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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Year 6 News

Friday 15th September, 2023.


7.00am Our final day! We are already up and dressed for our breakfast and then we shall be tidying up and packing. We will then be off to our last activities before having lunch and leaving for home. We will update you with our travel progress here! 


2.00pm What a busy morning! Breakfast, tidying our rooms, packing, aeroball, laserquest and dinner. We are now on the coach and, traffic allowing, hope to be at school before 3.30pm. Please keep an eye on the school app for further updates! See you soon! 

Thursday 14th September, 2023.


9.45am Breakfast is done and we are on our first activities of the day: half the group is on Jacob’s Ladder or the low ropes and the other half are on the climbing wall. Both of these are climbing activities so we have our helmets and harnesses on. After a break, the groups will swap! 

2.55pm After lunch (pasties, chips and beans!), we have tidied our rooms and are now about to climb Jacob’s Ladder or the climbing wall. Our new headteacher, Miss. Whiteside, has joined us - she hasn’t been to Dearne Valley before so she has really enjoyed seeing what this trip involves and spending some time with the children. 

8.00pm Our final evening activity is the campfire. We sang songs and enjoyed toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate! 

Wednesday 13th September, 2023.

9.30am Today is a bright day! No rain! We had breakfast at 7.45am and are now at one of the site’s ponds (see photo gallery) where we are raft building! After the build, we will be testing our rafts on the pond! Wish us luck - this might be a rather wet activity. 

10.00pm Lights are off and we have silence along our corridor! It’s been a busy day - after our raft-building exploits (and a hot shower!) we tried our hand at archery and the high-ropes! This involved more climbing (see the photo gallery) and we all did really well at beating our fears and trying to get as high as we could. Our evening activity was a walk into the local hills to see the wonderful views. This may be why we are so tired and happy to climb into bed! 

Tuesday 12th September, 2023.


9.30am We were up early for a 7.45am breakfast - there were cereals, fruit, yoghurt and a cooked breakfast, available. This morning’s activities see us kayaking and crate building. The weather is not great, today, with steady rain. 

9.30pm Hello! Sorry for the late update - seem to have had signal issues, today. We have had a lot of rain, today, but the children have got on with the activities and had a great time. It was lovely to see them kayaking and crate building (this involves building a tower that the children climb with the use of harnesses and safety ropes). Our last activity was art-based and (thankfully!) indoors. The children got creative and made a robot using various materials. Staff have just checked everyone and turned the lights off for a slightly earlier night. Hopefully, tomorrow will be dryer! 


Monday 11th September, 2023.


11.30am Good morning, everyone! The children are in class watching a film. We will shortly have dinner and then board the coach! 
I will keep you updated with our daily activities right here on the class page and add some photographs into the gallery below!

Please keep your fingers crossed for dry weather! 

2.30pm We are about 15 minutes away from the centre, where we will discover which children are the fastest at bed-making! 

I did worry that I would nod off on the journey (due to a belly full of cake-pops!) but Year 6 entertained us with the Backstreet Boys on a continuous loop! 

3.00pm We have safely arrived! 

8.00pm We have enjoyed two activities, so far. ‘Bushcraft skills’ saw us foraging for materials in the woods to build shelters (please see the photo gallery). We then went for tea - choices were pizza and chips, chicken casserole or chilli with a doughnut to finish! ‘Mini Olympics’ is our final activity where we are playing fun games beneath the evening sky! 

Tuesday 11th July, 2023.


4.10pm - We are currently on the motorway and are scheduled to be back at school on time (for 4.30pm), give or take a few minutes. We have had a great day - despite a torrential downpour and not everyone bringing a coat! We would highly recommend Bewilderwood! 

SATs results have been published, today. We will be sending these home with the children in an envelope addressed to parents/carers. The Year 6 team are delighted with each and every child for the effort they have put into this year. ♥️

Monday 10th July, 2023.


Tomorrow, we are heading out to Bewilderwood Adventure Park in Cheshire. We will be leaving as soon as we can after registration, so please be on time. Children can wear their own clothes but these must be suitable for climbing activities and for the weather! We have advised the children to wear trainers, sun-cream and to bring a rain coat! Strictly no sliders! Children will also need a packed lunch and maybe a couple of bottles of water - you can bring a disposable lunch or a back-pack, if you prefer. If you want to bring money, no more than £5.00, please, for ice-cream. The coach will arrive back at school for 4.30pm and we will send the children out from the main reception/school-office door or send your child to Smarties, if they are due to be there. We will update the class page if there are any delays. 


A letter with details about our leavers' assembly will also go out, today.

Friday 7th July, 2023.


Another week down and two to go! Where has the time gone?! Year 6 seem to have enjoyed their day visiting their high schools, this week, and preparing their fajitas. 


Spellings and reading records have been sent home for home-work.


We have asked the children if they can send us one baby/toddler photograph in so we can make a power-point for the class leaving assembly. We will send home a letter on Monday, to remind you! You can email them to Mrs. Devine via the class email address. 


Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday 5th July, 2023.


Today sees our children visit their new high schools. We hope they have a wonderful day! I was rather sad to drive past a large group walking up to Parrenthorn High and wave at them! 

Friday 30th June, 2023.


On Wednesday, Year 6 spent the afternoon with Bury Youth Service who came in to talk about the transition to high school. This was done via a variety of tasks and the children had the opportunity to ask questions and share their feelings about moving on from St. Margaret's.



 Please can I remind parents and carers that the Bewilderwood trip payment and consent forms are due in ASAP. Thank-you so much to those that have returned them, already.

 Year 6 are cooking fajitas on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Children who observe a halal diet will be cooking first on the Monday. We did have some children absent and their friends have offered to send them the letter and let them know which day they are cooking on. Please contact us on the class email if you have questions. 


The children have worked really hard to make games for our Year 6 games room for the Summer Fair, today. Thank-you so, so much for your support. We are exceptionally lucky to have the families that we do who are always willing to help.


Eid Mubarak to our families who have celebrated, this week. We hope you had a happy and holy time! 


Hopefully, we will see some of you, later, at the fair. Enjoy your weekend! 

Friday 23rd June, 2023.



New spellings went out on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday on 29th June. The words are:


bellowed   screeched   squealed   shrieked   squawked   whispered   murmured   breathed   sighed

muttered   appreciate   desperate   harass   persuade   stomach



Please learn your spellings and read, read, read, again!



68% of the class brought their reading record in to be checked, today. Thank-you!




Our Summer Fair is to be held in school next Friday. Year 6 will be running a 'games room', like they did for the Christmas Fair. Please can children bring any spare boxes and any arts/crafts things for Monday so we can make our games?


On Wednesday, Year 6 went to Manchester Cathedral for our leavers' mass. There were several other Year 6 classes from across the diocese but we were definitely the best singers!  The children were impeccably behaved on the journey! It was a pleasure to take them out!


Have a great weekend, everyone! 

Friday 16th June, 2023.



As we did not manage to do our spelling test, this week (because we were very hot! ), the words will carry over to this week. The test will be on Thursday!


possibly   horribly   terribly   visibly   incredibly   sensibly   forcibly   legibly   forcibly   responsibly  reversibly   apparent   definite   guarantee   parliament   soldier



We have revised some of our arithmetic skills by trying a variety of maths puzzles.



We are reading 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by J.K. Rowling.

We have read more of the book and tried (it's very hot, remember! ) to write some more pieces on the characters we are encountering.  



Please learn your spellings and read, read, read, again!



Thank-you the children who handed their reading records in, today. Please remember to take your books with you when you are enjoying the sun in the garden! 



Did I mention that it has been hot, this week?!? What a scorcher it has been! I would be the first to admit that I am not lover of these tropical days!! It makes me sleepy! Please continue to remember your water bottles, sun-cream, sun-hats and sunglasses (and anything else prefixed with 'sun' that I may have forgotten! We are still sneaking some extra time outdoors as our classroom is quite warm! We enjoyed a small trip to the school field, too!!!!


Children have brought home several things, today. Please check their bags as we need some reply slips returning, ASAP:


- school photograph of Year 6 (sensible)

- school photograph of Year 6 (silly)

- letter regarding visit from school nurse on Monday

- letter regarding our school trip in July


A further letter will go out on Monday about our leavers' mass at the cathedral on Wednesday.


Have a great weekend!!!

Friday 9th June, 2023.



Spellings will be sent home very soon - the old photocopier gremlins have been busy and the machine is out of order. They will be:


possibly   horribly   terribly   visibly   incredibly   sensibly   forcibly   legibly   forcibly   responsibly  reversibly   apparent   definite   guarantee   parliament   soldier



We have revised some of our arithmetic skills by trying a variety of maths puzzles.



We are reading 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by J.K. Rowling.

The children have looked at the different vocabulary that appears in this book and have written their own setting description of 'Diagon Alley'.



Please learn your spellings and read, read, read!



Quite a number of children had forgotten their reading records, this Friday. We have reminded Year 6 that, at high school, this would likely get a detention, and they need to be responsible for their own school bags! Thank-you for your support with this.



As we enter our last half-term, the glorious sunshine continues! We are still finding time to sneak an extra ten minutes outside, when we can. Well, we have worked extremely hard to get through SATs so it is very deserved! With this in mind, please can children remember water bottles and sun-cream lotion? We are finding that the pollen count is affecting some children so please remember your morning anti-histamine, if necessary. 

Friday 19th May, 2023.



Spellings were sent home, today, ahead of the test on Thursday 25th May. The spellings are:


shoulder   smoulder   mould   poultry   soul   shallow   window   blown   known   thrown   

amateur   criticise   frequently   occur   sincere



We have revised some of our arithmetic skills by trying a variety of maths puzzles.



We have read 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. 



Please learn your spellings and read. Please hand your Reading Records in on Friday morning.



69% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. 



We have enjoyed some extra PE time, this week, and it was good to get outside, when the weather allowed. Today, we had a DT focussed day and planned and made our spy gadgets (based on the theme from the book we have been reading!) Apologies to the school cleaners for the mess! 

We wish everyone a super weekend!

Monday 15th May, 2023.


As part of our literacy work, we have read the book 'Storm-breaker' and have watched the film. The children designed a spy gadget, as part of their work, and we would like to make those gadgets on Friday. Please could you send in any spare craft materials that you might have - small card-boxes, tubes, foil, stickers etc. Children can also bring their coloured pens or pencils, if they wish. 



Going forward, weekly homework will be spellings and reading as, during the SATs months, the children have the booklets to complete, which is more than we would usually set. 

Friday 12th May, 2023.








SATs are finished! We are done! Hoorah! 


We are hugely proud of our children for navigating their way through this year's tricky SATs. Today's Reasoning paper was our final 40 minutes of testing and we are celebrating by watching 'Stormbreaker' - the book of which we have been reading in our English lessons - with our sweets! Much has been said, in the press and social media, about these year's SATs, and how difficult some children have found them. I definitely have more grey hairs today than I did on Monday!  But our Year 6 children have shown great resilience in battling their emotions and getting through. I feel that that is far more important than any results.


We thank-you, hugely, for getting them here on time and supporting them. Have a lovely weekend! 

Thursday 11th May, 2023.

Day three is completed! We have sat Arithmetic (30 minute paper) and the first Reasoning (worded mathematics problems - a 40 minute paper). Five papers down, 1/6 to go...

Wednesday 10th May, 2023.

Day two of SATs is ticked off! The children have completed their one hour Reading paper. The English papers are completed. Croissant, biscuits and juice have been consumed and extra break-time has been had. Three papers down, 3/6 to go...

Tuesday 9th May, 2023.

Day one of SATs has passed peacefully! The children have sat two papers - grammar and punctuation (45 minutes) and the spelling paper (15 minutes). The children thought it was 'okay', today! The administering of the papers was PUNCTUATED (see what I did there? ) with croissants, biscuits and juice. Two down, 4/6 papers to go...

Friday 5th May, 2023.



No spellings to learn for next week.



We have kept our brains active with arithmetic and revision. This has given us a chance to go over things that some of the children felt they weren't too sure about.



We have continued with writing as we need to work towards completing the pieces needed for our writing journals. We are currently working on a balanced argument on the subject of the evacuation of children during World War 2. This, of course, links in with our History topic.



Most of the class managed to hand in their revision books with at least four pages of English and four pieces of Maths completed. Some did more. 


Well done to Cody, Casey and Amelia who completed both of their books! Very impressive!


I feel that the most important thing is that each child feels they have done their best and that will always vary from child to child. Please see the letter that we have sent home with the children.



72% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. I am very pleased that a lot of our children seem to have a real love of reading and do not see it as 'homework'. I am a big advocate for reading as it helps to improve vocabulary, grammar and imagination, as well as being relaxing! 



This week has seen a fair balance of work and extra time to chat or play. We have added breaks in between most lessons and thrown in some films. We also managed to complete our competition entries - Crucial Crew, who we visited last week, have asked schools to produce a piece of art summing up what they had learned. The prize is £50.00, so we shall keep our fingers crossed. The children were a little confused when I said that, should any of our class win, I would be asking for my commission...I've asked them to look the meaning up...


The class will be open from 08:30 hours. Please do not be late as we cannot delay starting the tests. Please have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend and we see you next week.


The Year 6 Team

Friday 28th April, 2023.



Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 4th May. The spellings are:


challenge   protest   broadcast   benefit   charge   function   influence   interest   object   

damage   achieve   convenience   foreign   nuisance   shoulder



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

This week has involved revising arithmetic and looking at worded problems. This gives the children an opportunity to ask if they are unsure of anything we have already covered. 



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have focussed on revising grammar and looking at short reading comprehensions, again with the aim of revising anything the children feel they are struggling with.



I have asked that, between now and next Friday, the children do at least 4 pages of their English revision pages and 4 pages of the Maths. This way, the children can focus on the things they really want to revise and they can do more, if they wish, or stick to the 8 pages. I have also asked for a small amount of reading.



65% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. 



We very much enjoyed our afternoon with Crucial Crew. This was held at Rochdale AFC so it was nice to also see their pitch and stadium! We had talks from the Transport Police, Greater Manchester Police, Bury Live Well Service, Bury Youth Service, the Metrolink and Bury Road Safety. The children asked lots of questions and were excellent ambassadors for our school.

Don't forget that we have an extra long weekend with Monday being a Bank Holiday. See you Tuesday! 

Tuesday 21st April, 2023.

Tomorrow afternoon sees our ‘Crucial Crew’. Children should bring their usual packed lunch or order their preferred school dinner. Please wear your uniform. Thank-you!

Tuesday 21st April, 2023.


Good afternoon! I just wanted to share what we have been doing, this afternoon. Last week, Year 6 led an assembly about the Holocaust. We purchased candles from a charity called Yellow Candle which raises awareness of the Holocaust and remembers the victims. Each candle comes with a little card with the name of one of the victim and we were able to research them and find out more. This led to a debate about what awful things can happen when intolerance and hate are allowed to spread.


This afternoon, we talked about the Holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The mother of one of our Year 3 children came in to talk about Eid during collective worship (assembly) so this fitted rather well with our afternoon activities! Three of our Year 6 children made their own power-point and spoke to the class about what they do to celebrate - thank-you to Khaleel, Ayaan and Ibrahim for all their work. The children are clearly very proud of their religion and their heritage and it was lovely to see the take charge of the lesson and answer questions. We are so very proud of the class, today. I have added a photo of the boys to the photo gallery - they decided that teaching wasn't as easy as it looked! 


Please could I add a massive thank-you to Khaleel's dad who emailed me some fantastic photographs of their family's Eid celebrations. 

Friday 21st April, 2023.




Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 27th April. The spellings are:


programme   telegram   hologram   diagram   grammar   grammatical   parallelogram   monogram

programmer   program   according   controversy   familiar   neighbour   secretary



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

The children have looked at calculating ratio and reasoning questions involving ratio.  



