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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Wednesday 8th July

Good afternoon Parents and Carers

I hope you are all well. I have been working on the arrangements for September today. There will be more information to follow, but generally speaking those going into the juniors will go to their new classes on Wednesday 2nd September. Their current teachers and teaching assistants are thinking about the best way to support their transition, especially for children in year groups that have not been able to be in school at all. Because of current arrangements it has been a huge task to get as many children in to school. We have tried to keep in touch as often as possible.

Children who are now in Willow, Lilac and Oak Classes will go back to these classes for the first three days of the new term. There are two reasons for this:

1. To have a 'good goodbye with their teachers;

2. So that teachers can assess  (informally) which of our mixed aged classes the children will be placed in.  

This year things are likely to be different. Some children have completed a lot of work while at home. Others have not. This is absolutely fine! However, it may mean that some children will stay in their current class so that they can 'catch up and so that school can 'plug the gaps' of what they need to move to their next steps in education. Decisions will be made on what will be best for the child and in consultation with you. 

I know that many of you are anxious about what the new year will bring. We will work with you to allay your concerns and to welcome all the children back as safely and well as possible.

Have a lovely evening.

Mrs. Perry

PS. I haven't seen the frogs for a few days.... but I have just found a big spider in the garage as I was cleaning it out. It's my own fault because I have let the garage get in a bit of a mess!!
