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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.


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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Thursday 3rd September

    Thu 03 Sep 2020
    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Thank you for all your support today. Arriving at the allocated time has really helped. Please can this continue.

    School will need to tweak arrangements for next week so please keep an eye out for web information and school texts. We have worked so hard to arrange the day safely for our community and if we all keep to it..... it works!

    If you have more than one child in school, please talk to the office to arrange one time to collect your children - if you haven't already done so. This is one of the times when parents are having to wait around and we are trying to minimise this.

    Everyone at St. Margaret's is so pleased to see the children and one another.

    The children have been a credit to you as parents and to school as well today, once again.

    I am so proud of us all.

    Next week there will be hot meals available from the kitchen and Smarties to support families. Please be patient as we try to get school back to our new normal.

    Thank you so much.

    Mrs. Perry.

  • Wednesday 2nd September

    Wed 02 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers.

    Can I say a huge 'Thank You' for today. This morning went really smoothly and the children were absolutely brilliant in class all day. It couldn't have gone better really.

    Pick up at the end of the day was more difficult because of the horrible weather. It is really important that children are picked up within the correct timeslot. Classes have been allocated a timeslot to limit the number of parents on the school premises at one time. A significant number of parents arrived very early today and as a result there were too many parents on the premises which caused congestion around the main entrance in particular.

    Please keep to the allocated timeslot, to keep us all safe.

    It was lovely to see everyone today. It was a great start!!

    Thank you for wearing your mask as well.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Tuesday 1st September - 2nd Update

    Tue 01 Sep 2020

    Good evening all,


    Staff have been in school today and we are ready for tomorrow. We will be on the path to help you all find your way to classes. As I said earlier, please keep the journey into school smooth and calm. I have discussed wearing masks with staff as we meet you. I will be wearing a mask and I ask that you do the same especially once on school grounds, due to the high level of cases in Bury including the Prestwich area..


    Please be patient tomorrow and in the coming days. We have to get 250 children in to school as safely as possible and you (Parents) off the premises as safely as possible. We will rise to the challenge!!! What I do believe is that our community - staff, children, parents, grandparents and carers will be happier now that children are back with their friends and with their teachers.


    The new Risk Assessment is on the website. 


    See you tomorrow ! :))


    Mrs Perry

  • Tuesday 1st September

    Tue 01 Sep 2020
    Good Morning everyone,


    I hope you have enjoyed your Bank Holiday. It was supposed to be very cool temperature wise. Personally, I found it very pleasant and I may regret not putting on any sun tan lotion this afternoon.!!


    I will be meeting with staff today to finalise plans to welcome everyone back on Wednesday. We are as ready as we can be and are looking forward to seeing everyone. Staff will be on hand to help you with drop-off arrangements. (See the Risk Assessment and additional information on the website).


    As you will know the number of C-19 cases is high in Bury (including in Whitefield and Prestwich). In light of this, I would ask again, that adults wear masks on their way to and from school, especially in the school grounds.  Please prepare your child for the fact that staff greeting your children into school may be wearing a mask. This will be at each staff members discretion. I will be wearing one. I have considered the effect of staff wearing masks and worrying the children,  compared with the strong message that we all need to put out about safety for us all. 
    Once in class, staff will not need to wear a mask. All the children will be told about arrangements in school and what is expected of them. They will spend the vast majority of their time in their classes and moving around school will be kept to a minimum. This is to keep them as safe as possible.


    It is extremely important that you tell your child that they must keep to the rules and do as they are told.


    As they come in to school all the children will use sanitiser and then be taken in to class. Leaving your child will be difficult after some time at home but this needs to be smooth so please prepare them for this.


    I will be in later with final arrangements. 


    Enjoy the rest of your day. Keep safe and I will see you soon.


    Mrs. Perry