/Year1  Summer 2 curriculum. The children will, first of all need a lot of re-assurance and pastoral support. This is not a return to school as we know it. We will not be returning to a school timetable, curriculum or teaching style that was in place prior to school closure.


    What should my child wear to school?
    Children can wear their own clothes. They must wear clean clothes each day. We intend for children to be outside a large majority of the time so please ensure sun cream is applied before children come to school and they bring a sunhat. Alternatively, if the weather is cooler (as
    doors and windows will be left open) or wet, please ensure they have suitable clothing as we will be
    outside as much as possible. All long hair should be tied back and no jewellery (including watches)
    should be worn.

    What should my child bring to school?
    Children should only bring a full water bottle and a sun hat/weather appropriate clothing. Learning resources will be provided by school. Please do not bring book bags to school.

    Lunch arrangements will be explained to you if and when the childrens’ day is extended.

    How will school support the increased need to washing hands?

    Children will be required to use sanitizer on entry to school. A sanitizer pump has been provided in the entrance area. There will also be hand sanitizer in each classroom. We will encourage children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day. Please do not bring hand sanitizer to school, we must use specific tested sanitizer.


    Toilet facilities

    Reception children will be in Willow class and will therefore use the Willow Class toilets. They will use the toilet and wash their hands one at a time to ensure social distancing.

    Year 1 children will use the girl’s and boy’s toilets as normal, making sure that only one child uses the toilet at a time.

    Staff will clean toilet handles, door handles and taps between each child.

    What will the classroom look like?

    Reception children will be in Willow Class and will have their own allocated learning space. Within the space will be a small table and chair. Familiar play/learning resources will be allocated to each child to avoid cross contamination.


    Year 1 children will have an allocated table that they will work at.  They will have their own equipment to use: stationery; pens; pencils etc  These will be provided by school and children must not bring equipment from home.


    Will staff be wearing masks/PPE equipment?

    Staff  may choose to do so around school.

    Staff MUST wear a mask, gloves and apron to administer First Aid or to change a child if needed.


    I know that this is a lot of information to digest, but it is there to keep us all safe. We have missed your children and can’t wait to welcome them back to school.


    Yours sincerely


    Mrs. Perry



  • Wednesday 10 June Reception and Year 1 Parents

    Wed 10 Jun 2020

    Good Afternoon Parents and Carers

    I hope you are having a good day.

    Here is some additional information regarding re-opening the school to more children. 

    For Y1 and Reception children,  if your child is also attending as a KW child. From the date that the year group returns, parents need to choose which bubble they will be in. So for example, if your child is in a Year 1 bubble on Monday to Thursday, then they cannot attend as a KW child on Friday. This is  Government guidance to prevent cross contamination. This is the case even if their brother/sister is in the KW group. (Sounds silly I know!)

    Mrs. Perry

  • Tuesday 9th June

    Tue 09 Jun 2020

    Good evening to Parents and Carers

    I hope you have all had a good day??

    I have been in school today. I took in all the spider plants that I potted for you at the beginning of lockdown. They are coming along quite nicely! :)

    The Government is giving new guidance today about re-opening for more pupils. Bury Council is meeting tomorrow after having gathered further evidence from the other Greater Manchester councils. When I have more information I will be consulting with Governors on how to proceed at our school. Please be patient in the knowledge that whatever we do is in the best interest of the children, you as parents and for the staff. The R number remains high in the North West - it is the highest in the country. This will to be taken into account when the Governors meet.

    I will keep you posted as soon as I can.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Mrs Perry

  • Monday 8th June

    Mon 08 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers

    I have just come out of the Schools Advisory Group and I thought you might find an update useful. The Local Authority is awaiting further advice from Public Health England and is gathering more evidence about the R rate. This evidence will be put before Cabinet on Wednesday and schools will then be informed of their advice.

    The current advice is for schools to keep planning as they are. If there is not a Directive from Public Health England then decisions are likely to remain in the  hands of the schools and their Governing Bodies. I predict that the latter is what is likely to happen. All schools are very different and will be planning in their own way. FOR NOW the aim is still to re-open for Year 6 next Monday and for Reception and Year 1 children from the 22nd. Please be advised that following LA/ PHE advice this may change. 

    Miss Glover and I are currently putting together a letter for Reception and Year 1 parents and I will send this out soon. 

    I can imagine that it is frustrating to not really know exactly what is going to happen. Believe me.... I understand. the constantly changing scenarios, and I feel the same.

    What I do know is that staff are keen to welcome your children back to school, but that it must be done safely. With the high R rate and high infection rate in Bury, then plans must be made carefully.

    Take very good care.

    Mrs. Perry


  • Monday 8th June

    Mon 08 Jun 2020
    New Spanish classes are now ready to book!
    Thanks to everyone who has contacted me about upcoming classes; it has been wonderful to stay in touch with so many children and parents. I have been in touch with all of my nurseries and schools and I hope to be able to start physical classes as soon as the Government says I can. This might not be until September so will continue to do online classes for as long as you want me to!
    My classes are open to any children so it really doesn't matter if your child hasn't done Spanish with me before; I promise that everyone will be able to follow what's happening and will begin learning from their very first session.
    These classes are advertised nationally on or you can follow the direct links below for each class.
    The topics we'll be doing for the next three weeks are
    Weather ????????
    Transport ????????
    Don't forget I am giving a 20% discount off our annual website subscription website so it's £20 for a whole year!! You just need to email me with your name, date of birth, email address and phone number and I'll set up your account and e-mail you out the details. You can get it directly from Lingotot HQ but it's cheaper if you do it through me!
    Have a look here for a sneaky peak!
    Take care and I hope to see you soon, Catharine xx