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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4



Welcome to Y4. My name is Mrs Wainman I am the class teacher. Miss Jones will work in class every day. In Y4 we will be learning to become more independent and there will be a big focus on learning times tables.

We have some great topics this year including Ancient Egypt. Miss Elsie will also be in class.


Class Info

School begins at 8:55 each day.  The classroom door will open at 8:45 am.  At home time, the children will be brought onto the top playground at 3:30 outside the classroom, unless they are booked into Smarties. Should you wish your child to walk down the drive to meet you please inform school. 


Our PE day is Tuesday. 

Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back in the following Monday.

New spellings are given out on a Friday with a spelling test the following Friday.


Our reading expectations are that the children should be reading at least 4 times a week and have their reading records signed. This is to help the children build up their reading stability, build up their confidence of segmenting and blending new sounds and also to develop a love of reading. Children have their reading records checked every day in school so that we can closely monitor home reading and will get 5 dojos for meeting their reading target; we fully understand that there are things that can come up during the week that can’t be helped. Please let the class teacher know if you are having any issues.

Homework & Spellings


Helping at Home 



Weekly spellings will be shown under each term in the Curriculum section.  There will generally be 5 weekly spellings plus an extra 5 most weeks from the statutory Year 3/4 spelling list. New spellings will be given out on a Friday and the test will be on a Friday each week - please support your child in learning them as they do get quite tricky and they will definitely need to practise them at home each week. Certificates will be given out when a child gets all spellings correct over 4 consecutive weeks. 



Please listen to your child read as often as possible at home to develop fluency and understanding.  Your child will be allocated a day (see Reading Record) to bring in their book and reading record so that we can check it.  It is really helpful if you can sign their record with a date and comment and the pages they have read EVERY time they read, even if they are a 'free reader'.  If your child is a daily reader, they will ideally be heard each day at school.  This is to give them a boost and push them on further on the scheme so it is vital that they are also heard at home too. 



Please encourage your child to read and practise times tables. It shouldn't take long to complete but will help your child to get into a good homework routine.  Please support them - it really makes a difference.



Online Links

Timetable September

Click on the links below for useful tips and guides for keeping children safe online.


Y4 Objectives in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science



