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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Our Curriculum Overview

Our Curriculum Overview


Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me

Year 1

I can tell you

some ways I am different from my friends

I understand these differences make

us all special and unique

I can tell you how I felt when I succeeded in a new challenge and how I celebrated it

I know how to store the feelings of success in my internal treasure chest

I can tell you why I think my body is amazing and can identify some ways to keep it safe and healthy

I can recognise how being healthy

helps me to feel happy

I can tell you why I appreciate someone who is special to me and express how I feel about them

I respect my body and understand which parts are private

Year 2

I can identify some ways in which my friend is different from me

I can tell you why I value this difference about him/her

I can explain some of the ways I worked cooperatively in my group to create the end product

I can express how it felt to be working as part of this group

I can make some healthy snacks and explain why

they are good for my body

I can express how it feels to share healthy food with my friends

I can identify some of the things that cause conflict between me and my friends

I can demonstrate how to use the positive problem solving technique to resolve conflicts with my friends

I can tell you what I like/don’t like

about being a boy/


Year 3

I can tell you about a time when my words affected someone’s feelings and what the consequences were

I can give and receive compliments and know how this feels

I can evaluate my own learning process and identify how it can be better next time

I am confident in sharing my success with others and know how to store my feelings of success in my internal treasure chest

I can identify things, people and places that I need to keep safe from, and can tell you some strategies for keeping myself safe including who to go to for help

I can express how being anxious or scared feels

I can explain how some of the actions and work of people around the world help and influence my life and can show an awareness of how this could affect my choices

I recognise how I feel about changes happening to me and know how to cope with these feelings

Year 4

I can tell you a time when my

first impression of

someone changed as I got to know them

I can explain why it is good to accept people for who they are

I know how to make a new plan and set new goals even if I have been disappointed

I know what it means to be

resilient and to have a positive attitude

I can recognise when people are putting me under pressure and can explain ways to resist this when I want to

I can identify feelings of anxiety and fear associated with peer pressure

I can explain different points of view on an animal rights issue and express my own opinion and feelings on this

I can identify what I am looking forward to when I am in Year 5

I can reflect on the changes I would like to make when I am in Year 5 and can describe how to go about this

Year 5

I can explain the differences between direct and indirect types of bullying

I know some ways to encourage children who use bullying behaviours to make other choices and know how to support children who are being bullied

I can describe the dreams and goals of a young person in a culture

different from mine and can reflect on how these relate to my own

I can describe the different roles food can play in people’s lives and can explain how people can develop eating problems (disorders)

relating to body image pressures

I respect and value my body

I can explain how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with my friends

I can recognise and resist pressures to use technology in ways that may be risky or cause harm to myself or others

I can express how I feel about the changes that will happen to me during puberty

Year 6

I can explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration and can show empathy with people in either situation

I can describe some ways in which I can work with other people to help make the world a better place

I can identify why I am motivated to do this

I can evaluate when alcohol is being used responsibly, antisocially or being misused   

I can tell you how I feel about using alcohol when I am older and my reasons for this

I can recognise when people are trying to gain power or control

I can demonstrate ways I could stand up for myself and my friends in situations where others are trying to gain power or control

I recognise how I feel when I

reflect on the development and birth of a baby


Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me


I can learn right from wrong.

I can help to make our class rules and try to follow them.

All about Me (How I am unique)


Owl Babies

Positive affirmations

I can celebrate my achievements.

Understanding of self-care and my health.

I am learning to look after my own health.



Brushing teeth


Hand washing


Healthy food

I have an awareness of my role in different relationships. Being a good friend.


Staff in school.

Other adults.

I have an awareness of my own body and which parts are private to me.


