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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

School Council

We are excited to introduce our school council. We are focused on supporting and enhancing our school and community. We are hoping to make positive and rewarding changes for the children of St Margaret's School.

We will listen to all ideas from the children, with regards to change or enhancement to the school in order to create a positive outcome for all involved.

Our School Council page will be updated in September 2024 when our new School council have been elected. 

Meeting 1 3:10:2024

Meeting 2 10:10:2024

Meeting 3 17:10:2024

Meeting 4 28:10:2024

Message from our School Council.

Still image for this video
This was filmed during our 5th meeting discussing uniform and whole school wishes.

Our next meeting will be discussing the three main subjects : 03:02:2025

  • school council boxes
  • school dinners
  • uniforms 