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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.


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  • Friday 10th July - Infant Class Update

    Fri 10 Jul 2020

    Good afternoon Parents and Carers, 


    I hope you are all having a lovely Friday afternoon. I promised more details about September and here it is. The process for allocating children in the infants to their next class would normally take place in the summer term. This has not been possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so this has to happen in September. 


    In the infants we have mixed age classes: 

    Willow – straight Reception 

    Lilac – Reception and Year 1. 

    Oak – Year 1 and Year 2. 

    Hawthorn – straight Year 2. 


    Whichever class your child is in, they are taught the curriculum for their year group. So for example, if your child is in Lilac Class and is in Year 1, they are taught the Year 1 curriculum etc.  


    There appears to be some misunderstanding about children remaining in the same year group as they are now. This will not happen. However, under the circumstances, in these unprecedented times, teachers will need to meet the children again after five months and make decisions on which teacher they would be best placed with. 


    Children who are now in Willow, Lilac and Oak Classes will go back to these classes for the first three days of the new term. There are two reasons for this: 

    1. To have a 'good goodbye with their teachers; 

    2. So that teachers can, at this point, discuss which teacher your child is having next year. 


    I know that many of you are anxious about what the new year will bring. We want the very best for your child and several factors will be considered in allocating a teacher: social and emotional well-being, phonics, reading writing and number skills. 


    I hope this gives some clarification. 


    Have a lovely evening. 

    Mrs. Perry 

  • Thursday 9thJuly 2nd update

    Thu 09 Jul 2020
    Dear Parents and Carers 
    I hope you have all had a good day?
    I know that staff have been arranging and leading Zoom meetings to support  your children as they move to their new classes. They seem to be going very well.  We are learning about what the children are looking forward to  and what they hope to achieve, which is lovely.  I know that you will appreciate how hard this has been in the circumstances and I thank you again for your amazing support. 
    School has been working as hard as it can to re-open the school for as many children as possible, safely and well. In accordance with Government guidelines we have welcomed back Years 6, 1, 5 and Reception although this has been a phased return to ensure safety. 
    The intention in September is to re-open school for all pupils. Again, this is in line with the Government's directives. I emailed parents and explained school's plans yesterday. Entry in to and out of school will be staggered as will lunchtimes and play times.  Once the children are in their class groups they will not need to socially distance from each other. Staff ,however, will still need to keep to the 2m distancing rule,More information to follow.
    In September, according to Government guidelines, school will welcome all the children back. Week 1 will be  an important three day transition for the infants in particular. In Week 2, school will start a transition week for our new Reception children, many of whom are siblings of children already in school. We can't wait to see them!!
    Miss Glover and Miss Gaff have given great thought to our new Reception children. Packs of information about the school and what to expect,  have been delivered to our new children. Unfortunately our teddy bears picnics have had to be postponed this week because of the rain and I know!! that teddies do not like to be soggy. More information to follow for our new families very soon. 
    I am so proud of our staff, children and parents. The support given since March has been a credit to us all. Thank you so much!
    Have a lovely evening.
    Mrs. Perry. :)
  • Thursday 9th July

    Thu 09 Jul 2020

    Good Afternoon Parents and Carers,

    Hopefully the weather is now turning and we might begin to enjoy some summer weather. In today’s update, we would like to inform you that Mrs Owen will sadly be leaving us at the end of term. She has worked at the school for 14 years and is now starting a new business venture and I am sure like us you will want to wish her all the success for the future. She has been a dedicated member of the team and has cared and nurtured every child who has been fortunate to be in her class. She will be missed by colleagues, parents and children and we are sure that her business, Zenic Wellbeing will be a huge success.

    Take care,

    Mrs P :)


  • Wednesday 8th July

    Wed 08 Jul 2020

    Good afternoon Parents and Carers

    I hope you are all well. I have been working on the arrangements for September today. There will be more information to follow, but generally speaking those going into the juniors will go to their new classes on Wednesday 2nd September. Their current teachers and teaching assistants are thinking about the best way to support their transition, especially for children in year groups that have not been able to be in school at all. Because of current arrangements it has been a huge task to get as many children in to school. We have tried to keep in touch as often as possible.