Celebrating Difference - Autumn 2


            Working towards                                Working at

Working Beyond

Year 1

I can talk about one thing that makes me different from my friends

I can tell you one thing that is special about me

I can talk about one thing that makes me different from my friends

I understand these differences make us all special and unique

I can describe a variety of ways that I am different from my friends

I can tell you why I am proud of the things that make me special

Year 2

I can name one way that my friend is different from me

I can give a reason why my friend is special to me

I can identify some ways in

which my friend is different from


I can tell you why I value this difference about him/her

I can compare myself with a friend and describe the

similarities and differences between us

I can express how I feel about our similarities and differences

Year 3

I can tell you something I’ve said that made someone happy or unhappy

I know how to give a compliment

I can tell you about a time when my words affected someone’s feelings and what the consequences were

I can give and receive compliments and know how this feels

I can recognise and describe a time when my words affected someone‘s feelings and explain the effect this had on our relationship

I can give and receive genuine compliments and know how this feels and affects me and the other person

Year 4

I can tell you about my first impressions of someone

I know it is good to try to get to know someone before making judgements about them

I can tell you a time when my first impression of someone changed as I got to know them

I can explain why it is good to accept people for who they are

I can use a variety of examples to show how first impressions can be misleading

I can consider how I form my opinions of people and explain why it is good to accept people for who they are

Year 5

I can give some examples of bullying behaviours including direct and indirect types

I can tell you why bullying is hurtful and wrong

I can explain the differences between direct and indirect types of bullying

I know some ways to encourage children who use bullying behaviours to make other choices and know how to support children who are being bullied

I can consider a range of bullying behaviours and

understand the impact these may have

I can recognise some of the reasons and feelings that motivate some children to bully and suggest why some children are the victims of bullying

Year 6

I can tell you some ways that difference can be a source of conflict in people’s lives and can express how I feel about this

I can explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration and can show empathy with people in either situation

I can talk about one thing that makes me different from my friends

I can express how I feel about this

Dreams and Goals - Spring 1


            Working towards                                Working at

Working Beyond

Year 1

I can tell you about a challenge that I succeeded in

I can tell you why this made me feel good about myself

I can tell you how I felt when I succeeded in a new challenge and how I celebrated it

I know how to store the feelings of success in my internal treasure chest

I can tell you about what helped me to succeed in a new challenge and describe how I felt about my success

I can choose how to celebrate my success and know how to store it in my internal treasure chest

Year 2

I can tell you what I did to help my group create the end product

I can say how I felt about working in the group

I can explain some of the ways I worked cooperatively in my group to create the end product

I can express how it felt to be working as part of this group

I can explain how my own and other people’s contributions helped the group to create the end product

I can explain what felt good and what felt difficult about working in our group

Year 3

I can tell you something I did well in a learning challenge and something I want to get better at

I am happy to talk about what I did well and use it to make me feel good about myself

I can evaluate my own learning process and identify how it can be better next time

I am confident in sharing my success with others and know how to store my feelings of success in my internal treasure chest

I can recognise and express my strengths in tackling a learning challenge and I can plan steps to help me do better next time

I am confident to share with others both my success and the difficulties I faced, and I know how to store my feelings of success in my internal treasure chest

Year 4

I know that things I try to do can go wrong and can tell you why it is good to try again

I can overcome disappointment and look ahead to the next time

I know how to make a new plan and set new goals even if I have been disappointed

I know what it means to be resilient and to have a positive attitude

I can deal with disappointment by analysing what went wrong and I can use the lessons from a bad experience to help me plan new goals

I can explain how resilience and a positive attitude contribute to a greater chance of success

Year 5

I can suggest examples of dreams and goals a young person might have in a culture different from mine and compare these with my own

I can describe the dreams and goals of a young person in a culture different from mine and can reflect on how these relate to my own

I can describe the dreams and goals of a young person in a culture different from mine and account for the similarities and differences with my own dreams and goals

I can evaluate the ways in which our opportunities and life chances are different

Year 6

I can tell you about something I can do, working with other people, to help make the world a better place

I can tell you how I feel about people in the world who face hardship in their lives

I can describe some ways in which I can work with other people to help make the world a better place