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have read more of the book and written character descriptions. We have looked at various aspects of grammar and punctuation and completed comprehension tasks.  



I have asked that the children focus on reading, this weekend, with a signature from home. I have asked that the children try to look up at least one word - what type of word is it? What is its definition? I have also suggested that they might want to try reading out-loud, adding expression. Please return 'Reading Records' to school on Monday.



61% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. 



After a fabulous Easter break, it is good to be back into Year 6 life! It feels like we have had an exhausting week (but that may just be getting up early, again! ) The children are coming home with a newsletter from our wonderful PTA, today, with lots of information on raising funds for school. Please note that designs for the coronation art should be returned to school by the 26th April.

Wising everyone a great weekend and Eid Mubarak to our families celebrating tonight and tomorrow. 

Friday 31st March, 2023 



Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 20th April. The spellings are:


accommodate   accompany   access   accuse   accost   accrue   accuracy   accomplish  

accumulate   accentuate   accompany   conscious   explanation   necessary   sacrifice



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

We have tackled translation - moving shapes around on a grid based on co-ordinates and/or reflection. We have also practised some worded problems.



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have completed some grammar and punctuation work and read more of our book.   



We have set some English and Maths homework from the SATs homework books. The pages are:

English - 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54.

Maths - 31, 32, 42, 43, 55, 56, 68, 69, 84, 85.



65% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. This is a great improvement on past weeks and we are grateful for your support with this.



I think it is fair to say that we all deserve a rest after a busy few weeks! Much fun has been had, today, with the reward film and the amazing egg designs for the Easter competition - congratulations to Amelia and Saffron for their winning designs and a huge well done to everyone who entered. Further congratulations go to Cody, Casey, Tilly A and Marni for winning our class homework competition.


We wish all our families a happy and holy Easter and Eid Mubarak. 

Tuesday 28th March, 2023 


Hello, everyone! We have sent the results of the most recent (and final! ) SATs practise home in an envelope  addressed to parents/carers. This gives you a chance to see them ahead of tomorrow's parents' evening. Some children may have a score missing if they were absent and missed a paper. We will catch-up and send those results later - SAT papers can take some time to mark  so we, sadly, didn't have time to sort these out in time! 

Friday 17th March, 2023 


Thankfully, our final practise SATs are completed and we will send the results home, next week, when we have finished marking. Year 6 have enjoyed extra break times (and the odd short film) to counteract all their hard work and we have not set homework for this weekend - we all need a little brain rest! Some of our Muslim children have fasted, this week, for Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. The children have enjoyed telling us all about their traditions and we wish Ramadan Mubarak to them and their families. 

Friday 17th March, 2023 




Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 24th March. The spellings are:


cemetery   certificate   celebrate   necessary   deceased   December   sacrifice   hindrance  nuisance   prejudice   competition   excellent   mischievous   rhyme   popular



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

We have moved on to Statistics! This involves line graphs - making our own and interpreting data from others.



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have edited and written a final draft of our diary entries and we have started to look at inventing our own spy gadgets. This has really triggered our imaginations - we have already had some fantastic ideas!  



We have set some English and Maths homework from the SATs homework but not as much due to the final practise SATs.



85% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. This is a great improvement on past weeks and we are grateful for your support with this.



Firstly, apologies from me! My weekly update on the class page has been somewhat sporadic, lately, due to a technical issue. This has now been resolved! 

Wednesday was Science Day with every class enjoying a workshop ran by Cosmic Carol! We learned to make our own sherbet and enjoyed lots of demonstrations!

We will be completing our final SATs practise, next week. This will follow the same pattern as previously - we will try to use the hall to properly mirror the real ones. Please let us know if you have any problems or concerns. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Friday 3rd March, 2023 




Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 9th March. The spellings are:


official   special   artificial   social   racial   crucial   facial   beneficial   superficial   antisocial

communicate   especially   lightning   relevant   vehicle



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

This week has been all about angles and identifying obtuse and acute angles. We have also looked at radius and diameter of circles!



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have read even more of the book and looked at the character of Alex Rider and his skills ahead of 'writing a letter to MI6'. We continued with grammar, focussing on punctuation. 



This weekend, please check that any outstanding Mathletics is completed and read, read, read! Thank-you for having your SAT revision books in, today. They will be sent home again on Monday.



74% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. 



After a lovely break, we have returned to work with great enthusiasm! We have enjoyed our first session of 'Happy Minds' (please see the letter sent home, today) and had a wonderful selection of characters for today's 'World Book Day' celebration. Please have a happy and safe weekend! 

Wednesday 15th February, 2023 


Bikeability: Our second group of children had a great day out on the roads. Mike and Karen from the National Cycling Academy were absolutely brilliant and led an engaging course covering all aspects of cycling safety. The children have passed Level 1 and 2. I have attached some photographs to the gallery. If you would like any more information, please visit the NCA's website:

Tuesday 14th February, 2023 


Bikeability - The first group of Year 6 cyclists took to the road, today. They have practised positioning, hand signals, priorities and turning at junctions. The children did very well and we are proud!


Booster Club - Please note that the Year 6 after-school booster group on Thursday is cancelled due to the school disco. We will resume with booster club when we return to school from the holidays (letters will be sent).

Monday 13th February, 2023. 


Good afternoon! Just a quick update! 'Bikeability' went well, today, with all our cyclists passing level one and ready to move onto the second stage - on the roads!!! Level one involved some bike maintenance and preparation, assessment of cycling skills and following some basic commands. All the children listened really well and are ready for the next stage.


SATs revision books will be sent home on Friday. We will set homework for the following week and children will be asked to bring the books into school every Friday so we can check them and note anything that the children struggled with. We can then target this in our booster groups. 

Friday 10th February, 2023. 



Spellings were sent home on Thursday ahead of the test on Thursday 16th February. The spellings are:


official   special   artificial   social   racial   crucial   facial   beneficial   superficial   antisocial   

community   exaggerate   marvellous   restaurant   yacht



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

We have continued with our work on 'Shape', looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We have practised more 'reasoning' with worded Maths questions.



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

We have read more of the book and have begun to compare characters and look, in more depth, at some of the things mentioned in the book, like 'ushiro-geri', a type of kick used in Karate. We have also looked at more grammar features.




None set, this week. We have sent home the second round of practise SAT papers. We have asked that the children spend a few minutes looking through them, instead.



This was set on Wednesday, again for Monday. 



72% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. 



This week was 'Children's Mental Health week' and Wednesday was 'Safer Internet Day' so we enjoyed extended PSHE lessons looking at both of this topic. Year 6 were able to talk about factors affecting the mental health of children and what they can do get help. They realise what a busy year this is for them and how it is perfectly normal to feel over-whelmed by it all. We also talked about the internet and being aware of the problems that can be encountered and what we can do if something worries us. 


Today, the children will bring the second round of practise SATs papers (2019) home with them. We have also collated their results with the boundaries for age-related and greater depth from that year (please check bags for the envelope!)


On Wednesday, Sean Gaffney, a disabled athlete, came to school to talk about the benefits of sport. He led the whole school in a sponsored exercise event and they enjoyed listening to the story of Sean's accident which resulted in a lower-leg amputation- and checking out his spare legs!!! I will add some photographs of the children in action to our photo-gallery!


Next week, some of the class will do 'Bikeability' - those children will have a separate letter with the details. To minimise disruption, the children will be in one of two groups and will complete the course over one-and-a-half days. Please email us on the class page if you have any questions!

Tuesday 7th February, 2023. 


 Good evening! Just a reminder that children need to wear their PE kit for school, tomorrow, for the 'Sports Fitness' event with Sean Gaffney (athlete). 


 We will be painting in our art lesson, on Friday, so please feel free to send your child in with an old t-shirt/apron to protect their clothes.


The power-point for the SATs meeting has been added to the class page for anyone that couldn't make it. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Monday 6th February, 2023. 


Please don't forget our meetings, tonight, regarding the SATs process - one starts at 3.30pm and the second meeting is at 5.00pm. 

Friday 3rd February, 2023. 


Monday 6.2.23 - Apologies! Only just noticed that my usual Friday update did not save. 



Spellings were sent home on Friday ahead of the test on Thursday 9th February. The spellings are:


foreign   apparent   appreciate   persuade   individual   language   sufficient   determined

explanation   pronunciation   competition   excellent   mischievous   rhyme   popular



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

We have started work on shapes - first up is angles (calculating missing angles) - and continued with reasoning (worded problems).



We have started our new book, 'Alex Rider: Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. We are hoping to watch the film at the end of our studies!

The children have written a predictive piece based on this book and have revised spelling, punctuation and grammar work.




A comprehension piece was sent home, due in on Monday 6.1.23.



This was set on Wednesday, again for Monday. 



77% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today.  



The weeks are flying but we are relieved to have finished our second round of practise SATs (we have managed to get a couple of children who had missed tests to sit them, this week). They went very smoothly and the children were more relaxed, this time, and used to the style of questions. Results will be sent home, soon. We have SATs meetings on Monday 6th February at 3.30pm and another at 5.00pm. This is just an explanation of the process and an opportunity to ask any questions.


Have a super weekend! 

Friday 27th January, 2023. 


In what has felt like a long week, we have completed our next round of practise SATs! We sat one of the papers in the hall to see what it will be like in May for the real ones. The children were mature and handled it very well - we are very proud of them all! 


We were delighted that 81% of the class had handed in their signed reading records. Thank-you so much to our parents/carers for helping with this. 


On Wednesday, we hosted Breaking Barriers CIC who performed a monologue called 'Blurred Lines' from director Parvez Qadir: 



The piece has been funded by GMP Programme Challenger and Home Office as an important preventative learning tool for children, and in bringing it to year 6 pupils we hope it will help them in their transition phase into high school.


The piece explores child criminal exploitation (CCE) through a monologue from 18 year old Sean to his younger brother, Ben (age 15). Sean talks about the 'elders' (gang members) who try to give him trainers in return for running errands for them. 


Crossing the Line is a way to engage with children and teach them about:

- healthy choices

- healthy relationships

- saying no / peer pressure 

- grooming

- who to talk to / safe routes to help 


Here is a link for the short film Blurred Lines:


The children really enjoyed this and were able to dissect the characters in the performance and tell us the various ways that help can be obtained. If you would like to know more about this, please see the link above.


Today, we have watched the film 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'. The children have asked a lot of questions and we have discussed the importance of love and acceptance for one another and our many differences. 


Have a wonderful weekend. 

Friday 20th January, 2023. 



There were no spellings to learn, this week, because we will doing more practise SAT papers next week which includes a spelling paper. More information below!



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. 

Year 6 have calculated volume including 'reasoning' questions involving volume - this might involve working out a missing measurement of a shape where the volume is already given. We have also continued to work through other worded problems.



We have begun our new text, this week - ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - which, again, ties in with our History topic of World War 2. The children will complete various pieces of work based on this thought-provoking book. So far, the children have drawn and written their predictions of what lies beyond 'the fence' and compared two locations within the story.

There is a famous film of the book. We have asked the children not to watch it, if they haven't already, as we will do so, as a class, later in the academic year (parental permission will be requested). We have also asked that they do not share the ending of the story, if they know it, as we find that the journey through the book is more effective when it is taken together. 

We have almost finished reading the book so we will be able to watch the film of 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' (letters requesting permission will be sent home, soon). The children have written their own short playscript based on a scene from the book and really enjoyed acting them out, today.



No English homework sent due to practise SATs, next week.

89% of the class handed in their English homework, this week.



This was set on Wednesday, again for Monday. We wanted to give a smaller amount of homework, this week, and decided on Mathletics and Reading.

75% of the class completed the Mathletics set last week.



94% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. Superb!! 



As previously mentioned, we will be doing another round of practise SATs, next week. Again, the aim is to help the children to overcome any fears they might have, learn the best 'techniques' involved in answering the questions and manage their time efficiently. We are hoping to do some in the hall in the exact format we would use for the real thing. Obviously, there is a degree of stress involved in this process which we want to minimise as best we can. Please get in touch if you have any concerns or questions. We know that bugs and illness cannot be avoided but we appreciate everyone trying their best to be in school for this practise - there is very little give in our timetable to catch up any that are missed as it means the children missing important lessons. 


Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend! 

Friday 13th January, 2023. 



We haven't sent any new spellings out, this week. This is because we are assessing the word bank that we are using and I haven't yet finished collating the new ones. Normal service will resume next week!



This week - and every week, going forward - Maths lessons will be split between learning the new skills dictated by the National Curriculum and practising our 'reasoning' skills with 'worded problems'. Worded problems are usually a cause for groans, in every Year 6 class. I always find that pupils need to have a little faith in their abilities and make sure they read the questions properly! Practise helps, of course. We have continued with our area work, this time focussing on calculating the area of triangles, parallelograms and compound shapes comprising of a mixture of all those shapes. 



We have begun our new text, this week - ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - which, again, ties in with our History topic of World War 2. The children will complete various pieces of work based on this thought-provoking book. So far, the children have drawn and written their predictions of what lies beyond 'the fence' and compared two locations within the story.

There is a famous film of the book. We have asked the children not to watch it, if they haven't already, as we will do so, as a class, later in the academic year (parental permission will be requested). We have also asked that they do not share the ending of the story, if they know it, as we find that the journey through the book is more effective when it is taken together. 


Year 6 have completed their 'polished' piece of letter writing in the character of Bruno - this involves re-drafting and editing their original piece. They have also completed comprehension and grammar-practise work. Comprehension tasks involve reading an extract and then answering questions - sometimes these might be literal questions and some may be inference-related, requiring the child to make conclusions based on the indirect information given.



English – A double-sided grammar sheet was sent home on Wednesday (due in Monday 16.1.23). Lots of children have already handed theirs in, which is fantastic!  

86% of the class handed in their English homework, this week.


Mathletics – This was set on Wednesday, again for Monday. I am delighted to report that all of the children have caught up with outstanding tasks and just have newly-set work to complete. 

83% of the class completed the Mathletics set last week.


Home-reading – 71% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked, today. We continue to encourage the children to be responsible for their own reading.



I'm trying not to say that this was another busy week...but it was!  We got the water-colour paints out, the acrylic paints out, the pastels out and the charcoals out for an art extravaganza! Always a messy affair! The children are producing pieces based on the work of Wilfred Stanley Haines (1905-1944) who painted his experiences of the effects of the Blitz in London during World War 2. I send heart-felt apologies to the parents/carers of any child whose artistic exuberance extended to their uniforms! 

Children have two newsletters, today, so please check bags!


Have a great weekend! 

Friday 6th January, 2023. 



A new spelling list went out, yesterday, ahead of the test on Thursday 24th November. The 15 words are:


adorably   valuably   believably   considerably   tolerably   changeably   noticeably

dependably   comfortably   reasonably   awkward   disastrous   committee   leisure




Before the Christmas holidays, we had looked as area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. This week, we have continued looking at the area and perimeter of compound shapes with a focus on calculating missing measurements. They have also revised some arithmetic skills.



We have begun our new text, this week - ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - which, again, ties in with our History topic of World War 2. The children will complete various pieces of work based on this thought-provoking book. So far, the children have drawn and written their predictions of what lies beyond 'the fence' and compared two locations within the story.

There is a famous film of the book. We have asked the children not to watch it, if they haven't already, as we will do so, as a class, later in the academic year (parental permission will be requested). We have also asked that they do not share the ending of the story, if they know it, as we find that the journey through the book is more effective when it is taken together. 


We have continued to read more of the book, discussing the characters as we learn more about them. The children have started to write a 'letter to grandma' from the perspective of Bruno, the main character of the story. 



English – Two grammar sheets went out on Wednesday to be returned to school on Monday. 


Mathletics – This was set on Wednesday, again for Monday.


