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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Sunday 27th September

    Sun 27 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope that you are well and you are enjoying the sun!! I regret to have to tell you that there are four more positive cases of COVID, among the staff, that have come to my attention over the weekend, including staff who work around school as part of their role. Therefore, it is really important that all children isolate. I know how difficult and frustrating this is for you, but there is no safe alternative.


    We are in the position that over two thirds of our staff are either COVID positive or are ill but have had a negative test. Staffing is clearly going to be a worry during these horrible times.


    Thank you for your overwhelming support and kind messages sent to me and the staff. They really do warm our hearts.


    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and keep well.


    Lots of love,


    Mrs. Perry

  • Friday 25th September

    Fri 25 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As we approach the end of another week I think it is safe to say that this was not the ending we expected or hoped for. Despite all school's substantial efforts, we had to close yesterday, and I think it might help you if I gave additional background to what has happened this week. I know that you want to know exactly who has tested positive and who is ill (because you care about your child's class adults and their classmates) and despite the fact that I am happy for you to know that I am one of the positive staff members, the guidelines state that staff / pupils' names must not be disclosed. 


    This is what has happened since last Friday:


    • ​​The Y5 bubble closed last Friday, due to a TA testing positive. This was closely followed by the class teacher.
    • Two children in Y5 have tested positive.
    • A Year 5 Out of School Playworker tested positive.
    •  A Year 2 lunchtime organiser tested positive, leading to that bubble being sent home, 
    • The Out of School Club closed due to a staff contact with the Y5 Playworker.
    • The Headteacher confirmed a positive case (sorry guys it's me), with impact on whole school due to the fact that I have a duty of care for the whole school.
    • Our deputy (Mr. Longworth) is a suspected case and awaiting a test result. This has a direct impact in Y6  and a potential impact on the whole school as senior leaders need to move round the whole school to ensure the risk assessment is being adhered to.
    • There is a suspected case in Y4 with a child awaiting test results.
    • There have been positive cases with two lunchtime organisers in unrelated classes. 
    • There are currently six positive staff members and several others poorly and awaiting test results.


    This is the information I have today. As you can imagine, I have had to make the most difficult decisions possible. You as parents have been outstandingly supportive and I am very pleased that you have shared this overwhelmingly with my staff. They are here to support and help. If you have any worries / concerns / questions then please contact school via email. 


    You will be pleased to hear that although many staff are unwell they are still trying to support your children in whatever way they can, as am I. 


    As things stand we are hoping to reopen school on Tuesday 6th October. For now, let's keep in touch and support each other as a great St. Margaret's community,


    We are here to help!


    Lots of love,


    Mrs. Perry

  • Thursday 24th September - School Closure

    Thu 24 Sep 2020

    Good afternoon all!


    I am so sorry that I had to make the decision to close school today. My positive test result means that the whole school is affected. As you will appreciate as Head I need to move around school and sitting in my office all day is not realistic. This means that all the children and staff need to isolate. How long for is uncertain at the minute because other staff have also become unwell and await the result of a test. Despite our best efforts, the virus has spread quickly. This is reflected in schools across Bury and in Greater Manchester. We have been trying hard today to close the school safely and this morning there was a deep clean led by the Local Authority Cleaning Department.


    Your teachers will be putting work on the class pages for you to complete so have a go and try your best. 


    Many of you have sent lovely emails asking how I am. The truth is, I have felt better, but I have felt worse too!! Thank you for all your positive comments about the school organisation, communication and for your best wishes for me and all the staff.


    We will all be together as soon as we can.


    Thank you for your support and patience.


    Lots of love.


    Mrs. Perry

  • Thursday 24th September

    Thu 24 Sep 2020

    Hi All,


    A letter to Parents has been added to the school website. Please select the following link:



    Thank you for all your support during this time.



  • Wednesday 23rd September

    Wed 23 Sep 2020
    Good evening to all Parents and Carers

    I hope you are keeping well? I know that you are wondering where I am. The fact of it is that I had a COVID test on Monday. I really wanted to be able to tell you the results today but I am still waiting for them. The worst part of working from home (that is what I am doing for now) is that staff and children are being sent home in increasing numbers and I can't be there to help.

