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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Funky Fingers

Week Beginning 01.03.2021

This week for funky fingers I would like the children to play a game of finger football. All you need is a bit of paper screwed up to make your football. Then create two goals, you can just use two pieces of pasta as your posts or two lego bricks. Once you have set up, then the game begins! The aim is to flick the paper football to get it into the goal. You could play against the children to make it exciting. Best of 3 wins! Enjoy! 🌟🙌🏻⚽️🥅

Week Beginning 08.02.2021

This week I would like the children to make their own paint brushes and use them to paint a picture. I have added some pictures below of how to make them. Using either of these ideas would encourage fine motor skills by the children having to peg the objects or by having to tie a bobble or band around the sticks. The children can then paint pictures which again uses their motor skills and supports pencil control. I have also added two recipes to make your own paint if you don't have any at home.

Week Beginning 01.02.2021


This weeks funky fingers activity is writing in play dough with a cocktail stick (or any thin stick/skewer). The children can have a go at writing their name or even practise their phonics through writing the words and sounds in the playdough. 

This will work the children's fingers as it will take control and strength to move the stick through the play dough. 

Have fun. 🌟

Week Beginning 25.01.2021

The funky fingers activity for this week is a fun and maybe a little messy one. I would like the children to make a picture out of cooked spaghetti. This can be a smiley face, a car, a house, anything the children want. I have added a picture below of how to colour it if you would like to. As the cooked spaghetti is soft and flexible it will ensure the children concentrate and have control in their hands and fingers when placing the spaghetti where they want it to go. You don't need a lot of spaghetti for this. Have fun. 😊

Once the children have finished their pictures you could then practise their scissor skills by cutting up the spaghetti into little pieces.
