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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Thursday 02 July

Good evening all:)

I hope that you have had a lovely day?

I have been doing class reports and really enjoying doing them. I know that for most of you we haven't seen you for some time but I think it is important that school celebrates what your child(ren) did do before lockdown. It was after all half the year.

As you can see the Government is making plans to re-open schools for ALL children in September. At St. Margaret's we will do what I shared earlier this week.

Your child will return to their current class and teacher if they are in Reception and Year 1. Years 2 upwards will go to their new class but there will be the opportunity for closure and transition to the next class. Your children will have all sorts of worries: where the toilets are; who is their new teacher; where will they go in in a morning and be picked up?? We will address these questions in the week they return in September. If your child has a real worry that is bothering them then please let me know. Individuals should not come into school ideally but we are here for you and if there is a need we will sort it!.

On a more fun front you may like to know that my peas are growing nicely as are some of the beans. Not having a great success with my snap dragons this year which is a great shame as they were my husbands huge favourite :(

Lots of love to you all.

Mrs. Perry