Home-reading – 96% of the class had read and returned their 'Reading Record' to be checked. This is outstanding and the best we have had, so far. This gives me an opportunity to dig out my stamps to mark the book and makes me very, very happy! Well done! 



This has been a short but busy first week back. It has been nice to the end the week with some art/DT work (though the cleaning staff might beg to differ!!!) and make our festive lights. We have a new incentive: the class New Year's Resolution is to complete and hand in all home tasks (English, Mathletics and Reading Records) on time. Whoever stays on track with this will win a confectionary-based prize (or maybe stationery) at the end of each half-term. It may end up a costly affair for us, if they all manage to keep the resolution!!!  We have discussed the merits of responsibility with Year 6 - they are growing up and should be able to manage their homework and reading, with minimal help from their adults, as they will need these skills when they move on to high school. 


Have a lovely weekend, everyone! 

Thursday 5th January, 2023. 


Good afternoon! I hope that you are well. Tomorrow, we are going to make some 'festive lights' as part of our Design and Technology/Science syllabus. We have the bulbs and circuitry in school (and pens and paint) but have asked the children to bring any craft materials that they may want to use - things like cardboard, sequins, tissue paper and so on. Please email if you have any questions! 

Wednesday 4th January, 2023. 


Good afternoon and a very 'HAPPY NEW YEAR!' to you all! It was lovely to welcome the children back to school, today, and even better to step away from the mince pies and chocolates! 


We have started the first academic day of 2023 as we mean to go on and set some homework! The children have two English sheets and Mathletics. A number of children (11!) have a lot of Mathletics tasks outstanding. Please could you encourage the children to complete these for Monday?

Friday 16th December, 2022. 


Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Hannah!

Congratulations to our Star of the Term, Tilly AG!

Well done to Year 6 for 2nd place attendance!


Good afternoon! End of term is upon us after a week of  prayer, festive activities, films, food and singing! We have not set any formal homework for the holidays but we have reiterated the importance of reading and have asked that children check their Mathletics accounts - some children have a number of tasks that are still outstanding.


The results of our first practise SATs have been sent out, today, in a sealed envelope. Some children may have the odd gap if they were absent for the test. We will catch these up in the New Year but sickness has had beaten us so I apologise that this has, not yet, been caught up! We will assess their writing later in the year. As we have said to the children, please do not focus on the results. We have not yet finished teaching the curriculum so this was all about time management and getting used to the format, and so on.


We wish all our children and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a peaceful and restful break. We are so very thankful for the kind gifts that we have received. 


I will leave you with a festive poem...


Twas the week before’th’ols and all through Year 6,

Songs rang out loud – YouTube’s top festive mix!

Chocolate and crisps moved high up on the agenda,

Any SATs-related letters returned to the sender!

We have calendars to make and parties to plan,

Homework – no offence! – is getting a ban!

Jollity reigns, cheesy songs are the norm,

Crank up the heating to keep us all warm!

Every single child – no matter religion or race,

Deserves to have fun, have a smile on their face,

So, it’s Christmas jumpers and turkey dinner!

‘Toy day’ and films are always a winner!

Year 6 on their Switches all day, of course,

Mrs. Devine trotting around on a pink hobby horse!

Feeling relaxed – there’s no time to be vexed!

We’ve got to work out what Miss. Cohen will eat next!


So, from Ai’zah and Ayaan, not forgetting Jahvan,

Martha and Sami, Eve and Sufyan,

Tilly T, Amelia, Caitlin and Leah,

Maxi and Ella, Khaleel and Sophia,

Casey and Cody, Hannah and Larna,

Romeo, Thomas, Katy and Kama,

Kenan, Hussain, Alfie and Huey,

Marni and Serenna, Saffron and Louie,

There is a few more – I’m not going crazy,

There’s Barnaby, Ibrahim, Marni and Daisy!


We’d all like to wish you – with a loud, happy cheer -

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


©Mrs. Devine 2022 

Wednesday 14th December, 2022. 


Hello! Just a reminder that tomorrow is 'toy day'. No mobile telephones or tablets, please. Pupils who bring their 'phone for safety reasons and put them in the box in the office can still do this. Children have asked can they bring hand-held gaming consoles, such as the Nintendo Switch - this is fine but completely at their own risk. I know these things are expensive! 

Tuesday 13th December, 2022. 


A big thank-you to our families for the party food supplied, today!


The children have enjoyed festive colouring-in, films and games and dancing, in the hall with Year 5. They are TOO good at musical bumps - I feel we would still be playing if we hadn't made the game a little harder... We had some very talented dancers throwing shapes to a bit of 'Just Dance' videos (and that was just the staff!) Year 6 are currently eating their party buffet (there's so much food, I have a feeling they will still be eating it on Friday!) 

Friday 9th December, 2022. 


Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Larna!

Congratulations to our Values Ambassador, Ayaan!

Congratulations to Year 6 who were second place for attendance, this week!



New spellings will not be sent out, this week. We will start, again, in the new year.



This week, Year 6 have revised perimeter, area and fractions. This revision work will help to embed these skills. The children have also used their arithmetic skills to solve puzzles. 



The focus for Year 6, this week, has been grammar and punctuation together with 'Rhythmic Writing' lessons. Rhythmic writing looks at sentence length and the effect this has on our writing. The children produced phrases using only short sentences, only medium-length sentences or only long sentences and looked at how adding specific 'Year 6 features', like fronted adverbials or relative clauses can transform a short sentence into a long one. The children really enjoyed this as they could write about any topic - who knew that football and gaming was so popular...? 



Statistics: 84% of the children handed in their English work and 81% had completed their Maths. 58% of Year 6 handed in their reading records, this morning.


A two-sided, Christmas-themed English sheet has been sent home, today. It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Mathletics was set, on Wednesday, and we are asking that children read, as usual. 



Well, in a week blighted by illness, I feel that the children shone in over-coming their understandable nerves at reading in assembly. We have worked hard and are looking forward to next week and the fun, food and frolics...and, probably, glitter...that that brings (well, some of us are! Bah, humbug!) Here is a round-up of next week's activities:


Monday - KS2 children (including Year 6) will be at church for a carol concert that starts at 1.30pm.

Tuesday - Party day! Please wear your 'own' clothes and bring your party food/drink donations.

Wednesday - Christmas dinner and Christmas/festive jumper day. Please order your child's Christmas lunch via the app, if they would like to have it. 

Thursday - 'Flu vaccine catch-up day for those with permission slips who were missed previously due to absence.

Friday - School finishes for the holidays at 2.30pm (there is no Smarties on this day).


Enjoy your weekends, everyone! Keep warm! heart

Thursday 8th December, 2022. 


Firstly, please may I extend my sincere thanks to the parents and carers that came to support us in our class assembly, this morning. We were all incredibly nervous and I apologise profusely for the technical issues. I am hugely proud of the children - public-speaking can be incredibly difficult, particularly when you factor in the time lost to lockdowns and the missed opportunities to practise these skills. I am planning a small treat for them, tomorrow! heart


The children have brought home one of four small letters, today. We will be having a Christmas party next Tuesday 13th December and children can wear their own clothes. We have asked the children to bring in food, EITHER: sandwiches (ham, cheese or jam), crisps, drinks OR sweets/chocolates. I have asked the children which items they might prefer to bring and tried to divide the letters fairly. Some children have taken two letters - I have said that we are grateful for any party food donations we get so please do not feel obliged to send in extra things! Some children were promising all manners of banqueting fayre so please do not get cross with me - I did not ask anyone to bring a 5-tier cake (promise!)  Please email if you have any queries. Have a lovely evening! 

Wednesday 7th December, 2022. 


 Year 6 are pleased to extend an invitation for you to attend the premier of their assembly, 'World War II'. 


mailOpening in the school hall on Thursday 8th December at 0915 hours. 

mailMany Hollywood directors and producers have been touted to be involved...we can neither confirm nor deny the rumours...

mailPlans to tour in 2023...maybe...


We hope you can attend the assembly, in the morning. We expect it to last for about 45 minutes. 

Friday 2nd December, 2022. 


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Jahvan!



A new spelling list went out, yesterday, ahead of the test on Thursday 8th December. The 15 words are:


adorable   valuable   advisable   believable   desirable   excitable   knowledgeable   likeable

changeable   noticeable   criticise   profession   system   vehicle   rhyme  



This week, Year 6 have looked at calculating the area of regular squares and rectangle and of compound shapes.



We have begun our new text, this week - ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - which, again, ties in with our History topic of World War 2. The children will complete various pieces of work based on this thought-provoking book. 


The children have produced pieces of work detailing their predictions of what will happen, in this book along with a character description of Gretel and what can be seen be seen beyond Bruno's bedroom window. 


There is a famous film of the book. We have asked the children not to watch it, if they haven't already, as we will do so, as a class, later in the academic year (parental permission will be requested). We have also asked that they do not share the ending of the story, if they know it, as we find that the journey through the book is more effective when it is taken together. 



No English homework was set, last week, owing to the practise SATs but 72% of the class completed the Mathletics revision work. 47% of Year 6 had read at home. Thank-you for ensuring Reading Records were signed! 



The Year 6 team would like to extend their immense gratitude to our parents, carers, grandparents and families for their amazing efforts in supporting the children's Christmas Fair efforts. We were truly amazed to see what the children had designed and the sweets, chocolates and gifts that they brought in. You are fantastic and we appreciate your help. Sincere thanks go to you, all.


I hope you have a superb weekend! 

Tuesday 29th November, 2022. 


Hello, everyone! As you know, the school's PTA Christmas Fair is this coming Friday. All classes are involved in raising funds for school and Year 6 will be holding a games event. The children have devised, planned and created their own games and will charge fair-goers a fee to play. Some of the Year 6 children would like to give a sweet or chocolate to their contestants for participating or to offer as a prize. We are asking if parents and carers would be able to donate any sweets or chocolates (nut-free, please), for this purpose. If you are able, please could you send them into school before Friday. Thank-you, in advance, for your kindness. 

Friday 25th November, 2022. 


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Maxi!


SATs practise week has ended!!! Oh no, it hasn't!!! Oh yes, it has!!! 


We decided we'd finish off our Friday with a film to reward the children for their efforts. We enjoyed 'Home Alone' and then had an impromptu singing session. 'All I want for Christmas...' is some books to mark, a nice pen and a decent book to read...maybe a good documentary. I don't remember asking for thirty-odd Year 6 children doing a conga line and singing loudly...! Oh well!  


Next Wednesday, we will make Anderson shelters as part of our WWII work. Please could you save any cardboard boxes (particularly shoe-boxes) and any other material that might be useful? Packing material (particularly the 'corrugated' cardboard-type), bits of wool, tinfoil, ice-lolly sticks...Please send them in as soon as possible. The children have already planned their shelter design so they will know what would work. 


Have a super weekend! 

Thursday 24th November, 2022. 


Good morning, everyone! Just a quick update regarding Year 6. We are majorly proud of their attitude to the practise SATs. Hugely! They have been calm and tackled them with a maturity that belies their youth. As we keep saying, results are not important. It's all about looking at preparing ourselves to best cope with something we have to do! As ever, we are here if you have any questions or concerns!


Homework, this week: We have decided that the children have worked very hard and we are not setting written English homework. We have cancelled today's spelling test and will carry it forward to next week so there are no new spellings for next week - it will be a test of those given out last week. I have set some Mathletics but it mostly revision of modules that have been previously attempted. To their credit, quite a few of the children wanted some Mathletics homework!!! 

Tuesday 22nd November, 2022.


Good morning! Just an update on how we are doing with practise SATs. Yesterday, we tackled the two shorter papers: Spelling and Arithmetic. We are completing our practise slightly out of order from the official timetable and we will use the whole week rather than the Monday-Thursday schedule that the government apply. This is just to minimise stress! Today, we will do the Reading paper - the children are given a booklet with three short texts to read and they will then answer questions. The children, on the whole, decided that the papers weren't as scary as they thought! Thank-you for emailing us with any absences - these children will complete the papers when they are back. Have a great Tuesday! 

Friday 18th November, 2022. 


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Khaleel!

 Congratulations to our Values Ambassador, also Khaleel!

 Congratulations to Year 6 who were third place for attendance, this week!



A new spelling list went out, yesterday, ahead of the test on Thursday 24th November. The 15 words are:


applicable   tolerable   operable   considerable   dependable   comfortable   reasonable

perishable   breakable   fashionable   occur   attached   neighbour   conscience   soldier



This week, Year 6 have looked at perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.



We have begun our new text, this week - ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - which, again, ties in with our History topic of World War 2. The children will complete various pieces of work based on this thought-provoking book. So far, the children have drawn and written their predictions of what lies beyond 'the fence' and compared two locations within the story.


There is a famous film of the book. We have asked the children not to watch it, if they haven't already, as we will do so, as a class, later in the academic year (parental permission will be requested). We have also asked that they do not share the ending of the story, if they know it, as we find that the journey through the book is more effective when it is taken together. 



81% of Year 6 children handed in their English homework, on Monday, and 69% had completed their Mathletics, online. 72% handed in their Reading Records, today. This is our most successful week, homework-wise. Well done, Year 6! 


New English and Mathletics homework was set on Wednesday and is due in on Monday 21st November.



Anti-Bullying Week: This is one of my favourite topics to cover - I feel it is majorly important that we talk about all of the issues which can lead to bullying and why it won't be tolerated. We discussed this in our PSHE lesson and the children were mature and thoughtful with their responses. We concluded that it is 'nice to be nice' - being kind costs us nothing. They produced some lovely posters on this topic and I have added photographs of some of them to our Class Gallery.


A big thank-you to everyone for their contributions to our Children in Need collection. 


Next week, the children will sit 'practise SATs', using past papers. We find it is helpful to introduce the children to the six exams, now, so they get a feel of what they are like. The aim is to reduce the stress of the real tests, in May 2023; we use the practises to look at time-management and strategies for answering questions (a question worth 3 marks will need more than a one-word answer, for example). The results are not the focus, at this point, but we will send the papers home after we have talked through them, together. The tests will be spread out, throughout the week, and interspersed with regular lessons, chats and breaks. We are not promoting revision or making a big deal of this. Please be assured that the children will be looked after! As always, please contact us through the class email if you have any questions and either Miss. Cohen or I will get back to you. 


Wishing our families a peaceful weekend! 

Thursday 17th November, 2022. 

Good evening! This is just a reminder that tomorrow is a non-uniform day with a collection for ‘Children in Need’. 

Friday 11th November, 2022. 

 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Hussain!




A new spelling list went out, yesterday, ahead of the test on Thursday 17th November. The 15 words are:


clothes   busy   people   water   again   half   money   sure   hour   father   behind   

plant   friend   there   where


This week's words, like last week's, may seem 'easier'. This is because they are considered to be common words. 



Whilst fractions are adorable, we had to move on with our learning and enter the wonderful world of BIDMAS (I was taught BODMAS - names change but operations do not!!) We have also revised some other arithmetic skills.



We are currently reading 'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' by Michelle Magorian which ties in with our History topic of 'World War 2' (WW2). We complete various pieces of English work based on this text. 


Year 6 have edited and improved their non-chronological reports and produced a final draft. As a treat, we watched the film adaptation of 'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' starring the wonderful John Thaw (this was, admittedly, our description of him and not the children's! ) They all seemed to really enjoy this and it prompted many questions. I find that our children excel in debate! 



56% of the class handed in their reading records, today, for the Friday check! Thank-you, parents/carers. We give the children raffle tickets for their efforts and we hold a draw on Friday with chocolate bar prizes (we feel the odd treat is well-deserved!) Rumours that the year 6 staff are often caught with their hands in the chocolate store are unfounded and nothing short of slander...

