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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!




Hello and welcome to Y5.  My name is Mr Young and I am the class teacher.

Mrs Hadfield is the teaching assistant. 

We have very high expectations in Y5 and support all our children so that they are ready for the challenges of Y6.





Monday 8th July 2024

WOW!  Year 5 have had a brilliant start to our new reading initiative`.

Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting all our children to achieve brilliant results. .

Reading Books

Our reading expectations are that the children should be reading at least 4 times a week and have their reading records signed. This is to help the children build up their reading stability, build up their confidence of segmenting and blending new sounds and also to develop a love of reading. Children have their reading records checked every day in school so that we can closely monitor home reading and will get 5 dojos for meeting their reading target; we fully understand that there are things that can come up during the week that can’t be helped. Please let the class teacher know if you are having any issues.

Children can now enter the classroom from 8:45am from the the top playground.            


P.E will be changing from a Tuesday to a Thursday after half term. 


The book we will be reading this half term is 

The song From Somewhere Else 

By A. F. Harrold




We have P.E on a Thursday this year.

You must come in your P.E kit on this day.



There will be no more spelling tests this year.

Congratulations Year 5, you have been fantastic learning your spellings all year.


Group 1         


We only have 12 spellings each week this half-term




Group 2




Homework will be set on a Friday with the deadline of Wednesday the following week. It will usually be a few sheets in their homework book, which is yellow.








Ways you can help your child online