I can identify why I am motivated to do this

I can describe a range of ways in which I can work with other people to make the world a better place, and explain and justify my group’s chosen course of action

I can show how our choice is based on an awareness of the experience and the needs of the people affected

Healthy Me - Spring 2


            Working towards                                Working at

Working Beyond

Year 1

I can tell you something amazing about how my body works and something I need to do to keep it safe and healthy

I know that my body is special and I need to take care of it

I can tell you why I think my body is amazing and can identify some ways to keep it safe and healthy

I can recognise how being healthy helps me to feel happy

I can describe many ways that my body is amazing and I can talk about ways to keep it safe and healthy, and some things that might harm it if I am not careful

I know that healthy choices make me feel good about myself and I can tell you how

being healthy helps me to feel


Year 2

I can make a healthy snack with

help, and I can tell you why it is good for my body

I can say how I feel about eating healthy food

I can make some healthy snacks and explain why they are good for my body

I can express how it feels to share healthy food with my friends

I can identify and prepare snacks that are healthy, and explain my choice by saying why they are good for my body

I can compare my own and my friends’ choices and can express how it feels to make and share healthy food together

Year 3

I can name some things I need to keep myself safe from and I can tell you who I can go to for help if I feel unsafe

I know how to tell someone if I feel scared

I can identify things , people and places that I need to keep safe from, and can tell you some strategies for keeping myself safe including who to go to for help

I can express how being anxious or scared feels

I can judge the levels of risk involved in different situations and I can select and describe suitable strategies for keeping myself safe, including knowing

how to seek help and from


I can express and respond appropriately to feelings of anxiety or fear

Year 4

I can tell you how I would say ‘no’ if someone tries to make me do something that I know is wrong or bad for me

I can say how it feels when someone else is pushing me to

do something

I can recognise when people are putting me under pressure and can explain ways to resist this when I want to

I can identify feelings of anxiety and fear associated with peer pressure

I can explain, with a variety of examples, situations where I may experience peer pressure and I can suggest a number of strategies for dealing with this

I can identify feelings of anxiety and fear associated with peer pressure and I know how to manage these feelings when making healthy choices

Year 5

I can give some reasons why people may worry about how their bodies look, and I can compare healthy and unhealthy ways that people use food in their lives

I can tell you why my body is good the way it is

I can describe the different roles food can play in people’s lives and can explain how people can develop eating problems (disorders) relating to body image pressures

I respect and value my body

I can describe and evaluate the different roles food can play in people’s lives, and I can explain the links between body image pressures and the various eating disorders people can develop

I respect and value my body and I understand the part this plays in maintaining my self confidence

Year 6

I can give examples of safe and unsafe ways in which people can use alcohol

I can tell you how I feel about using alcohol when I am older

I can evaluate when alcohol is being used responsibly, antisocially or being misused  

I can tell you how I feel about using alcohol when I am older and my reasons for this

I can give an account of the different ways in which people in our society use alcohol as part of their lifestyle and distinguish between responsible use, anti-social use and misuse

I can reflect on my own feelings about alcohol use and consider what my attitude may be when

I am older

Relationships - Summer 1


            Working towards                                Working at

Working Beyond

Year 1

I can name someone who is special to me and tell you why I like them

I can tell you why I appreciate someone who is special to me

and express how I feel about


I can talk about someone who is special to me and I can tell you why I appreciate them and why I think we get on well together

I can tell you how I feel about my relationship with this person

Year 2

I can give an example of something that causes conflict between me and my friends

I can say how we could settle this conflict using the positive problem solving technique

I can identify some of the things that cause conflict between me and my friends

I can demonstrate how to use the positive problem solving technique to resolve conflicts with my friends

I can identify a range of things that cause conflict between me and my friends and explain why these conflicts arise

I can demonstrate how to use the positive problem solving technique to resolve these conflicts and consider how effective it might be

Year 3

I can name some examples of things I use every day that have been produced by people in other parts of the world