English and Mathletics are to be completed for Monday 14th November. The children should be able to complete this independently (we tell them we are training them for high school life!) but we can support if there are any issues.



Well, the weeks seem to be flying by in a blaze of hard work! I feel that the children are well-settled in class and used to the new routine and dates when reading or homework is due. Year 6 led the school Collective Worship (assembly), on Wednesday, with a presentation on Remembrance Day. Many of the children read and it was a pleasure to see them take charge. As today was Remembrance Day, we offered up prayers and held a two-minute silence. The children behaved impeccably, for this, and we were proud of them. 


Have a restful weekend! 

Wednesday 9th November, 2022.


Hello, everyone! A couple of weeks ago, the children designed a Christmas card which you can purchase, if you so wish. The example design/order form was sent home with children, last night - some children left theirs in class and we will send them home, today! The cards can be ordered online and the deadline is 26th November. laugh

Friday 4th November, 2022.


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Marni!

 Congratulations to Year 6 who were third place for attendance, this week!




A new spelling list has gone out, today, ahead of the test on Thursday 10th November. The 15 words are:


because  children  beautiful  climb  every  great  break  pretty  improve  sugar

should  would  whole  everybody  Christmas  



We have moved on to dividing fractions, this week, giving simplified answers. This might mean changing an improper fraction to a mixed number fraction. Year 6 also completed an arithmetic test which helps to embed methods and revise techniques. 



We are currently reading 'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' by Michelle Magorian which ties in with our History topic of 'World War 2' (WW2). We complete various pieces of English work based on this text. Year 6 have watched some video accounts from people who remember rationing during WW2. They have learned all about the campaigns that the British government introduced in the 1940s to help the war effort, such as rationing,  'Make-Do and Mend' and 'Dig for Victory'. The children have then used this information to plan and write a non-chronological report on this topic.



It was lovely to welcome the children back to school, on Monday, after the break. Thank-you for encouraging the children to complete their homework - I know that this can be difficult during the holidays! In all, 58% of the class completed their written homework and 78% read and collected signatures from their adults. Thank-you - I was absolutely thrilled with the home-reading!  New homework went out on Wednesday  which is due in on Monday (7/11/22) - this is a comprehension, to be completed in their books, and some Mathletics (online). Unfortunately, the Mathletics work sits and waits to be completed, so some children may have more than others if they forgot to complete it previously.


Fortunately, our photocopier has now been repaired so this week's homework won't have those dreadful black splodges all over it! I forgot to apologise for this, last week. Thank-you for doing your best with the partially-illegible homework sheets!


Congratulations to Ella, Martha, Tilly A, Marni, Sophia, Amelia and Caitlin who were victors in their school netball competition, this week!! (See photo gallery).


Have an amazing weekend, everyone! 

Friday 21st October, 2022.


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Thomas!

 Congratulations to our Star of the Half-Term, Caitlin!




A new spelling list has gone out, today, ahead of the test on Thursday 3rd November. The 15 words are:


innocent   innocence   decent   decency   excellent   excellence   confident   confidence

existent   existence   average   awkward   committee   competition   definite  



Year 6 have continued with their work on fractions, now focussing on multiplying them. We will cover dividing fractions when they return to school, after the holidays. We find that learning their times-tables is the single most helpful thing that children can do, at home, to improve their Mathematics skills. We recommend a game called 'Hit the button' on the 'Top Marks' website, which is a really fun way to practise times-tables.



We are currently reading 'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' by Michelle Magorian which ties in with our History topic of 'World War 2' (WW2). We complete various pieces of English work based on this text. This week has seen Year 6 refine their newspaper report and write it up for their English Writing Journals as a polished piece.



We would like to thank parents, once more, for their support in home-reading. We are really keen to encourage the children to read to boost their vocabulary and writing skills and we are aiming for a week when all 36 children have their signed Reading Record book in on Friday morning! We have sent the children home with their spelling sheet and two short pieces of written homework - a grammar sheet (Commas to Avoid Ambiguity) and a comprehension piece with questions (The Virus) - these are in their blue English homework books. They will also have Mathletics work set online. Please email if you have any questions.


We had some children who were absent, today, so I have added photographs of the homework sheets to the Photo Gallery should they wish to just write their answers on paper. They can also read any book they have at home and write me a note if they have left their Reading Record book at school.


Have a restful break and we will see you soon! 

 Friday 14th October, 2022.


Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Alfie!

 Congratulations to Year 6 who were second place for attendance, this week.



A new spelling list has gone out, today, ahead of the test next Thursday. The 15 words are:


reference   refer   preference   different   transfer   suffering   difference   circumference   prefer

inference   coniferous   offered   differ   inferno   fertiliser  



Year 6 are working on adding and subtracting fractions including converting mixed number fractions back to improper fractions and finding common denominators.



We are currently reading 'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' by Michelle Magorian which ties in with our History topic of 'World War 2' (WW2). We complete various pieces of English work based on this text. We are currently planning a newspaper report from the perspective of a journalist living in the village featured in the book at the time of the outbreak of WW2.



Another busy week that has seen us squeeze in a visit to Parrenthorn High School (PHS). On Wednesday, we went over to spend the morning and have lunch. We divided into two groups of 18 children and tried our hand at lino printing a Manchester bee with the Art department. We had a short break and then visited the Science department where we made our own bath bombs! I hope some of you had the chance to test them out in a relaxing bath!  We then enjoyed pizza, a cookie and a drink. Many thanks to the lovely staff at PHS for hosting us and congratulations to our Year 6 children who were impeccably behaved and joined in the lessons with enthusiasm. 

We wish you all a lovely weekend! 

 Friday 7th October, 2022.


Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Barnaby!

 Congratulations to Daisy who was our Values Ambassador. 


This week has been yet another busy one! On Monday, we spent the afternoon at Parrenthorn High School where the P.E. department hosted ourselves and Year 6 from Sedgley Park Primary school for some games of 'bench ball'. It was great to meet future friends and we were gifted with chocolates for taking part!  Although it is definitely the taking part that counts, we were pleased to win a lot of our games and win a trophy for being overall winners (see photo gallery)! Today, our planned trip to church to celebrate the harvest festival was, sadly, cancelled. The weather was just too wet! Reverend Sue and Reverend Christine came to school and we celebrated in the hall with singing led by one of our school governors, Mrs. Porter. Grateful thanks go to Mrs. Porter!


Thank-you so much to our Year 6 families for supporting the harvest festival with food donations for the church's food boxes for struggling families. 


New spellings have gone out, today, (see below) and homework is due in on Monday. Again, I'd like to thank our parents and carers for supporting home-reading. It makes such a difference to the children's English skills. Have a great weekend, everyone! 



Spellings for next Thursday.















cemetery (please note that this has, IRONICALLY, been spelt incorrectly on the sheet given out! Many       apologies. You cannot get the staff...)

Friday 30.9.22


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Katy!

 Congratulations to Year 6 who were third place for attendance, this week. 


We have had a busy week of lessons and I am sure that Year 6 are ready for their weekend. Thank-you so much for supporting our home-reading drive and signing the reading-record books - most of the children had theirs in, today, to be checked. We hope to keep this up and have created a larger class library to help to encourage a love of books. Homework went out on Wednesday and Mathletics will be set - these are due in on Monday. New spellings (for the test next Thursday) will be sent out today are as follows:


















We have suggested that they might want to look up the meaning of some of these words...


The staff in Year 6 hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see the children on Monday! 

Wednesday 28.9.22


Hello, again! Year 6 have a spelling test, tomorrow. The children were given the spellings list last week but I appreciate that things get lost and it's tricky to work out which we are on on the website! Here they are but please do not worry about your score if you are seeing them for the first time, now! I will put the new ones on every Thursday.

















Wednesday 28.9.22


Good morning, everyone! Year 6 have just had a visit from Mr. Bell, headteacher of Parrenthorn High School, along with two of our past pupils who are now in Year 7. It was just a brief chat about the transition to high school and what can be expected. Mr. Bell reminded pupils that their first open evening is Thursday 6th October at 5.30pm. 

Friday 23.9.22


 Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Tilly AG!

 Congratulations to our Values Ambassador, Serenna!


The children have returned to school following Dearne Valley, and the extra bank holiday following Queen Elizabeth II's funeral, and have worked hard in their lessons. They have all demonstrated great resilience in recovering, very quickly, from their residential endeavours. Year 6 have been given various roles, this week, from 'Playground Leader' to 'Classroom Assistant'. Everyone has something to do and we hope this fosters an added maturity and a preparation for high school and prefect duties. Some roles, such as Sports Captains and Sports Crew will be an announced next week. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the sunshine remains for a little longer. I won't see it, though - I have sleep to catch up on! laugh

Wednesday 21.9.22


Good afternoon, everyone! This is just to advise that we have sent children home with a sheet to complete for English homework and they will have Mathematics work set online via 'Mathletics'. Children also have new 'Reading Records'. We have suggested that children use 'Mathletics' or 'TT Rockstars' if they feel they want to do more. I have added a copy of their 'Mathletics' log-in details in the front of their reading record books. Please email us if you have any homework queries! laugh

Dearne Valley.

Friday 16.9.22


8.40am - It’s a bright, sunny but crisp morning here at Dearne Valley. We have just enjoyed our last breakfast and we are now doing our final packing and tidying of the dorms. We will then store our luggage and go off to enjoy our last activities. We have Jacob’s Ladder (a climbing task) and bushcraft skills. After a packed lunch, we will be setting off for home. I will post again when we are on the coach and as we are approaching Prestwich. See you soon! 

1.26pm - We’ve enjoyed our last activities, a packed-lunch and we’re now on the coach and it’s setting off! Expected arrival time at St. Margaret’s is 3.30pm. 😄

Thursday 15.9.22


9.35am - Good morning! Sorry I’m slightly late, today! The children were all zonked out at a reasonable time, last night, and it took some effort to move them at 6.45am! It goes to show that all it takes to tire them out is a few long days of constant physical activity! 😆 They have had a good breakfast and we are currently on our first activities in our three groups: climbing (see the photo), fencing and team tech. More to follow…


12.27pm - We have been busy climbing, fencing (this didn’t involve 6 x 2 planks and a box of nails, like I cruelly told the children it did 😆) and team tech’ing (this involves making things out of Meccano-type pieces). In a shock turn of events, I managed to find myself in the aforementioned ‘teachers’ retreat’. It was a sumptuous haven of tea and coffee-making facilities and cosy settees and work stations (see photos) - obviously, I was yanked right back out of there by my colleagues but I’m glad because I would have missed the wonder of our children making a shoe-rack out of giant Meccano! 😆 Year 6 seem a little hungrier than usual, today, and we will be heading to the canteen, soon! I better warn the poor staff that we are ravenous…


2.52pm - It was pasty day for lunch (cheese and onion or Cornish) or hotdogs. The children then had a class seek-and-find activity and are now back in groups enjoying whatever they didn’t do this morning (fencing or team tech). I’m considering pinching some fencing equipment and battling my way back to the Teachers’ Retreat! 😆 The children are in good spirits but a little tired. En garde!!


3.55pm - I have a challenge for parents/carers. In the ‘Year 6 in Pictures’ section, I have added a photograph of one of your little munchkins in full fencing gear. But who is it…? 😆😆😆


8.04pm - The children had a brilliant time on the quick zip - this is a lower zip line that takes four children at a time. We did this altogether and it was excellent! We then had a group game of football and are now on our last activity of the day - the camp bonfire (see photo). This is a rather ironic activity: we aren’t going to lie to you, parents/carers - bonfire might be a very appropriate way of ‘cleansing’ some of the children’s clothes, when they return home! I swear that some of the socks have got up and walked themselves to the suitcases! 😩 We have had an amazing last full day, here, but they are really missing you all! 

Wednesday 14.9.22


8.46am - It’s another bright, sunny day here in Dearne Valley. We have enjoyed our breakfast - cooked breakfast, cereal, fruit, yoghurt, juice - and we are awaiting our first activities. We will be problem solving (this involves climbing, agility and balance problems on a range of equipment) and trying archery. We are also awaiting a visit from Mr. Longworth. We are happy to report that the children fell asleep a little earlier, last night! 😆


10.45am - Our three groups have switched to do whatever activity they haven’t done yet (problem solving or archery). All the children were delighted to see Mr. Longworth - for some reason, they wanted him to see their rooms which they had meticulously tidied ahead of his visit! 😂 We must get him to come back on the last day when we have to pack and tidy up!

Is it dinner-time, yet…? 

2.39pm - Dinner was a selection of sandwiches, some toasted, with chips and salad. The children then went to enjoy a games session together, using crates to make a safe route from one point to another. Now, we have divided into our three groups, again, and are off to our next activities: aeroball (this is like basketball on a trampoline!), laser quest and…abseiling!! 

7.45pm - It would appear that Year 6 have a number of talented abseilers! We were very impressed with everyone! I saw a sign proclaiming ‘Teachers’ Retreat’ (photo added) and nearly wandered off to see if I could have a secret snooze and sort my crazy hair! 😂 After tea, (pizza, pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, chocolate mousse), the children were taken to the site classroom (yes, you can imagine the overjoyed faces!!!) and spent some time writing a letter home describing their experiences. There were a few “What did I do today, Miss?” queries but we put this down to all the activities and fresh air! 😆 The children are now all setting off for the night walk. We are contractually obliged to bring them all back so don’t worry, parents/carers! 😉 They will definitely sleep well, tonight! 


Tuesday 13.9.22

7.09am - We are up and heading to breakfast, soon. Quite a few tired faces…😆

9.51am - All three of our groups are currently on our first activity. Two groups are completing ‘high ropes’ and ‘nightline’ and the third group is kayaking. We will all complete the same activities, just at different times. 

1.53pm - We have finished lunch (wraps and burritos, chips, salad) and the children are now enjoying a play session on the grass in the sunshine. It’s beautiful, here, and we hope this lovely warm weather stays! Next, we are back to kayaking, buggy build and high ropes (I have included a photo of the high ropes, below, so you know what it looks like…😳


7pm - Breaking news! All children have had a shower! There was a definite smell of pond following today’s kayaking fun - some children were okay with this but we certainly weren’t so into the shower they all went! Tea was Hunter’s chicken, chicken nuggets, potatoes, vegetables, sponge and custard and we are now hauling our full bellies around a nature trail (photo added). It’s a beautiful place and the staff here are full of fascinating knowledge about the plant life and animal life. We have one more activity to go, tonight…

7.45pm - Our last activity sees the entire class unite for the scrap-heap challenges (the children will make various pieces from cardboard boxes etc and test their durability by dropping things onto them from a height. There’s a mention of water-balloons and something about wanting adult volunteers… 😵‍💫


Monday 12.9.22

2.15pm - We have arrived, safely, at Dearne Valley!


6.41pm - We have had a busy start! Our first task was to get our cases to our rooms and…make our own beds! Parents/carers will be pleased to know their child can now put a duvet into a quilt cover (well, sort of…!) 😆 The children enjoyed a brief tour of the site and then went to their first task - we are split into three groups (Mrs. Hainsworth has one, Miss. Cohen the second and Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Hadfield the third). Two groups did ‘buggy-building’ (using barrels and wood) and the other did ‘nightline’ -  this involves blindfolding the children who then navigate their way along a nature trail, using communication skills to get the whole team to the end. After this, we went for tea with a choice of pizza, chips, chilli or chicken casserole followed by a sugar doughnut. We are currently enjoying a pastoral activity! 

7.45pm - Our last activity of the day saw the class use their detective skills to solve a murder mystery. Which of these highly talented actors (Miss. Cohen, Mrs. Hainsworth, Mrs. Hadfield and Mrs. Devine 😆) is the murderer? Year 6 greatly enjoyed this activity, though not many deduced that Penelope Angel (aka Mrs. Devine) was the criminal! 
We are currently back in our dorms with lights out at 10pm. Everyone is fine so please don’t worry. More updates tomorrow! 

