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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Monday 15th June

Dear Parents and Carers
Good afternoon all! Today we welcomed back our Year 6 children. We had 21 children using three classrooms. It went very smoothly. The children were a bit nervous at first but but we soon 'brought them round' with a bit of humour and TLC! It was very lovely to see them all and they have all gone off home with a big smile on their face. Everyone followed our directions and the day went very smoothly.
Our number of Key Worker children is rising significantly and this week we will spill over from the hall in to another classroom. We are swiftly running out of rooms!!
It is absolutely pouring down where I am. (At least I won't have to water the garden!!)
Have a lovely evening everyone.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry