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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Mrs Perry's update 11th June

Good afternoon Parents and Carers

I have been in school all day and it was lovely to see the children there having such fun. I have also really enjoyed talking to parents in person and on the phone. The children planted some sunflowers  and hopefully when they grow you will be able to see them from Heywood Road. Having said that, when I got home the sunflowers I planted have been blown over by the wind. :(

Can I make a plea. Several parents have emailed school this week asking for information about school re-opening for more children. Please can parents read the information school puts on the website. All the information you need is there. 

Bury's Cabinet met yesterday. St. Margaret's is acting within their guidelines and continues to make plans to re-open school for:

Year 6 on Monday 15th June;

Year 1 on 22nd June;

Reception Class on June 29th.

Decisions made, have come directly from our detailed Risk Assessment. This will be available on the website tomorrow. It is very lengthy and is a working document, meaning that it will be subject to regular change as new guidance is published.

All PPE equipment has now been delivered and is in place. We feel we are good to go!!

Have a lovely evening. I will be in touch again tomorrow.

Mrs. Perry