Friday 9th September


yes Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Sami!


We have had a lovely start to the term with a week of gentle lessons to ease the children back into school-life following the long Summer break. It has been good getting to know everyone better and talk and worries and expectations of Year 6 life. The children have enjoyed getting to know their buddies who have started in Reception class, too.


Dearne Valley


We are excited for our residential trip on Monday. We remind you that children should be in school at any time before 11am and to bring their lunch with them (fast-food is allowed!) We would also like to remind you of the following:


* No mobile telephones, smart watches or electronic items like tablets or hand-held consoles.

* Please bring sweets/crisps/drinks but these MUST NOT CONTAIN NUTS.

* Children will not require money.

* Please do not forget inhalers, antihistamines, eczema creams etc - please label with your child's name. 

* Please do not bring your best clothes or trainers - one of the activities involves a lake!!


We will endeavour to update our website every evening with our activities. 


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday! 

Thursday 8th September, 2022.      

Please can parents/carers of pupils with asthma ensure that their child brings an inhaler into school to keep in class?



Year 6 Team 

Thursday 8th September, 2022.      

Please can parents/carers of pupils with asthma ensure that their child brings an inhaler into school to keep in class?



Year 6 Team 

Sunday 4th September, 2022.      


Tomorrow marks the start of our new term and our new Year 6 class. Please remember to bring your water bottles and, for those on school lunches, to order it in advance. We look forward to a terrific year with you! 


See you tomorrow! 


Miss. Cohen and Mrs. Devine 

Friday 20th May, 2022


The children had a slight shock, this week, when they realised that there is still work to be done! They thought that SATs marked the end of the year...if only!!!  So, we carried on with the curriculum! On the plus side, the weather has been quite nice. Please could you remind your children to bring their water bottles? They may also want to consider applying sun-cream. Year 6 have also been busy making bunting in preparation for the upcoming Platinum Jubilee celebrations, in school - we will have a very festive classroom!!!


I hope the weather remains as glorious throughout the weekend! See you on Monday! 

Friday 13th May, 2022


Well! The main news from this week was the completion of SATs! Every morning, the children came into class early to chat with their friends and have croissants, biscuits and orange juice in preparation of the task ahead. We feel the tests went as well as could be expected and we are very proud of the children for how they conducted themselves. 

Friday saw Year 6 walk to Heaton Park, for the day. Armed with our packed lunches, we enjoyed some time on the playground, played football on the grass and were let loose in the forest... One more, we were proud of the children for their behaviour on the trip - they are credit to St. Margaret's and they represent the school very well! What a busy week! Well done, Year 6!

Friday 25th March 2022


Star of the Week - Marley 


Year 6 have organised a 'Cake for Break' sale on Wednesday and all monies raised will be deonated to support families in the Ukraine. All Year 6 staff and indeed all school staff are immsensley proud of the Year 6 children for organising this.


English saw us continuing to study our books, where children have produced descriptive writing about the chapters studied in Harry Potter and in Stormbreaker. Next week the young entrepeneurs enter the Dragon's Den! In Maths, children have been learning about how to use Alegbra and all knowledge and vocabulary associated with this and applying these skills to a variety of reasoning questions to showcase their understanding. In Science, children have continued their topic of Light and in RE we have been studying 'What kind of King is Jesus?' 


As I type this, the sun is shining. The weather looks good again this weekend and we hope you all get to go outdoors and have some fun and relaxation. Stay safe and well and see you all on Monday. 

Friday 18th March 2022


Star of the Week - Francesca 


It was great to welcome you all in the hall for parent's evening last night and to talk to you in person giving you the opportunity to see the work your child has been producing this year. 


Thank you to all those who have purcahsed a Red Nose and came in their own clothes today. It shows what a wonderful and caring community we live in and the monies rasied will certainly go to a good cause. 


English saw us continuing to study our books, where children have produced descriptive writing about the settings and the Potions Master in Harry Potter and in Stormbreaker they have finalised their description for an everyday object that a young spy could use. Only one week to go till the young entrepeneurs enter the Dragon's Den! In Maths, children have been learning about how to read and interpret Pie Charts and all knowledge and vocabulary associated with circles and applying these skills to a variety of reasoning questions to showcase their understanding. In Science, children have continued their topic of Light and in RE we have been studying 'What kind of King is Jesus?' This week has also given the opportunity for children to eneter a competition for WonderPop, where they could create a something to be linked with a party to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and there design will end up on a Vevo video. Watch this space for the announcement of the winner soon. 


As I type this, the sun is shining. I hope the weather is good again this weekend and you all get to go outdoors and have some fun and relaxation. Stay safe and well and see you all on Monday. 

Friday 4th March 2022

Yet another busy week in Year 6! World Book Day was a success where the children enjoyed exploring another book for the day and completed some lovely activities. It was good to see some book character costumes in the class as well...including a Wally!  


English saw us continuing to study our books, where children have produced descriptive writing about the settings in Harry Potter and in Stormbreaker they have begun to design and describe an everyday object that a young spy could use...some were very imaginative! In Maths, children have been learning about Coordinates, Translations and Reflections and applying these skills to a variety of reasoning questions to showcase their understanding. We read our next chapter of the Heartstone project, with excellent discussions had afterwards and have made their own bookmarks and have begun to produce some lovely art work. Geography saw children using Google Maps and applying all their previous knowledge and skills learnt during their mapping topic. In Science, children have been moving onto their new topic of Light and in RE we have been studying 'What kind of King is Jesus?' 


We have had whole school assemblies this week, which has seen the Year 6 complete a number of monitor duties during these and they have been amazing when doing their roles. Year 6 have also been playground leaders for children in Willow, Lilac and Oak classes, where both the younger children and the Year 6 children have really enjoyed their lunchtimes. 


A letter will be going home tonight regarding Parents Evening on Thursday 17th March. You will be able to book your appointment electronically, but more is explained in the letter. It will be good opportunity for you to see your child's book and talk about the progress they have made this year. 


Hope the weather is more pleasant again this weekend and you all get to go outdoors and have some fun and relaxation. Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday; kean, eager and ready for more learning in Year 6. 

Friday 25th February 2022

Welcome back  Children seemed to have had a fun and enjoyable week despite the lovely weather and storms during the week! Hope parents had a relaxing and fun time as well as the children. They have made a slow start to the week and are now well and truly back into the groove of learning. They are working well through their revision books each night and please can you ensure that they have these in schools each day. 


We have continued to study our books in English, writing a character descritption and describing settings in the novels. All children are working extremely hard at improvoing their writing and we are delighted to see the progression in this. Maths has seen children learn about and calculate Volume. We read our next chapter of the Heartstone project, with excellent discussions had afterwards. In Geography they have developed their map reading skills looking at Longtitude and Latitude and some are extremely competent Geographers. 


Hope the weather is more pleasant this weekend and you all get to go outdoors and have some fun and relaxation. Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday; kean, eager and ready for more learning in Year 6. 

Friday 11th February 2022

Year 6 have had a very busy week with all the extra curricular activities they have taken part in. On Monady, Andy Walker came and delivered his inspirtaional workshop on Living Your Dreams. Children have been further motivated and inspired to work hard and follow their dreams and overcome any obstacles that may get in their way. They completed a variety of activities, which included sitting in a wheelchair blindfolded and driving this round a cours; controlling Andy's wheelchair and brushing each others teeth! Fun and lots of learning was had throughout the day. 


After such an inspirational and exciting day, children attended Crucial Crew, where they learnt important life skills. They had sessions delivered by; GMP, Metrolink and Transport, Healthy Diet, Healthy Minds and First Aid. Children gained a lot of knowledge and will become even better citizens when they leave St Margaret's this summer. 


On Thursday, the Local Authority community cohension officer along with a PCSO came to deliver an assembly on Hate Crime to Year 6, which they enjoyed and found very informative. 


In between all of this, the continued to work hard in lessons and make progress through the Year 6 curriculum. Year 6 fully deserve the half-term break as they have worked exceptionally hard. We hope you and your families have a lovely break, have lots of fun and hopefully the weather will be good and we can get outdoors! Year 6 make sure you relax and recharge your batteries. 


See you all on Tuesday 22nd February.

Friday 4th February 2022

Can you believe it's February already! It was great today seeing Year 6 celebrating Number Day and raising money for the NSPCC. Lots of Maths puzzles have been solved in Year 6 and children have had a lovely day - they even did Maths is Spanish! 


You have probably been made aware by your child that it has been practice SATs in Year 6 this week. Children have given them 100% and have tried their best and worked hard all week and we are so proud of them. When it comes to May they should just relax and showcase how awesome and amazing they are letting us see their wonderful skills and knowledge. 


We have another busy week next week:

Monday 7th February - Living Your Dreams Workshop with Andy Walker

Tuesday 8th February - Crucial Crew Trip (morning)

Wednesday 9th February - SATs meeting for parents (either 3.30 - 4.00pm or 5.00 - 5.30pm), where revision books will be handed out.


Have a lovely weekend and continue to keep yoursleves and family safe. Look forward to seeing you all on Monday, refreshed ready for your new challenges for the week. 

Friday 28th January 2022

Another busy week in the Year 6 classroom. In English, children have continued reading the class novels; Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone and Stormbreaker. They have produced good writing in their books all week, demonstrating the Year 6 writing criteria. We have continued with 'The Heartstone Project' in our Guided Reading sessions, reading Chapter 5 and having good open, mature discussions about a variety of issues. In Maths, children have been developing their reasoning skills and calculating area of compound shapes and triangles. In Science, children have continued to learn about the heart and the digestive systems. In Geography; map reading skills and looking at the longitude and latitude were studied.  


Well done to the Year 6 who respresented the school in a basketball competition last night, where they  have progressed to the finals and see who they draw!  

Friday 21st January 2022

Another busy week in the Year 6 classroom. In English, children have continued reading the class novels; Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone and Stormbreaker. They have produced good writing describing settings and characters in each novel. We have continued with 'The Heartstone Project' in our Guided Reading sessions, reading Chapter 4 and creating bookmarks. In Maths, children have been developing their reasoning skills and calculating area of compound shapes, which might need some further revision on Mathletics. Children have finished their spreadsheets in ICT, with some moving on to calculating percentages and VAT on these! In Science children have continued to look at the heart and new topic in Geography; map reading skills and looking at the Greenwich Merdian and time zones.  


Well done to the Year 6 who respresented the school in a football competition last night, where they played 4 games, winning two of them 4 - 0, 4 - 1 and drew the others 0 - 0 and 1 - 1. They have progressed to the next round and see who they draw!  

Friday 14th January 2022

Year 6 have worked hard this week and the Christmas holiday cobwebs are falling off them and they are being more productive in lessons! We have begun studying our new books in English; Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone with Mr Longworth and Stormbreaker with Miss Cohen and good writing has been produced this week. We have continued with 'The Heartstone Project' in our Guided Reading sessions, reading Chapter 3 and creating our own Class Charter. In Maths, children have been developing their reasoning skills and calculating perimeter of shapes. Children have been finalising their spreadsheets in ICT and Lord Sugar would certainly be impressed with these! We have also begun our new topic in Science looking at the heart and new topic in Geography; map reading skills.  


We have a trip to Crucial Crew arranged for Tuesday 8th February and a letter will be going out next week telling you more information about this. Also, we will be sending a home a letter about a meeting regarding the Y6 SATs and revision guides to support the children. The meeting will be take place on Wednesday 9th February. 


Have a lovely weekend with your families and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday. 


Friday 7th January 2022

Happy New Year! Having spoken with the children this week, they have had a lovely Christmas and got some amazing presents! We hope you and your families had a lovely Christmas and begun the new year well. Children came back still in holiday mode, but soon picked up the pace with an artithmetic test to welcome them back to start the new term. As the first week is finishing, they are slowly getting back into the groove and work ethic, which is paramount this term.


Unfortunately, Andy Walker could not come into school to deliver his 'Living Your Dreams workshop' yesterday due to mechanical issues with his wheelchair. He was extremely apologetic and in his words he was 'gutted'. BUT once his wheelchair is fixed he will becoming into to school to deliver this, it will just be a little later than planned. 


Next week Year 6 will begin studying new books in English; Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone with Mr Longworth and Stormbreaker with Miss Cohen. We will also be continuing 'The Heartstone Project' in our Guided Reading sessions. In Maths, children will be developing their reasoning skills and calculating area and perimeter. In ICT we will be finishing Spreadsheets and then moving onto look at Blogging.  The curriculum overview and what we will be covering this term is below. 


It will be certainly a busy term and we will be working even harder and raising expectations more! We have a trip to Crucial Crew planned (more details will follow) and we will be sending a home a letter about a meeting reagrding the Y6 SATs and revision guides to support the children. 


We hope you have a lovely may even be a snowy weekend! 


Friday 17th December 2021

We have finally made it to the end of term! Year 6 have worked incredibly hard all term and thoroughly deserve a well earned break this Christmas. We hope you and your families have a lovely Christmas break and safe and peaceful new year. Stay safe and well, and have a lovely festive break. 

We look forward to welcoming children back in 2022, on Tuesday 4th January. 


Reminder - Year 6 have the Living Your Dreams Workshop on Thursday 6th January. Please could all monies be paid to the school offics ASAP. 


Tuesday 14th December 2021

Our Christmas Videos for you...


Jingle bell rock


We wish you a Merry Christmas


Rockin around a Christmas tree


Happy Christmas from Year 6!


Friday 10th December 2021

It was lovely to see all the children in their Christmas Jumpers today. We have recorded our Christmas songs on video for you today, which we will be uploading here next week! Watch this space, as children and staff had great fun in recording them. 


On Wednesday 15th December it is Christmas Dinner day and the party in the afternoon. A letter was sent out yesterday regarding the arrangements of the party. Also, we have sent a letter out regarding watching The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom next week to finish the books we have been studying this term. There will be Christmas activities in between finishing all the curriculum lessons off this week. 


Have a lovely weekend with your families, and we look forward to teaching you all for the last week in 2021. Stay safe, have fun and see you all on Monday. 

Friday 3rd December 20021

Can you believe that it is December already?! It has been great to learn about all the different advent calendars that children have at home - completely different from when I was a child! 


There is only two weeks left till we break up for Christmas but there is still a lot of work to cover; design and make Anderson Shelters, finish WW2 art, complete Science unit on electricity; making Christmas lights, complete work on Spreadsheets in ICT, finish WW2 topic and finish our RE topic as well as the work in English and Maths! A busy 10 days await!


We are looking forward to seeing the children wearing there Christmas Jumpers on Friday 10th December. I am sure there will be many different desgins and will be great to see. Good luck to those who have bought raffle tickets to win a hamper. Mrs Perry will be drawing the raffle supported by her two trusty elf helpers...Mr Longworth and Mrs Barnes.  

Friday 26th November 2021

This week has seen Year 6 sitting practice SATs papers. They have been incredibly mature and sensible throughout the week. Children now can see the many areas of strength that they have and we can now plan lessons to strengthen the areas where they do not feel as confident. They have approached these in a mature, positive manner, and this attitude will set them well in life. 


Children have continued to develop their knowledge in Electrictity in Science, Spreadsheets in ICT, Art in our WW2 topic and have been enthusiatic in PE and Spanish. 


Today saw the Year 6 hang a bauble on the Christmas Tree for the last time. The tree now looks very festive, especially at the top where the Year 6 children could reach! They enjoyed taking part in this and saw the three elf helpers (Mrs Perry, Mrs Barnes, Mr Longworth) helping them with Christmas music and organising the decoration of the the tree. 


Have another lovely weekend with your families and next time I will message it will be December and the count down to Christmas. 

