Tuesday 1st September - 2nd Update
Good evening all,
Staff have been in school today and we are ready for tomorrow. We will be on the path to help you all find your way to classes. As I said earlier, please keep the journey into school smooth and calm. I have discussed wearing masks with staff as we meet you. I will be wearing a mask and I ask that you do the same especially once on school grounds, due to the high level of cases in Bury including the Prestwich area..
Please be patient tomorrow and in the coming days. We have to get 250 children in to school as safely as possible and you (Parents) off the premises as safely as possible. We will rise to the challenge!!! What I do believe is that our community - staff, children, parents, grandparents and carers will be happier now that children are back with their friends and with their teachers.
The new Risk Assessment is on the website.
See you tomorrow ! :))
Mrs Perry