    Children who are now in Willow, Lilac and Oak Classes will go back to these classes for the first three days of the new term. There are two reasons for this:

    1. To have a 'good goodbye with their teachers;

    2. So that teachers can assess  (informally) which of our mixed aged classes the children will be placed in.  

    This year things are likely to be different. Some children have completed a lot of work while at home. Others have not. This is absolutely fine! However, it may mean that some children will stay in their current class so that they can 'catch up and so that school can 'plug the gaps' of what they need to move to their next steps in education. Decisions will be made on what will be best for the child and in consultation with you. 

    I know that many of you are anxious about what the new year will bring. We will work with you to allay your concerns and to welcome all the children back as safely and well as possible.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Mrs. Perry

    PS. I haven't seen the frogs for a few days.... but I have just found a big spider in the garage as I was cleaning it out. It's my own fault because I have let the garage get in a bit of a mess!!

  • Monday 6th July

    Mon 06 Jul 2020
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    ​Good evening Parents and Carers

    I hope you are all well?

    School re-opened for a small number of Year 5s today and it was really lovely to see them. All the children seem to have grown and got tall!

    The weather seems to have improved for the better this afternoon so we managed to get outside for a while (in our bubbles of course!!)

    When there are any known arrangements for September, I will let you know.

    Have a lovely evening!

    Lots of love.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Sunday 5th July

    Sun 05 Jul 2020

    Hi guys

    I hope you have had a lovely weekend?

    The rain has been relentless where I am. BUT.... I did manage to harvest some lovely strawberries, lots of raspberries and lots of redcurrants. I didn't plant a redcurrant bush in my back garden so it would appear it has adopted me and the crop this year is fab!! 

    I look forward to welcoming Year 5 back tomorrow. :)

    Lots of love to you all.

    Char and J are at home with me. We spent half an hour trying to decide what to have for tea.Despite being to Lidl for the weekly shop we can't decide on a single thing!! What's that about!!

    Mrs. Perry


  • Friday 3rd July

    Fri 03 Jul 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers

     I hope you are well coming to the end of another week? School looks forward to re-opening for Year 5 next Monday.  

    Several parents have asked about St. Margaret's opening over summer for a summer scheme. We did run a very successful scheme for the first time in October. Our plans for Easter were interrupted by lockdown.

    Our intention was to have our first scheme over summer. However, there is an emergency situation arising involving the school drains. Last Monday I arrived in school to find that there was not one useable adult toilet available in the school building. Further investigations today show that part of the drainage system needs digging up and replacing. This includes both inside and outside school. Therefore, school need to shut over summer.

    However, I have been working with the Local Authority to try to make alternative arrangements at other venues. I have been told today that information will be available next week.

    I am also reading through the Government guidelines issued yesterday. As you probably know, the expectation is that all children will return in September. Clearly, our thoughts are now turning to how this can be done, safely and well.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Lots of love.

    Mrs. Perry

  • Thursday 02 July

    Thu 02 Jul 2020
    Good evening all:)

    I hope that you have had a lovely day?

    I have been doing class reports and really enjoying doing them. I know that for most of you we haven't seen you for some time but I think it is important that school celebrates what your child(ren) did do before lockdown. It was after all half the year.

    As you can see the Government is making plans to re-open schools for ALL children in September. At St. Margaret's we will do what I shared earlier this week.

    Your child will return to their current class and teacher if they are in Reception and Year 1. Years 2 upwards will go to their new class but there will be the opportunity for closure and transition to the next class. Your children will have all sorts of worries: where the toilets are; who is their new teacher; where will they go in in a morning and be picked up?? We will address these questions in the week they return in September. If your child has a real worry that is bothering them then please let me know. Individuals should not come into school ideally but we are here for you and if there is a need we will sort it!.

    On a more fun front you may like to know that my peas are growing nicely as are some of the beans. Not having a great success with my snap dragons this year which is a great shame as they were my husbands huge favourite :(

    Lots of love to you all.

    Mrs. Perry
