Thursday 24th September - School Closure
Good afternoon all!
I am so sorry that I had to make the decision to close school today. My positive test result means that the whole school is affected. As you will appreciate as Head I need to move around school and sitting in my office all day is not realistic. This means that all the children and staff need to isolate. How long for is uncertain at the minute because other staff have also become unwell and await the result of a test. Despite our best efforts, the virus has spread quickly. This is reflected in schools across Bury and in Greater Manchester. We have been trying hard today to close the school safely and this morning there was a deep clean led by the Local Authority Cleaning Department.
Your teachers will be putting work on the class pages for you to complete so have a go and try your best.
Many of you have sent lovely emails asking how I am. The truth is, I have felt better, but I have felt worse too!! Thank you for all your positive comments about the school organisation, communication and for your best wishes for me and all the staff.
We will all be together as soon as we can.
Thank you for your support and patience.
Lots of love.
Mrs. Perry