Useful websites for parents
EYFS Development links and Infomation
Birth to 5 Matters Birth to 5 Matters - information, advice and support for parent on the Early Years Curriculum, child development stages and how to support children with their learning and development from 0-5
Family Action Family Action’s Early Years services work with parents and the wider family from before conception until their child is ready to go to school.
Foundation Years - Advice on Reception and starting school Tips and advice on school, starting school and information about EYFS and Rececption
PACEY -Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Toilet training tips
Very Well Family Article on encouraging your child to stay in their own bed throughout the night and establish good sleep routines
Reception Phonics links
Phonics Play Website for children to practise phonics skills across all phonics phases through games
Topmarks phonics Phonic games - reading - sound and letter recognition, high frequency words
Phonics Bloom Phonics Bloom create interactive online phonics games to help teach children the relationship between letters and sounds and develop the skills needed to read and write. All our resources are designed by an experienced team of teachers and parents.
Time for Phonics Free interactive phonics games that encourage the development of phonics and reading skills
Reception Maths links
Topmarks - Maths Reception age related maths games
Maths - Ten frame counting Thinking about numbers using frames of 10 can be a helpful way to learn basic number facts. The four games that can be played with this applet help to develop counting and addition skills.
Maths - Doodle Learning Interactive Reception Maths games. Designed to be used for just a few minutes a day, its questions and games cover the entire EYFS curriculum, making it the perfect way to instil a love of maths!
Oxford Owl - Fun Maths Activities You and your little ones can have loads of fun with maths! There are loads of activity sheets and videos to explore on this page, or you can browse by age.
Maths - Cbeebies - numeracy Join in with Little Learners and explore all of these fun and free maths games, activities and clips.
Numberblocks Learn how much fun counting can be with the Numberblocks - a fun-loving group of numbers who work together to solve problems big and small.
Reception Reading
Oxfor Owl - Reading Free e-book library of online books that are age related for the children to read. Advice on supporting children with reading at home as well as interactive games.
. Famly - literacy ideas 10 EYFS activity ideas to make learning and development more fun
Alphablocks Play along with the fun and friendly letters of the alphabet as they work together to make words and tell stories using phonics.