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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Thursday 9thJuly 2nd update

Dear Parents and Carers 
I hope you have all had a good day?
I know that staff have been arranging and leading Zoom meetings to support  your children as they move to their new classes. They seem to be going very well.  We are learning about what the children are looking forward to  and what they hope to achieve, which is lovely.  I know that you will appreciate how hard this has been in the circumstances and I thank you again for your amazing support. 
School has been working as hard as it can to re-open the school for as many children as possible, safely and well. In accordance with Government guidelines we have welcomed back Years 6, 1, 5 and Reception although this has been a phased return to ensure safety. 
The intention in September is to re-open school for all pupils. Again, this is in line with the Government's directives. I emailed parents and explained school's plans yesterday. Entry in to and out of school will be staggered as will lunchtimes and play times.  Once the children are in their class groups they will not need to socially distance from each other. Staff ,however, will still need to keep to the 2m distancing rule,More information to follow.
In September, according to Government guidelines, school will welcome all the children back. Week 1 will be  an important three day transition for the infants in particular. In Week 2, school will start a transition week for our new Reception children, many of whom are siblings of children already in school. We can't wait to see them!!
Miss Glover and Miss Gaff have given great thought to our new Reception children. Packs of information about the school and what to expect,  have been delivered to our new children. Unfortunately our teddy bears picnics have had to be postponed this week because of the rain and I know!! that teddies do not like to be soggy. More information to follow for our new families very soon. 
I am so proud of our staff, children and parents. The support given since March has been a credit to us all. Thank you so much!
Have a lovely evening.
Mrs. Perry. :)