Friday 25th September
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the end of another week I think it is safe to say that this was not the ending we expected or hoped for. Despite all school's substantial efforts, we had to close yesterday, and I think it might help you if I gave additional background to what has happened this week. I know that you want to know exactly who has tested positive and who is ill (because you care about your child's class adults and their classmates) and despite the fact that I am happy for you to know that I am one of the positive staff members, the guidelines state that staff / pupils' names must not be disclosed.
This is what has happened since last Friday:
- The Y5 bubble closed last Friday, due to a TA testing positive. This was closely followed by the class teacher.
- Two children in Y5 have tested positive.
- A Year 5 Out of School Playworker tested positive.
- A Year 2 lunchtime organiser tested positive, leading to that bubble being sent home,
- The Out of School Club closed due to a staff contact with the Y5 Playworker.
- The Headteacher confirmed a positive case (sorry guys it's me), with impact on whole school due to the fact that I have a duty of care for the whole school.
- Our deputy (Mr. Longworth) is a suspected case and awaiting a test result. This has a direct impact in Y6 and a potential impact on the whole school as senior leaders need to move round the whole school to ensure the risk assessment is being adhered to.
- There is a suspected case in Y4 with a child awaiting test results.
- There have been positive cases with two lunchtime organisers in unrelated classes.
- There are currently six positive staff members and several others poorly and awaiting test results.
This is the information I have today. As you can imagine, I have had to make the most difficult decisions possible. You as parents have been outstandingly supportive and I am very pleased that you have shared this overwhelmingly with my staff. They are here to support and help. If you have any worries / concerns / questions then please contact school via email.
You will be pleased to hear that although many staff are unwell they are still trying to support your children in whatever way they can, as am I.
As things stand we are hoping to reopen school on Tuesday 6th October. For now, let's keep in touch and support each other as a great St. Margaret's community,
We are here to help!
Lots of love,
Mrs. Perry