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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.


Early Years Foundation Stage Lead - Miss Glover

EYFS Curriculum Statement



Our Early Years Curriculum provides all children with opportunities and experiences to develop positive relationships and attitudes, be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured and able to succeed as learners.


It has been designed to create broad and balanced experiences which are tailored to the needs and interests of our children and the wider community.


Our main focus is to develop early reading and writing skills through the teaching of phonics.

We provide a high-quality learning experiences through adult led and child-initiated activities which engage and challenge each individual.



All our staff have high expectations and through a well-resourced and stimulating environment ensure the best for every child. We encourage our children to become independent and active learners through challenging activities and experiences.


High quality teaching and learning is cantered around the children’s individual needs and interests providing the building blocks for the wider whole school curriculum.  


Our curriculum provision develops speech and language skills to enable children to become confident speakers.


Daily English challenges encourage children to independently put learn phonics skills to aid reading an writing and encourage independent readers and writers.  We foster a love of reading through exposure to a variety of quality texts and genres. Our children have access to story times, nursery rhyme time, guided reading, home readers and individual, silent reading time.


Our maths curriculum is taught through exploration of number, shape and measures in the environment and through real life scenarios, experiences and routines.


We build strong partnerships with parents and carers, engaging and enabling them to support their child’s learning, development and wellbeing. We do this through Tapestry, parent meetings, workshops, stay and play sessions, parents evening, letters and Willow class page on website.



Our children enjoy and participate enthusiastically in their learning. They will develop into confident, motivated, and independent learners.


Our children experience smooth transition to school from nurseries. They will develop into confident, motivated and independent learners. School works collaboratively with nurseries and parents to ensure a smooth transition to school. Children leave the Early Years with a firm foundation for their learning.


We use exercise books for Literacy and Phonics supplemented with Tapestry, floor books and learning profiles for Maths and other learning development across the EYFS, which share children’s successes and achievements. Our team interact and observe the children’s learning in order to inform interests which feed into planning, next steps and assessment.

EYFS Curriculum 


Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development


Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


Positive Relationships

Children learn to be strong and independent through the development of positive relationships with parents, carers, teachers and teaching assistants.


Enabling Environments

The environment plays a key role in developing, supporting and extending children's development and learning, with adults responding to the children's individual interests and needs, to help build their learning over time.


Learning and Development

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.  The framework covers the education and care of all children in Early Years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.

EYFS Development Matters Curriculum Framework 2021

Parent guide - what to expect in the EYFS