    I don't feel extremely poorly, just very tired indeed and flu like.

    School staff are working hard to keep as many children in school as possible.

    The systems we put in place are working but the reality of it is that this is a virus that spreads easily and quickly. We continue to try our best.

    Please keep safe and well.

    Lots of love.

    Mrs Perry
  • Sunday 13th September

    Sun 13 Sep 2020
    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Can I say a huge thank you to all of you from all the staff at St. Margaret's and Smarties. I have received many absolutely lovely messages over the weekend about the re-opening of school and how well you feel it has gone. I must admit that there has been a massive amount of planning gone into school re-opening safely for us all. The constant change in Government advice has made this very tricky at times, but I guess we are all learning about this virus all the time and the 'new normal' is an environment of frequent change. I have asked you to be patient and I need to take my own advice on that.

    Your messages have really made me feel as if we are all in this together. We certainly are!!

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    Mrs. Perry :)
  • Friday 11th September

    Fri 11 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    We have come to the end of our first week and I think we have all done brilliantly. I know that we have had to change some things slightly to make improvements but I believe that we are going in the right direction on a daily basis. The children have continued to be an asset to the school.


    The number of cases in Bury continues to be high so thank you for wearing your masks on the way to school and on the school premises. Social distancing is crucial. It is so easy to forget to stand 2m apart from friends. Try your best and remind your children especially if they attend High School.


    School has purchased an automatic thermometer. We can use this in school if we are concerned when a child tells us they feel unwell. If you do not have a thermometer at home and are worried then we can test it for you. If you do not want school to use it on your child then please let the office know. If your child has symptoms of COVID then they must stay at home. Please seek advice from your GP to get proper medical advice (or call 111). School has put the Greater Manchester 'Quick Guide for Parents' on our website.


    Please can I remind you that the school is nut free. Please check your child's packed lunch to ensure that there is nothing with nuts in it. We have a number of children in school with severe allergies and these products put them at significant risk.


    Thank you for all your support this week. I think you are all fabulous!


    Have a lovely weekend.


    Mrs. Perry.


  • Wednesday 09th September 2020

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    Good afternoon to all parents

    I hope you are all having a good week. I am pleased with the way things are going , with getting the children in to school in the morning. I thought lunchtime was going to be a nightmare, but it's going really well! The children's behaviour in and around school has been exemplary.

    I know that the end of the school day is more hectic and that the volume of cars is a problem. I am trying to work with Parrenthorn on this as we have already changed our pick up times once.

    School has learned a lot this week and we have tweaked some arrangements to make them better. Thank you for your patience!

    There is a new Risk Assessment on it's way to the website as well, following updates from Public Health England.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Newdrop off and pick up times riday 4th September

    Fri 04 Sep 2020




    From Monday 7th SEPTEMBER 2020






    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time















    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time




    YEAR 5



    YEAR 4








    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time

    YEAR 6



    YEAR 3







    If you have more than one child at the school, you can choose which time would be best to drop your children off and collect them. Please contact the school office via email, so they can share this information with your child’s class teacher.


    The collection times have been altered due to the large volume of children leaving Parrenthorn between 2.50 and 3.10.


    Many Thanks


    Mrs Perry and Mr Longworth



  • Friday 4th September

    Fri 04 Sep 2020

    Good afternoon all :)

    I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at St. Margaret's for all your efforts this week. I think the return has been a big success. Getting all the children in and back out is tricky but we have managed as well as we can and as the week has gone on everything has become smoother.

    The  children have been fantastic in school. There is no other words to describe them. Please tell them well done!! You can be very proud of your children!

    We are aware of the issues at the end of the school day regarding large numbers on Heywood Road now that Parrenthorn are back. This is why I have changed the drop off and pick up times. This will be reviewed by the end of next week and I am working with Mr. Bell at Parrenthorn to see what can be done to make the end of the day better. Having said that, the fact of it is the two schools are directly opposite each other and as with everything at the moment, we can only try our best!

    Have a lovely weekend. Let's hope the sun keeps shining.

    Lots of love.

    Mrs. Perry.