I know I depend on other people and other people depend on me

I can explain how some of the actions and work of people around the world help and influence my life and can show an awareness of how this could affect my


I can explain how some of the actions and work of people around the world help and influence my life, and how the things we buy and use affect their livelihood

I can express a sense of the responsibility we have for each other because of these connections

Year 4

I can express what I think and feel about an animal rights issue and I can tell you at least one

point of view that is different

from mine

I can explain different points of view on an animal rights issue and express my own opinion and feelings on this

I can explain and weigh up different points of view people may hold on an animal rights issue and I can take these into account in expressing and justifying my own opinions and feelings on this

Year 5

I can tell you some basic rules about how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with my friends

I can tell you some reasons why using technology to communicate could lead to harm for myself or others

I can explain how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with my friends

I can recognise and resist pressures to use technology in ways that may be risky or cause harm to myself or others

I can compare and contrast safe and unsafe uses of technology to communicate with friends and describe strategies that will keep me safe

I can explain the pressures that might make me or others use technology in risky or harmful ways and consider how best to resist those pressures

Year 6

I can give an example of a situation where someone tries to ‘boss’ or control other people

I can suggest a good way of standing up to someone who behaves like that

I can recognise when people are trying to gain power or control

I can demonstrate ways I could stand up for myself and my friends in situations where others are trying to gain power or control

I can analyse and explain some of the methods people can use to try to gain power and control over others, in both obvious and hidden ways

I can consider ways of standing up for myself and my friends in such situations, and judge between those likely to be effective and those that may aggravate the problem

Changing Me - Summer 2


            Working towards                                Working at

Working Beyond

Year 1

I know the main body parts that make boys and girls different and I recognise the correct names for these

I know that some parts of my body are private

I can identify the parts of the body that make boys different to girls

I respect my body and understand which parts are


I respect my body and I understand how to keep certain parts private, and I can tell you when I should and should not talk about these

Year 2

I can correctly name the main parts of the body that make boys and girls different and I know these are parts we keep private

I can tell you something that I either like or dislike about being a boy/girl

I can recognise the physical differences between boys and girls, and appreciate that some parts of my body are private

I can tell you what I like/don’t like about being a boy/girl

I can talk about the physical differences with respect and understand how to protect my own and others’ privacy

I can explain how I feel about being a boy/girl and talk about what I like and dislike about it

Year 3

I can tell you some of the ways that boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the inside as they grow up.

I can tell you something I like and something that worries me about the idea of growing up

I can identify how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the inside during the growing up process and can tell you why these changes are necessary

I recognise how I feel about these changes happening to me and know how to cope with these feelings

I can express how I feel about these changes happening to me and can weigh up the positives and the negatives, and I understand how to manage these feelings

Year 4

I can describe something I am looking forward to when I am in Year 5

I can tell you something that I think I can change for myself

when I am in Year 5

I can identify what I am looking forward to when I am in Year 5

I can reflect on the changes I would like to make when I am in Year 5 and can describe how to go about this

I can explain the changes I am looking forward to when I am in Year 5, and I can identify which changes are within my control

I can consider and prioritise the changes I would like to make in Year 5 and can plan the

approaches I will use to tackle these changes

Year 5

I can identify some changes that happen to girls’ and boys’ bodies during puberty

I know my body will change during puberty and I can tell you how I feel about that

I can describe how boys’ and girls’ bodies change during puberty

I can express how I feel about the changes that will happen to me during puberty

I can consider how changes to my body will affect me and

prepare myself for the feelings I may experience

Year 6

I can identify the main stages by which a baby develops through conception, pregnancy and birth and I can tell you some words that describe my feelings about this

I can describe how a baby develops from conception through the nine months of pregnancy, and how it is born and

I recognise how I feel when I reflect on the development and birth of a baby

I can reflect on how this experience of having a baby might feel from the point of view of a parent, and express my own thoughts and

feelings about it
