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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Monday 8th June

Dear Parents and Carers

I have just come out of the Schools Advisory Group and I thought you might find an update useful. The Local Authority is awaiting further advice from Public Health England and is gathering more evidence about the R rate. This evidence will be put before Cabinet on Wednesday and schools will then be informed of their advice.

The current advice is for schools to keep planning as they are. If there is not a Directive from Public Health England then decisions are likely to remain in the  hands of the schools and their Governing Bodies. I predict that the latter is what is likely to happen. All schools are very different and will be planning in their own way. FOR NOW the aim is still to re-open for Year 6 next Monday and for Reception and Year 1 children from the 22nd. Please be advised that following LA/ PHE advice this may change. 

Miss Glover and I are currently putting together a letter for Reception and Year 1 parents and I will send this out soon. 

I can imagine that it is frustrating to not really know exactly what is going to happen. Believe me.... I understand. the constantly changing scenarios, and I feel the same.

What I do know is that staff are keen to welcome your children back to school, but that it must be done safely. With the high R rate and high infection rate in Bury, then plans must be made carefully.

Take very good care.

Mrs. Perry

