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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.


Maths Lead - Mrs Wainman

Maths Subject Statement

At St Margaret's, we use the White Rose Maths approach to develop our children's mathematical knowledge and skills. Underpinned by maths mastery principles, this approach encourages children to explore mathematical concepts using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. Built into our maths teaching are opportunities for fluency, variation, reasoning and problem solving. Wherever possible practical ‘real’ activities are used to introduce concepts, transfer skills learnt and reinforce learning objectives, ensuring the children are engaged through enjoyable, stimulating activities. Children are encouraged to explore their learning both independently and collaboratively, and learning is scaffolded and stretched to ensure learners at all levels make progress.

National Curriculum


Please find below the National Curriculum programme of study for Maths.

Maths Long Term Plan

Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Useful websites
