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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Wednesday 28th April

    Wed 28 Apr 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    The week is proceeding well in school. Things just seem to be slightly easier and calmer since we returned after Easter. This is helped by parents bringing the children at the allocated times. It makes such a difference, thank you. 


    I am very pleased to hear the news that having just the first jab seems to reduce the chance of transmission by around 40%.  Unlike me!!! you young ones will still be waiting for your first jab so please keep adhering to the regulations. The first priority for us at St. Margaret's is to welcome the children back safely and then to keep them here.


    COVID has taken a toll on all of us and for some of our families significantly. Please be re-assured that when your children are in school they are trying their best in class and they are enjoying themselves when playing with their friends on the playground. 


    As always, if you feel the need to speak to staff about a concern, we are on hand before and after school. (Rain or shine!!)


    Have a lovely evening.

    Mrs. Perry.


  • Sunday 25th April

    Sun 25 Apr 2021

    Good afternoon to everyone,

    I am really pleased to say that things seemed to go really calmly last week. I think the beautiful weather helped. Thank you for trying to keep to drop off and pick up times. That was a definite positive.

    Let's hope that this week is just as successful.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    Mrs. Perry.


  • Monday 19th April

    Mon 19 Apr 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers

    The children have had a lovely first day back and it has been a joy to see them. Thank you so much for adhering to entry and exit drop off times. The system ran really smoothly today resulting in a great start to the new term.

    I have had been contacted by parents concerned about the number of other parents not wearing a face mask when on the school premises. Please can I encourage you to wear a mask unless there is a particular reason not to.

    Have a lovely evening. See you tomorrow.

    Mrs. Perry. :)

  • Sunday 18th April

    Sun 18 Apr 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope that you have had a restful Easter break. It was much needed and well deserved for all of us.


    We are all very much looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow. Please adhere to the usual staggered drop off times. These times have been given for a reason. That is, to keep you and the children as safe as possible. On March 8th parents were queuing at 8.25am to get children in to school, when the earliest drop off time was 8.45am.. Please do not do this tomorrow as it is dangerous. 


    I know that the Government is slowly easing lockdown.  Despite this, please keep to the guidelines. When bringing the children to school keep to the time allocated. Socially distance as you drop the children off and please wear a mask when you come on to the premises. Staff will be there to welcome the children as usual.


    Please do not gather after school on the school field or on Parrenthorn grass unless the rules are adhered to,


    School would love to invite parents to some summer term events, such as the sporting events. This can only take place if safety can be guaranteed. Having said all this, I am really looking forward to seeing you and your children at school tomorrow morning. Let's have a lovely summer term.


    Lots of love.


    Mrs. Perry

  • Sunday 4th April

    Sun 04 Apr 2021
    Good afternoon all,

    I hope that the beginning of your holidays has been restful and that you are enjoying time with your family.

    St. Margaret's has had another difficult term and I am very proud of the way our community has come together and supported each other.

    Have a very Happy Easter.

    Lots of love.

    Mrs. Perry.