Friday 19th November 2021

Year 6 have had another productive week, working hard in all subject areas. They have produced quality writing in both texts; The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom. The topic of electricity is progressing and they carried out a good investigation. There was plenty of work covered this week linked to Anti-Bullying Week and all the children are very understanding, aware and know what to do. 


The week finished, with children coming to school in their own clothes, raising alot of money for Children In Need. Many thanks for your kind and generous donations and the monies will be grafetully received. 


Have a lovely weekend, the weather forecast looks good (hopefully we have not cursed this!), and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Friday 5th November

It has been to great to hear about the wonderful activities and adventures that Year 6 have been up to over half term. It sounds like they got plenty of treats when they went out on Halloween! 


All children have come back, refreshed and with a hunger to learn, which is a great start to the half term. We are continuing studying the books Goodnight Mr Tom and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. They have completed an assessed piece of writing this week, linked to each book, which has been a pleasure to read and mark. They are already showing what competent writers they are. 


In Maths, we have looked at converting measures and the rules associated with these. If children could keep practicing this area on Mathletics if will certainly help their fluency, understanding and confidence. We will continue to build upon their skills in this area next week. In Science we are moving onto our new topic of Electricity and in ICT we are going to learn about Spreadsheets. 


If you do go out to a Bonfire display, or have your own fireworks in the garden, make sure you have lots of fun, enjoy yourselves but keep safe - we went to see you all on Monday fit and healhty!  Have a lovely weekend, wrap up warm and have fun.  

Friday 21st October

We have made it to half term! Well done Year 6 for your amazing work over the past 8 weeks and being superb at Dearne Valley (that seems a lifetime ago!) Please remember to hand in your piece of writing  linked to Black History Month when we return. You will then be sharing your research with the rest of the class. It was lovely speaking to your parents last night on the phone, telling them how well you all have settled into Year 6 and the progress you are making. Keep up the hard work, drive, dedication, determination and enthusiasm and you will achieve your potential this year.  


Over the holidays, please spend time with your families and have lots of fun. Hopefully the weather will be good so you can get to be outside. Have a good break, recharge your batteries and we will see you on TUESDAY 2nd NOVEMBER. Enjoy Halloween and hopefully you will all get plenty of treats.  Have a lovely break and see you all in November

Friday 15th October

Yet another busy week for Year 6 with excellent writing being produced all week. In Maths, they are now confident with dividing fractions and we move onto adding and subtracting fractions next week! 


Year 6 had a good morning at Parreenthorn on Wednesday, where they had an art lesson and a DT lesson along with experiencing food at a high school. They enjoyed their taster morning of experiencing life at a high school.   


Have another lovely weekend, as the weather looks to be fine. Get out and fun with your family and friends and we will see you all back in on Monday for the final week of the half term.

Friday 8th October 2021

Year 6 have settled into their roles of responsibilities really well this week and we know that they will grow into these and become wonderful leaders within the school. They have now been presented with their badges and look offical!


Another busy week has taken place in Year always making sure every second counts! Children have been writing figuratively to describe the setting in Goodnight Mr Tom and have researched Auschwitz in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, producing an informative piece of writing. Maths, has seen children conquer calculating fractions of amounts and they have become very competent at this. Children have continued to produce great work in all subject areas, showcasing their writing across all curriculum. 


We have begun celebrating Black History month by learning about Nelson Mandela this week. Each week we will be learning about a different influencial character. Next week we will be learning about Nicola Adams.


Letters will be going out on Monday regarding Parents Evening. This will be held on Thursday 21st October between 1.00pm - 6.30 pm and will be over phone by either myself or Miss Cohen. Please could you complete the forms, indicating your preferred time slots and send then into school by next Thursday.


On Wednesday 13th October, Year 6 will be going over to Parrenthorn to have lessons all morning  experiencing life at a secondary school. Lunch will be provided by Parrenthorn for all pupils and they will return in the afternoon. 


The school office has emailed AGAIN regarding Google Classroom for Year 6. Please can you accept the link to join the Y6 Google Classroom - we currently have a class of 18. Then can you edit the username that appears on google classroom to your child's name for safeguarding reasons, so we know who is accessing the work to be set on this platform.

Friday 1st October 2021

We are delighted to announce our new Head Girl and Head Boy.... Isabella and Tom, with their very able deputies  Lexi and Ben. Along with this we have our 8 superb house captains for Thorne, Musgrave, Carver and Swinburne. There will be more opportunities throughout the year for children to take on extra roles and responsibilities including; playground leaders, school council and computer team. We know these children are going to do a fantastic job and will prepare them for future life. 


This week children have produced some excellent diary entries in the role of William Beech and Bruno. Children had developed there knowledge of percenatge this week so they will be able to calculate where to get the best discounts! In Science they have been learning about classifying animals using a classifcation key. PE has been very wet this week!  

Friday 24th September 2021

Another busy week of learning has taken place...plenty of books marked! Children are working incredibly hard in all lessons and it is great to see the progression they have made in this short period of time. They are fulling embracing lessons; participating and producing high quality work. They are really enjoying our topic of WW2 and the books that we are studying in English. They have a great work ethic and should look to build upon this throughout the year. 

Friday 17th September 2021

We have had a very productive week in Y6 and children have worked incredibly hard, after their adventures at Dearne Valley last week. We have begun studying our new books; Goodnight Mr Tom and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. In Maths, children have shown great understanding whilst solving long multiplication questions. Great work ethic has been shown in all lessons and hopefully this will continue throughout the year. 

Dearne Valley Blog

Day 1

All arrived safely after a long, long journey on the M62 (motorists were rubber knecking at the accident on otherside of the motorway) and then got stuck behind a tractor leaving the motorway! Lots of happiness and singing on the coach... Mr L bellowing out tunes from Radio X in his car! 

Children rushed off the coach, excited and were not impressed that they had to make their own beds, which was hilarious to watch! Beds were eventually made by the time our first activity began at 4pm. Children were quick to settle into their dorms, and sweets and chocolates have already been not know if there is much left for the rest of the week!

The first activity was Problem Solving...or not! Year 6 displayed teamwork, perseverance, collaboration, communication, listening skills and thinking logically and outside of the box. Lots of different puzzles and challenges were overcome...including staff finding shade from the sun!  Then the most important time of the day - DINNER!! Lovely food, and Mr L and Mrs D were great at serving donuts for desert, whilst Miss C and Mr P were eating their second portions...Mr L was jealous!! 

With bellies full to the brim, we embarked on our nightime activity - Campfire. Lots of songs (some very annoying, which children will sing to you!) were sung, jokes told and riddles solved. Children fully immersed themesleves into this creating an uplifting atmosphere, having the staff laughing in stitches! 

As we type this (at 21.35) children are having their showers and chilling in their rooms before lights out. Some very tired children and some very hyper and energetic children and exhausted staff! We are hoping for a quiet night and will post again tomorrow. Hope everyone is well and you are enjoying your quiet house! TTFN. 


Day 2

We actually got some sleep on the first night! Adults mangaed to get into their rooms for sleep from midnight...a new record! It was fun waking some very tired children up at 7.15am this morning - midnight feasts and chatting must have occured. Breakfast was plentiful - once Mrs Devine worked out how to use the toaster! Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Beans, scrambled egg, cereal and unlimited fruit and the unlimited toast when it arrived. 

Mornings activities were Vertical Play Pen and Nightline. All children gave the Vertical Play Pen a go, and on their second go surpassed what they achieved first time. Many reached the top and danced, whilst teachers looked on in fear! It was great seeing them lowered and children doing funny moves and poses! Condidence and sense of achievement soared in this session - harnesses are still not comfy! The Nightline was hysterical! Children were blinfolded (which they took a while to achieve this!) and had to follow a rope over and under a variety of objects alongside teachers being mischievous! Communication and listening skills were worked along with lots of screaming when approaching a tree! After this we went for a break in the dorms to escape the heat. 

Lunch was soon upon us, where we had to eduacte the children what a Tacco was! They were lovely with chips and we were very full ready for our afternoon of fun which included; Zip Wire and Buggy Building. The Zip wire was exhilarating and so much fun. Many children overcame fears of heights and leaping into the unknown. Music was being played from the top of the tower and children were singing whist going down the line - it was much more tuneful than Mrs Hadfield's singing! Buggy Building was a team exercise to build a buggy to carry water and all of the buggies buillt...collasped! They need to work on knot tieing and more communication and teamwork. Mr Perry and Miss Cohen then got drenched by the left over water because of the poorly built buggies. 

Dinner (you may be noticing a common theme with these posts!) - was Chicken...nuggets and hunters chicken, which was delicious. Desert was cake and custard - yummy! Back to dorms before the final activity of the day... Scrapheap Challenge. This saw children in groups of 6, create their own new brand of clothing from boxes and paper, card that they then modelled on a catwalk. To test the new clothing teachers threw water balloons at the children to see if the designs were waterproof....they weren't! Children were not impressed and trudged back to the dorms to a warm shower and dry out. Lets hope that we have another goodnights sleep and that children reenegise themsleves for the adventures that lie ahead. Message tomorrow, enjoy the weather... we want it to be cooler!! TTFN.


Day 3

Do not want to curse this but children after lights out were quiet and slept well. They were very hard to wake this morning  Day began with another plentiful, carb filled breakfast ready to start the day. Back in the dorms plenty of suncream was applied and waterbottles filled - this was the same after every activituy as it is very hot here.

Morning activities were; LazerQuest, Aeroball and Jacob's Ladder. The jungle themed arena was packed with sneaky hideout places, ramps, staircases and slides, where children in teams went and zapped each other. This was a very competative session and one child from the session said "I learnt to zap someone", nevermind collaboration, communication and teamwork! Aeroball, was quick, frantic and exhausting incoprating basketball and trampolining. We finished the morning with Jacob's Ladder - his ladder was far too difficult for adults to climb and he should have gone to B&Q! In pairs, they supported each other fantastically and showed what you can achieve when you work as a team. Everyone had a sense of achievement and left feeling proud and have accomplished this task. 

Lunchtime! Sandwiches, wraps and jacket potato and beans were on offer and were devoured due to the energy loss on the morning activities. 

After a break from the sun in the dorms, afternoon activities saw us conquer low ropes and abseil. Low ropes involved working in three's to complete a low rope obstacle course where two 'spotters' ensured that person on the course did not fall - again reinforcing teamwork, which is developing well. Next was abseil - teachers favourite...not! Many children were like spiderman and Bear Grylls on a mission going down this tower. Others found it challenging, perseverance and great determination saw them conquer this, as some then wanted a second go. Teachers were happy completing it once and having their feet firmly back on the ground. 

Dinner time!! Cottage Pie or Sausage and Mash...though if you were a teacher you got both! Desert was a refreshing frozen yogurt, which was delicious. Naughty Mr L had two!! We ended the night withe the Nightwalk. This entailed a 40 minute walk up a hill that over looked Doncaster and Connisburgh. The views were amazing and children learnt how to echo their voices - locals would have loved us!! Met some horses on the way back down. This has wiped them out and as we write this (21.50) we hope when we return they will be all in bed sleeping! Weather looks to change tomorrow....maybe rain! TTFN


Day 4

Another good nights sleep - I have never known a class to sleep so well. Saying that I probably have cursed tonight now! Children found it extremely hard to wake up - so many tired eyes and heads popping out of duvets like merekats! Woke up to cooler weather today - hurray! Breakfast was plentiful as previous days and I am going miss my full english breakfast next week. 

Morning activities - bushcraft and archery. To start the day we all channeled our inner Bear Grylls. Lighting the fire was easy - keeping it going was harder! Lots of aching hands from trying to get the  flint to light the paper. We all came away with a lovely aroma of fire! No one was burnt or any animals killed for the fire! Next was archery, where we have quite a few Robin Hood and Maid Marrian wannabes in our ranks. Also, some are still looking foir their arrows that flew over the target and making its way to Doncaster. Their aim and confidence grew during the activity. Mrs 'I hit the bull' Devine showed us how to do it...not that we are competetive. 

Lunch - choice of pasties, hot dogs and chips... beats a sandwich whilst marking books! 

Afternoon activities - oreinteering and kayaking. Luckily, we have not lost any children on the course and their map reading skills have improved. They navigated around the many acres of Dearne Valley to find their trig points and were in a race against the time. Good teamwork was again displayed and there were a lot tired legs from all the running. Finally, kayaking - what can I say! This was a firm favourite with children and staff! Everyone went in bone dry and came out like drowned rats! BUT they learnt how to kayak and capsize their kayak...several times. Some were even doing handstands in the kayak and stood up and rowed. Great fun was had and was led by our group leader Brad. 

Dinner - Fishcakes / Southern Fried chicken and chips with apple pie and custard for desert. 

Our final evening activity was Mystery Trail. There has been a murder in school and the children had to question or what they did - interrogate the four suspects. You can guess who they were!! There are some future lawyers in this class! The murder was the receptionist (not Mrs Barnes) but Mrs Devine!!! We went for a walk around the grounds at night as children already packed their suitcases before dinner. Lets hope for one final goodnights sleep!


Tomorrow we have climbing and one group has archery whilst the other has orienteering. We will be having our lunch at 12.45 before boarding the coach to set off home at 1.30pm. We anticipate to be back at school for 2.50 pm ish. We will keep the school informed of our progress. Children will be looking forward to seeing you and recalling their adventures for the week. See you all tomorrow. Enjoy your final night of peace! TTFN

Thursday 22nd July 

Goodbye Year 6 - you have been a delight to teach and we wanted to thank you all for making each day special and memorable for us. You have been an amazing cohort and we will miss you.  


Please could you all arrive at school for 12.30pm, where you will go into the Year 6 classroom and have a final rehearsal as you might have forgotten the songs!!
The assembly will begin at 1.15pm on the playground., so parents can you come back for that time. 
Please can you bring a school shirt so all your classmates (and teachers) can sign this for you. 
We wanted the opportunity to ensure that Year 6 got the send off that they fully deserved as they have been a pleasure to teach and we will miss all of them.

Wednesday 21st July Update...

We will be having two Zoom meetings tomorrow (deatils are on our Google Classroom) 

When you join please ALL have your cameras ON and have yourselves on mute. 

We will be asking you to do some work in preparation for this (now stop moaning, it is fun work!!)

  • For the meeting at 9.30 a.m. we would like you all to talk on the zoom meeting about your favourite / funniest moment in Year 6 and share this with the class
  • For the meeting at 1.00 p.m.  we would like you all to talk on the zoom meeting about your favourite / funniest moment in St Margarets and share this with the class

When it is your turn, take yourself off mute to share your memorable moments...we cannot wait to hear them.


There WILL be a Leaver's assembly on Wednesday 1st September at 1.15 pm, but more details will follow as we are finalising plans!!


Never loose sight of how awesome and wonderful you are. You have been an amazing cohort to teach and we didn't want to end the year like this as you do not deserve it. 

See you tomorrow on the zoom


URGENT - Tuesday 20th July 

It is with deep regret that I write to you all with this information. Unfortunately, there has been a positive case via LFT within Y6 and we have had to close our bubble. 

This does mean that tomorrow's trip to St Anne's will be cancelled and monies will be refunded at soon as possible. We will notify you of the PCR result as soon as the results are received. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office or the Year 6 email if you have any further questions.



Friday 16th July

As we enter the final week for Year 6 at St Margaret’s we just wanted to say how amazing they are and how hard they have worked and persevered through a challenging year and they are credit to themselves and you.


