Our Classroom Information
What to bring to school
- book bag containing reading book.
- water bottle daily containing fresh drink.
- a jumper of cardigan which is clearly labelled with name.
- coat which is clearly labelled.
School lunches
Please order your child's school dinner via the grid (app). If you have any problems please contact the office. If you would like your child to be on pack lunches please notify Miss Glover.
Children receive milk for free up until the age of 5 years old. If you would like to order milk for your child after the age of 5 please contact the school office.
Reception children have milk each morning at 10am. They are offered a fruit or vegetable and can have either milk or their water bottle drink.
We have an open door policy. Please feel free to speak to a member of staff at drop or pick up. Alternatively you can call the office and a member of staff will return your call.
How to support children at home
- Please encourage children to support their own toileting needs including wiping after toileting and washing hands.
- Please encourage independence e.g children should be able to put on their jumper/ cardigan/ coat independently.
- During dinner time, children will collect their tray and cutlery and carry their food to the table. Please encourage children to eat with cutlery at home.
- Please watch the weekly phonics videos posted on Tapestry each Friday. Encourage your children to watch and join in with the actions and have a go at forming letters correctly using the Handwriting PALS ditties.