Wednesday 28th April
Dear Parents and Carers,
The week is proceeding well in school. Things just seem to be slightly easier and calmer since we returned after Easter. This is helped by parents bringing the children at the allocated times. It makes such a difference, thank you.
I am very pleased to hear the news that having just the first jab seems to reduce the chance of transmission by around 40%. Unlike me!!! you young ones will still be waiting for your first jab so please keep adhering to the regulations. The first priority for us at St. Margaret's is to welcome the children back safely and then to keep them here.
COVID has taken a toll on all of us and for some of our families significantly. Please be re-assured that when your children are in school they are trying their best in class and they are enjoying themselves when playing with their friends on the playground.
As always, if you feel the need to speak to staff about a concern, we are on hand before and after school. (Rain or shine!!)
Have a lovely evening.
Mrs. Perry.