On Wednesday, we will be going to St Anne’s beach. Please be in school promptly for 9.00 a.m. as we will be leaving soon after. We will be leaving St Anne’s beach at 3.30p.m., aiming to return to school for 4.30 p.m.  Packed lunches will be required for all children. Make sure they have a water bottle that they can drink from throughout the day and pack extra drinks as well. Children can bring up to £5 spending money to buy snacks e.g. ice-cream, candy floss, sweets, drinks during the day. It is not to be used to buy their lunch. Children will be responsible for their own money. Please can you ensure your child wears their school t-shirt and jumper / cardigan with their own shorts/ trousers and suitable footwear. Please also bring a beach towel, sun hat, sun cream and if raining waterproofs. They may also like to bring a bucket and spade or suitable game to play on the beach but they will be responsible for this. There will be no mobile phones allowed on the trip – all phones will be kept at school for children to use on their journey to and from school.


Friday will be their last day in Primary school and we will be holding our leavers assembly, socially distanced as far as possible on the school playground. This will begin at 1.15 p.m. Gates will open, once we have the rest of the school in their classrooms, after lunch. If you wish you can bring chairs, blankets, to sit on during the assembly. Bring cameras to remember the occasion but please do not post any pictures on social media sites of the whole class. You may also need to bring tissues!! Children can bring in a school shirt for their classmates to sign as well, which will happen in the afternoon.


Today, children will bring home their school report and the refunded money from the Dearne Valley trip. 


Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your wonderful support throughout the year, especially in lockdowns and isolation, when home learning occurred. It has been a pleasure to teach such a magnificent and wonderful cohort and we will miss then so much when they all move onto their secondary schools, where I am sure they will have an excellent time.

Monday 12th July

Year 6 had a busy week last week. It begun with an amazing Greek day led by Mr Perry. Children learnt about the Greeks through;  Art, Drama, DT, History and Geography during the day. The amount of facts learnt was mesmorising and they had a great day.

Unfortunately, Sports Day had to be cancelled because of bad weather and was re-arranged to Tuesday 13th July, which has now been postponed due to bad weather again!! Sports will now be Thursday 15th July 1.15 - 2.45 and hopefully it will be third time lucky! 

Then came the trip to Ashworth Valley, where children completed Archery, Grass Sledging and a Low Ropes course along with an obstacle course. I must admit I really liked the Grass Sledging and want to go to the winter Olympics with my other three crew members who were awesome!! There are some amazing archers as well - Robin Hood, Year 6 are coming for you! 

Finally we had our 'Living Your Dreams Workshop' which was led by Andy Walker, who is truly inspirational and the children had a fun and educational day, learning lots and taking away the message to dream big, follow your dreams and achieve whatever you want to. 


Please note some key dates for your diary in the remainder of this term:


Tuesday 13th July - Crucial Crew (9.10 - 11.45)

Wednesday 14th July - Ashworth Activity Centre: Day 2

Thursday 15th July - Sports Day (1.15 - 2.45)

Friday 16th July - please bring in plastic bag so children can take home their books

Wednesday 21st July - St Anne's Beach

Friday 23rd July - Leavers assembly 1.15 on the school playground

Friday 2nd July 2021

Year 6 have been absolutely wonderful this week. Considering the diasappointment of the cancellation of the residential, they have shown great maturity and understanding showcasing what a superb cohort they are...they are not allowed to go to Secondary School! 


This week we have been to Heaton Park to go on the playgrounds and have walks; played pitch and putt; had a Transition day to the Secondary school and finished with a pizza and film day. They have seemed to enjoy all the activities and have shown lovely manners throughout and enjoyed spending time with their friends outside the classroom. 


We have finalised three days out for the children; two to the Ashworth Activity Centre and another to Anne's Beach. Children have been sent home with a letter with all the details on this. Please could all permission slips be returned before Wednesday. Thank you all for your understanding and paitence this week. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing Year 6 back in the class on Monday for a Greek Day!!

Friday 25th June 2021

Y6 have done remarkably well this week staying in their activity groups to enable them to get to Dearne Valley...and completing the last set of tests!! We hope they all stay safe and well through the weekend.
On Monday children need to be in school by 11.00am with a packed lunch . No electronic devices are allowed (mobile phones, smart watches). Any children that require medication please ensure that you hand it to a group leader on arrival at school.
The coach will be departing school at 1pm, parents are welcome to wave their children off but please adhere to social distancing rules. Mr Longworth will contact the school on arrival at Dearne Valley, which is anticipated for 2.30 pm
The Year 6 webpage will be updated each evening once the children have completed the activities and are in the dormitories ready to sleep!!

Friday 18th June 2021

Year 6 have had another productive week and have moved into our temporary home of the school hall to make sure we can get to go to our residential at Dearne Valley. We only have another 5 weeks left before your schooling journey continues into secondary school. We will make sure we have plenty of fun and laughs in your last few weeks with us... but they will be extremely busy and jam packed as well! Have a lovely weekned and make sure you socially distance yourself and stay safe

Friday 21st May 2021

We have had another extremely busy week of learning and we are incredibly impressed with the efforts that children are putting into their work. They are working so hard and should be proud of their achievements. We look forward to seeing you and your child at the Dearne Valley meeting on Wednesday 26th May at 4.30 pm. socially distanced on the playground - weather permitting! You will receive a pack with all the relevant information you need and information will also be uploaded onto this page. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the weather is kind so we can all get outdoors and have fun.

Friday 14th May 2021

It was lovely speaking to you all last night reporting on your child's progress and attainment. They have all done remarkbly well and I am sure they will continue to work hard and showcase their learning in all subjects for the reminder of the year. They are a marvellous cohort to teach and we will miss them when they spread their wings and fly off to their secondary schools. But before then, we will have lots of fun and enjoyment whilst learning.

Friday 30th April 2021. 

We have got through another week and the Year 6 bubble remains strong! Year 6 have been working hard again all week, showcasing their narrative and instructional writing talents along with their reasoning skills and calculating algebra in Maths. Keep working hard and demonstrating how awesome you all are. 

Enjoy the sun (hopefully it will appear and the rain will stay away) this bank holiday weekend. Make sure you all have fun, stay safe and look after yourselves and your families and we will see you all on TUESDAY morning.



Friday 23rd April 2021

It has been great being back in the classroom teaching the Year 6 - hopefully we will get through their last term without the bubble being sent home! All Year 6 have been enthusiatic and their work ethic has been great - keep it up. 

Our residential to Dearne Valley will be going ahead on Monday 28th June for the week. There will be a meeting reagrding the trip later on in May and I will send a letter out confirming the date and time. Before that, we have a parents evening on Thursday 6th May and this will be via phone call again. A letter will be going out on Monday and please return this as soon as possible so we can allocate times. 

Enjoy the sun this weekend. Make sure you all have fun, stay safe and look after yourselves and we will see you all on Monday morning. 

Friday 26th March 2021

Thank you for all your work you have been submitting - there have been some amazing villan top trumps! You have been working incredibly hard, which we knew you would. You should be proud of your achievements and work ethic as we ceratinly are. Just think...this time next week we will not be in isolation! Have a good weekend with your families and relax, do not go near a screen!! We will see you Monday morning on the zoom meeting at 9.30am. 


Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Unfortunately, Team Year 6 has got to isolate for the remainder of the term, until Friday 2nd April. We will be returning to our morning zoom at 9.30 a.m. Please can you all attend this as myself and Miss Cohen will be informing you of the day's work. When joining please have you camera on so we can see your happy smiling faces and if you want after the register you can turn your camera off. The work will be set on Google Classroom and you can also access this via the website, in the home learning folder. Can ALL work either be submitted back on Google Classroom or emailed to the Year 6 email address. We will still be assessing each piece of work submitted gainst the Y6 standards, and hope that you will be equally as awesome and produce high quality work like last time. 

We will be Team Year 6 again after the Easter Holidays and we really look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 19th April. Please keep safe and look after yourself and your families. Keep happy and adding to the Y6 Wall of awesomeness as we are here for you and in this together as a team. 

Friday 12th March 2021

It has been wonderful teaching Year 6 as team Year 6 once again. It has been great to catch-up with them all finding out about how awesome they have been during lockdown. They have settled well into life in Year 6 and have continued with the same work ethic and determination to improve like they had before Christmas. Today, they had made wonderful spy gadgets, ready to be grilled in our on Year 6 Dragon's Den in a couple of weeks!! Everyone has been ethusiastic and happy all week and have done incredibly well...long may it continue! Have a great weekend, stay safe and look after yourselves and your families and we will see you all on Monday. 

Monday 8th March 2021

The day has arrived when Team Year 6 are reunited! We hope you have had a relaxing weekend with your family and are really looking forward to continuing your journey in Year 6. We will be hitting the ground running! You have all done remarkably well this year and should be proud of your achievements and progress. You have all worked hard during the last week of lockdown, showcasing your knowledge and understanding and talents across all the subjects and now we can build and extend upon this knowledge in class. See you all at 8.45am, which some might find a struggle!!

Friday 26th February 2021

It has been lovely seeing you all on zoom meetings or in the Y6 classroom this week after the half term break. After Monday's announcement  from the Prime Minister, Year 6 will be back together again on Monday 8th March and we are really looking forward to having you all back and being Team Year 6 again.  Keep working hard during the last week of lockdown, showcasing your knowledge and understanding and talents across all the subjects. You have all done remarkably well this year and should be proud of your achievements and progress. Lets hope the weather is like it is as I am typing this so we can all get out for walks and bike rides. Keep being awesome and we hope you and your families are safe and well. 

Monday 22nd February 2021

Hopefully you all have had a relaxing half-term and managed to go on some walks or bike rides with your family or just get outside and away from a screen for a while! We will know more tonight on the projected return for children to school, and hopefully this will be very soon.

There will now be two zoom meetings each day at 9.30 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Please have a pen and paper handy for each meeting to join in and make notes of the tasks you will have to complete. Please try your best to attend the afternoon zoom mmetings, but we do understand and appreciate that all families cicrumstances are different in each household. Here is what will be happening in each meeting:

9.30 – 10.10

Morning Registration

Delivery of the Maths lesson

Delivery of the English lesson

Questions and Wellbeing


1.00 – 1.30

Afternoon Registration

Delivery of the afternoon tasks

Questions and Wellbeing


We are really looking forward to seeing you all either in the classroom (don't forget your cardboard boxes!) or on the zoom meeting tomorrow. Please continue to add your comments on the Padlets: 'Y6 Wall of Awesomeness' and 'What book you are reading.' Enjoy your Monday and we will see the wonderful and amazing Year 6 tomorrow.

Friday 12th February 2021

We just wanted to say how amazing Year 6 (and you!) have been this half term regards with accessing and completing the remote learning. Children have worked incredibly hard and should be so proud of their efforts and achievements. It really is wonderful seeing them on zoom meetings; they certainly lift our morale and make the meetings so much more enjoyable and fun. Children in school have been working equally as hard as well. So, homework over the half term is to have some superb family time, relax, chill and go nowhere near a screen for the week!  Also Y6, don’t spend too much time texting your valentine on Sunday!!!


Thank you all for trailing three zoom meetings this week and submitting your preference of the number of zoom meetings to be held after term. The votes are in! They have been verified and checked by an independent judicator (that’s what Ant n Dec say!)…


46%   Zoom at 9.30am and 1.00pm

29%   Zoom at 9.30am

25%   Zoom at 9.30am, 11.00am and 1.00pm


Beginning Tuesday 23rd February, there will be TWO compulsory Zoom meetings at 9.30am and 1.00pm. Please see below what will be occurring in each meeting and make sure you have pen and paper handy for the meetings:


9.30 – 10.10

Morning Registration

Delivery of the Maths lesson

Delivery of the English lesson

Questions and Wellbeing


1.00 – 1.30

Afternoon Registration

Delivery of the afternoon tasks

Questions and Wellbeing


We do understand and appreciate that there is a varying circumstances at home in each household. We have gone with the majority and hopefully you will be understanding and committed to the two Zooms each day. We hope you have a lovely half-term, stay safe and look after yourselves and we will see you on February 23rd.

Friday 5th February 2021

You will have received the email from myself and Mrs Perry saying that all classes will be having two zoom sessions a week; their morning time zoom and an additional one at 1pm. This zoom at 1pm will to to ask any further questions about the tasks set in the morning and for us to address any misconceptions we have noticed. Also, to further explain the afternoon tasks.

Next week in Year 6, we will be trialing a different approach to home learning. We will be having 3 zoom meetings a day, where we will deliver the input for each task at that time as well as taking the register in the morning and the afternoon:
9.30 - 10.00 Register + Maths
11.00 - 11.30 English
1.00 - 1.30 Register + Other Subjects


Another week of lockdown completed - well done Year 6 (and your parents!)  Never loose sight of how amazing and incredible you are and what you are achieving and we will all be back os the Year 6 team soon. Again, please have a well deserved rest over the weekend, which you have totally earnt.  Please continue to look after each other and stay safe. I will see you on the zoom meeting on Monday at 9.30. Have a lovely weekend and continue being the amazing awesome Year 6, you are all doing superbly well. 

Friday 28th January 2021

Another week of lockdown completed - well done Year 6 (and your parents!) You are working incredibly hard and should be proud of your progress and work ethic completing all the tasks this week. Please have a well deserved rest over the weekend, which you have totally earnt. If the weather is pleasant get some fresh air and spend some time with your family outdoors... and you can always use Sameroo for your food deliveries!! 


Most of you have found it a little difficult, at varying points during the week and we are here to support you. Feel free to send a meesage on Google Classroom or via the Year 6 email as we are always here to support you. Never loose sight of how amazing and incredible you are and what you are achieving and we will all be back os the Year 6 team soon. 


Hope you and your family are well. Please continue to look after each other and stay safe. I will see you on the zoom meeting on Monday at 9.30. Have a lovely weekend and continue being the amazing awesome Year 6, you are all doing superbly well. 

Friday 22nd January 2021

Another week of lockdown completed - well done Year 6 (and your parents!) You are working incredibly hard and should be proud of your progress and work ethic completing all the tasks this week. Please have a well deserved rest over the weekend, which you totally deserve. If the weather is pleasant get some fresh air and spend some time with your family outdoors. 


Zoom meetings are becoming the new 'normal' and you all are extremely punctual to joining these and listen well during what we have to say. Please could you have cameras turned on at the start of the meeting so we can see you, before going to a screen saver of your choice! Thank you to those who use the chat facility in the correct manner - it makes our life alot easier and helps others to see what questions are being asked. 


Google Classroom is the new 'normal' as well. It is great to see so many of you submitting work back via this portal. Please keep ensuring that every piece of work is high quality beacuse the work you are submitting will go towards the Teacher Assessment grade you will achieve at the end of the year. We now Return your work to make the classroom screen easier for us to see which work we have marked and those we still have to mark - you dont need to return the returned work!!


Hope you are families are well and please continue to look after each other and stay safe and well. I will see you on the zoom meeting on Monday at 9.30. Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 15th January 2021

First of all I want to say how amazing the Year 6 are, which we already knew! As we begin this second lockdown, you all have taken to attending our daily zoom meetings and completing learning remotely like a duck to water. You all should be proud of yourselves to what you are achieving. Equally, it is wonderful to see all the hard work you are comleting and submitting. Please continue to set high standards for your self and aim for the stars and beyond, beacuse you can do it. Myself and miss have been busy marking and assessing your writing and Maths and it is great to see the condidence and progression in your work. Donot let your standards slip - keep the belief and the positivity that YOU CAN!  


Have a well deserved break this weekend - parents you too as well! You should be proud of your achievements and continue to show this great work ethic, which will help you in later life as well. 


Please continue to stay safe and healthy and remember to look after your families. I will see you all on Monday's zoom meeting at 9.30. 

Friday 8th January 2021.

It has been good to see you all on zoom meetings this week. They will continue at 9.30 am every morning, where we will explain your Maths, English and other task that you have to complete. Key worker children, in school, will be receiving the same zoom meeting and completing the same work that children at home will be completing. Please can ALL children submit there work (all three tasks) back on Google Classroom or via the Year 6 home learning email address each day. Please complete each task fully and to the best of your ability as each piece of work submitted we will be teacher assessing your understanding and knowledge in this area of learning. As you may be aware, the government have decided that the Year 6 SATs will not be taking place, so the work you do from now on will go towards your teacher assessment result. 


