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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.


Uniform Information 2024-2025


Please find information below regarding our expectations in terms of your child's uniform and equipment for school.


School Uniform

  • Red jumper or cardigan (optional school logo)
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt
  • White polo shirt (optional school logo)
  • Black/grey socks or tights
  • Red/white summer dress during summer months
  • Nylon book bag with school logo
  • Black school shoes/plain black trainers


All of the above (except logo uniform) can be purchased from most supermarkets or high street shops. We also hold a jumper/cardigan second-hand uniform rail sale at our Christmas and Summer Fairs.


Due to health and safety reasons we do not allow backpacks in school. Our space is very limited in classes and our corridors are not wide enough to allow for large bags on pegs as this is very limiting on space for children, especially in the case of an emergency.


Nylon book bags can be purchased from the school office or plain ones can be purchased from Amazon.


PE Kit

Children are required to attend school wearing their PE kit on PE days. Please check your child's class page if you are unsure what day this is.


  • Plain white t-shirt (optional school logo)
  • Red shadow striped shorts
  • Plain black trainers with no large sports' logo
  • Tracksuit/jogging bottoms/leggings during colder months


All of the above can be purchased from most supermarkets or high street shops. Branded sportswear must not be worn.  


 If you wish to purchase our branded school uniform and PE kit, these can be purchased from or Non-branded uniform can be purchased from your local supermarket.


Please ensure that all your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their name from the autumn term. In particular jumpers and cardigans.


