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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Willow class information

Willow Class/ Reception information



Please make sure your child comes to school in full uniform with coat, jumper/cardigan what ever the weather. We all so ask that children bring their book bag containing their reading book as well as a bottle of water to school each day that they can access throughout the day. 



Please try to read each night even if its two or three pages. Daily reading is fundamental when learning to read and write. It is also good to read over a book again to recap and embed previous learning and skills. Reading books are changed twice a week. 

Books will only be changed if children have read at home and their reading record has been signed by an adult. 


Please support your child by reading with them daily (10 mins) each day.



Library books:

Library books are changed on a Friday, Please make sure library books are in school. If library books are not returned a reminded will be sent home. Children will not be able to choose a new book until previously borrowed books are returned.


Key word books: 

Each Friday we will send home 6 high frequency words to practise reading over the week.

High frequency words are mainly words that can not be sounded out and are learnt by sight recognition. At this stage children are not expected to write them just recognise them by sight. They need to be learnt daily. We will assess the children the following Friday. Please make sure key word books are kept in reading wallets at all times so we can access them if needed in school.



At the end of each week we will send home a phonics work book containing activities on the 4 sounds that we have learnt over the week. This will allow children to practise and embed learning of phonics from the week. These work books are to be completed at your leisure. They do not need to be returned to school but we do ask that you record work at home and progress on Tapestry as an observation that will be recorded as evidence towards their learning journey profile.  



    Children do not need to bring PE kits to school. This year all classes will be asked to come to school in PE kits for the day. Reception PE day is Thursday. Coach Leon takes PE sessions. Children can change into PE pumps in school or come to school in trainers.



    Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time in the Foundation Stage. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and record learning and development in and outside of the classroom to  create a 'whole' picture of your child.


    We ask that you record and share any development in your child's progress, development and learning which we will celebrate in class with your child. 


    If you have any problems with Tapestry please speak to Miss Glover who will be happy to help. 