If parents have any general enquiries please could you email the Year 6 home learning email and use the Google Classroom to only submit work, or ask questions about the work. This will be easier for us to monitor and reply to your queries more quickly. 


Keep yourselves and your families safe and well and hopefully we will see you back in the Year 6 classroom soon. 

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Good morning all. Home learning will now commence from tomorrow until the half term holiday. Please ensure that you all can remember how to access Google Classrooms as details for tomorrow mornings zoom meeting will be posted on there today. We look forward to seeing you all via zoom. We will be posting 3 lessons each day on Google Classroom please can ALL children submit there work (all three tasks) back on Google Classroom or via the Year 6 home learning email address each day. Please complete each task fully and to the best of your ability as each piece of work submitted we will be teacher assessing your understanding and knowledge in this area of learning. 


Parents, please keep checking your emails and looking on our website for up to date communication from Mrs Perry and the office staff. Also if you have any enquiries please could you email the Year 6 home learning email and just use Google Classroom to submit work because this will be easier for us to monitor. 


Keep yourselves and your families safe and well and hopefully we will see you back in the Year 6 classroom soon. 


Monday 4th January 2021

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your families and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Happy New Year. Thank you for the wonderful, kind gifts that you brought in for us for Christmas. In the Longworth household lots of food and chocolate was eaten in the festive period! Hopefully, you all are safe and well and have recharged your batteries for a new term. 


This term in English, Mr Longworth will be studying the book 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by JK Rowling and Miss Cohen will be studying 'Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horrowitz. In Maths we will be looking at developing your Reasoning skills, alongside covering the other parts of the curriculum. Our History topic this term is Anglo-Saxons and in Geography we will be looking at mapping skills. Knowledge Organisers of these topics can be be in the Home Learning Folder and then in the History and Geography section.   



Due to the recent government announcement regarding school residential visits, the Year 6 residential to the Kingswood centre called, Dearne Valley, located on the outskirts of Doncaster has been re-scheduled. Our stay there will now be from Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July 2021.


The cost for this week of outdoor adventure is £227. Many thanks for the deposit payment of £40, which was paid back in 2019! The remaining balance of £187, needs to be paid by Friday 22nd March 2021. Instalments, will be accepted as will a one off payment. Please can all monies be handed in at the office in an envelope with your child’s name clearly labelled on this.


Nearer the event I will be in contact to inform you of a meeting to inform you what your child will need to take for the week, finding out any dietary requirements and medical needs along with telling you more about the centre including accommodation, food and activities. In the meantime please use this link to see what wonderful facilities and activities Dearne Valley has to offer -

Monday 14th December 

As we enter the final week of term, Year 6 have recorded a Christmas reading and Christmas song for you all to enjoy. Please log onto to Google Classrooms to view this. It was recorded on Friday, when all Year 6 were wearing their Christmas jumpers and looking very festive. Thank you all for your donations on Friday and I know we raised lots of money for Save the Children.  


Children worked very hard during their assessment week, last week, and should be proud of their achievements and progress they have made. They know their areas of strengths and ones to develop in. They have worked incredibly hard all term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their support during the two periods Year 6 had to isolate at home. You supported them marvellously with their home learning and thank you for uploading work on to Google Classroom and via the year 6 email. 


Those children who have school dinners were joined by the adults in Year 6 on Thursday for the Christmas Dinner lunch, which I must say was delicious and we had great conversations during the meal! This week please remind your children to come in their own clothes on Wednesday as it is party day and we have a lovely treat for them in the afternoon.  


Myself, Miss Cohen, Mr Perry and Miss Hilton, would like to wish all children and their families a safe and Happy Christmas. Enjoy the Christmas break and look after yourselves and your families and we will see you in 2021, on Wednesday 6th January, when the year 6 journey will continue.

Saturday 5th December

Well done Year 6, our isolation period is now over! You have have been amazing attending our daily zoom meetings. Hope you have enjoyed the different themes and the Year 6 alternative Christmas story...which will continue over the next two weeks in school.


Throughout the period of isolation, you have worked incredibly hard and should be proud of your achievements. Some of you have developed into superb independent learners and your technology skills accessing zoom, Google Classrooms and uploading work has blown us away. When I was in Year 6 there use to be one computer that was on a trolley and got wheeled around to each class to use and I didn't have a computer at home till I was around 15! 


We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 7th December, and hopefully you will feel the same. Please continue to keep yourselves safe and well and look after your family too. Have a great weekend and can't wait to see you back in the Year 6 classroom. 

Monday 30th November

Good afternoon Year 6. We have had two very interesting themed zoom meetings! First of all, on Friday it was lovely seeing so many pets, that were so well behaved. My rabbit, would never stay still long enough for you to see him! Then, this morning (after technical issues) it was great to see the 'bed hair' day or wear a hat day. Glad you all are contributing to our themed zoom meetings and I know that tomorrow you will be amazing with the Christmas theme. You are a credit to yourself for your punctuality, listening and participation skills you are showing on these meetings. Myself and Miss Cohen want to thank you for this - it makes learning a lot easier for everyone else.  


You all are working incredibly hard during this self-isolation period. Myself and Miss Cohen are very impressed with your work ethic and completing the tasks to a high standard. You all have been using Google Classrooms fantastically and exceptionally well. It is also great to receive your work on the Y6 email too. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 7th December, and hopefully you will feel the same. Please continue to keep yourselves safe and well and look after your family too. 

Thursday 26th November

Good morning Year 6. It has been lovely seeing you all in our daily zoom meetings, you certainly make our day better seeing you all. We are looking forward to seeing your pets tomorrow and we will be have a themed zoom meetings next week to bring even more fun to them! Thank you all to contributing to these and listening well to the tasks we are setting. 


You all are working incredibly hard during this self-isolation period. Myself and Miss Cohen are very impressed with your work ethic and completing the tasks to a very high standard. You all have been using Google Classrooms fantastically and exceptionally well. It is also great to receive your work on the Y6 email too. We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents who have sent very supportive messages during this period of self-isolation. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 7th December, and hopefully you will feel the same. Please continue to keep yourselves safe and well and look after your family too. 

Sunday 22nd November

You should have all received an email and text stating that unfortunately our class has had to close due to a child testing positive for Covid. We wish them a speedy recovery. Please access Google Classroom, where you will find details about the Zoom meeting tomorrow morning. There are also tasks for English, Maths, Maths homework loaded on there for you to complete. We have also loaded the same tasks into the Home Learning folder (Maths and English) for you to access as well, if you find Google Classroom difficult. BUT we have the whole class signed up to Google Classroom and it will be great to see you all tomorrow morning at 9.30, where we will complete a register and explain the tasks you have to complete. 



Friday 20th November

Year 6 have had another productive week and they all should all be proud of the effort they are putting into each lesson. They are working incredibly hard and we can clearly see the progress they are making from the great foundations they have laid last half term. Myself and Miss Cohen enjoyed speaking to parents last night over the phone for parents evening. It was different this year, not speaking face to face but it was successful. Year 6 know their areas of strengths and where they can improve to develop further, which with the amazing work ethic they have I know they will do this.  


We celebrated Anti-Bullying week by wearing odd socks and completed activities around this topic in our PSHE time and in other areas of the timetable throughout the week. This week also saw children work extra hard in the 'November Numeracy Challenge' in Mathletics. We awarded the first Silver certificate this week, along with a number of Bronze certificates. Thank you to all of you who are working incredibly hard  at home as it will definitely improve your fluency and confidence in Maths. Keep logging on each day and complete 10-15minutes worth of tasks each evening. Also when you go on Live Mathletics please click on the level where the golden star is because they are your level questions you should be answering...don't go down the easy path of easier levels!


Have a lovely weekend, stay safe within your family bubble and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning (with your homework books!). Fingers crossed the weather will be better than it is as I am typing this so you can get outdoors with your family.   

Friday 13th November

Thank you to all of the amazing Year 6 who came in non-uniform to support Children In Need. It was great seeing the whole school support such an amazing cause and I know that Mrs Barnes will be announcing how much we raised, I'm guessing around £300. A massive thank you for bringing in your contributions to this and hopefully Year 6 enjoyed completing work in non-uniform for the day.


On Wednesday 11th November, Year 6 wrote some poignant poems to remember all those brave, heroic soldiers who sadly lost their lives in war and paid their respects with a minute silence at 11am. They produced some lovely artwork to showcase Remembrance Day and these alongside their poems will produce a lovely display in our classroom. 


Next week, beginning Monday 16th November, sees the start of Anti-Bullying week. On Monday we are asking children to wear odd socks for the day as this will launch the week. There will then be activities around this topic in our PSHE time and in other areas of the timetable throughout the week. 


This week also sees the 'November Numeracy Challenge' in Mathletics. Please can your child log on and complete Mathletics tasks at home each evening if possible. We will be ensuring they have access to Mathletics more during the school day as well this week. The last two years we have nearly broke into the top 100 schools finishing 116 and 103...not bad considering we are a single form Primary School and we are competing against Primary and Secondary schools around the world! Lets hope we can break into the 100 this year - Year 6 have great maths skills and lots to offer. 


Also this week is Parents Evening on Thursday 19th November between 1pm - 6.30pm. You will all have received a time where either myself or Miss Cohen will contact you by phone and discuss how your child has settled into Year 6 and the progress they are making. We have ensured that times will not clash with other siblings in the school and we look forward to chatting to you over the phone.      


Finally, please continue to complete tasks on Mathletics (online) and read each evening for approximately 15 minutes. This will help your fluency in both Maths and Reading. We will continue to study the books; The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom and our topic of WW2. We will begin our new topic in Science - Electricity. Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the rain will stay away! 

Friday 6th November

We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing half term with your families. I'm sure your Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations were not like they usually are but hopefully next year you will be able to enjoy them even more. I had great fun carving pumpkins with my family, though my rabbit was not to impressed with the smell of the pumpkin or it lit up!


It is great to see that Year 6 have returned, fully of energy, ready for the challenges for this half term. They have been very productive in all lessons and demonstrating a great work ethic - well done and keep this up. A letter will be going out on Monday informing you about parents evening and we would appreciate that you can return this as soon as possible so we can allocate you a time for the telephone conversation we will have with you. 


Please continue to complete tasks on Mathletics (online) and read each evening for approximately 15 minutes. This will help your fluency in both Maths and Reading. We will continue to study the books; The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom and our topic of WW2. We will begin our new topic in Science - Electricity. Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the rain will stay away! 

Friday 23rd October

Year 6 have been working hard all this half term and fully deserve the welcomed break, to recharge their batteries. They have begun the year with such positivity and determination and willingness to improve in an abundance...keep this going all year and you will certainly succeed. We enjoyed having our virtual meeting with the Mayor of Bury, Tim Pickstone, on Monday afternoon. You all certainly asked some excellent questions, to keep him on his toes!


There has been some homework sent to be completed over the half term - Mathletics tasks (online) and Spelling tasks to be completed for when we return. This will help their fluency in both subject areas. We will continue to study the books; The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom and our topic of WW2.


We would like to wish you all to have a happy and safe half term with your families. Look forward to seeing you all refreshed and raring to go on Tuesday 3rd November. Remember to put your clocks back this weekend and enjoy the extra hour on Sunday! Have a relaxing week. 

Tuesday 13th October

Year 6 have had a busy week since returning from isolation. Thank you so much to those who uploaded the home learning tasks on to Google Classrooms. Speaking to a few parents, children appreciated the quick feedback and responses they were receiving. There are still a couple more that need to sign up to this. Hopefully you have all received a guide to Google Classroom via the school email. This will help show how to upload and send in any further tasks that are set on here.


Thanks also to those who sent work in via the Year 6 email, which we looked at and sent comments back. Final thanks to those who sent in the work on paper, having used the website to access the learning and then completing this on paper. You have all done marvellously whilst in isolation and you should be proud what you achieved and completed. Keep this hunger for learning burning throughout the year. 


We have been continuing to study the books; The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom. In Maths we have moved onto learning how to add and subtract fractions. Year 6 are really enjoying the topic of WW2. This month they have been completing tasks to celebrate Black History Month and have also entered a competition to design a Christmas card for the Mayor of Bury.


Hope you all have a lovely week and continue to keep yourselves and families safe and well.

Sunday 4th October

Happy Sunday Year 6. Each day I am getting stronger. I am  writing this as the sun is out after a horrible day of weather yesterday - good old storm Alex! I have uploaded the last home learning before we return to school on Tuesday. There is a Maths task, English Task - though this is more art based, and a Black History Month task. Your English and Black History Month task, please bring into school with you on Tuesday as we will be using these in the lessons. This learning will also be accessible in Google Classrooms as well. Thank you so much for those who have been using this portal. 

We look forward to seeing you in a couple of days, where we can continue your journey in Year 6. Please make sure you continue to self-isolate and look after yourself and your family. Stay safe and well and see you all on Tuesday 6th October at 9am

Thursday 1st October

Hello Year 6. I am recovering well (it is a horrible virus) and it was great seeing so many of you on the zoom meeting yesterday - it certainly cheered up all the Year 6 team seeing so many happy and smiling faces. From all the positive responses; it is good that you can easily access the learning either here on the website or via google classrooms. Hopefully you will all becoming more independent learners.  

Thank you to all of you, who have being using Google Classroom - we hope you have found it easier to use and navigate round. When you have set up the Google Classroom, please can you ensure that it is a parents name or your name as it makes it easier for teachers to work out who is submitting the work! In Also, please could we also ask that we have one account per family to keep the class number down and easier to work out who we need to invite, or has not submitted work. 

Sunday 27th September

Hello Year 6, I hope you and your families are safe and well. Unfortunately, I am one of the adults who have been tested positive for Covid. I am putting all my energies, as it is not a pleasant illness, into ensuring that you have work to complete at home on Monday and Tuesday, with clear guidance so you can work independently through them. These will be posted in both the Home Learning folder on this page and also in Google Classrooms; you can choose which portal you want to access them. 


Timetable of Tasks for the week:

Monday - Maths, English and GPS (Grammar punctuation and Spelling)

Tuesday - Maths, English and Guided Reading + Maths homework will be set on Mathletics

Wednesday - Maths, English and Science

Thursday - Maths, English and WW2 Topic

Friday - Maths, English and RE + English homework and Spellings will be set

If you wish you can complete the Morning Challenge each day by clicking on the link below. 


If you do a piece of work for any lesson, those of you who have signed up for Google Classrooms can type your work and send it back on that same portal, where we can type feedback to you. Others have emailed in and I know Miss Cohen has already given feedback to those children stating strengths and areas for development. Maths work will be set with examples how to complete the activity and will also come with answer sheets as well, so you or your parents can mark this. 


I look forward to seeing you all soon, when I am better, so we can continue your journey in Year 6. Please make sure you self-isolate and look after yourself and your family. Stay safe and well. 

Thursday 24th September

Hi Year 6.  As you are fully aware you will be working from home for a short period due to the spread of covid in our school. Please can your parents click on the link on an email that the school office sent out regarding Google Classrooms. I checked earlier and we had 22 members, when we teach 35 children!

Please look in the Home Learning folder for the work set by Miss Cohen on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and by myself on Mondays and Tuesdays. There will be work set in English and Maths every day and then Science on a Wednesday, Topic work (WW2) on Thursday and RE on a Friday. Please keep checking these each day for the tasks for you to complete. You can also go on mathletics and complete activities on any areas that you might not be as confident with. 

Work you complete please email a copy of this to the year 6 email, but from next week we will be experimenting with Google Classrooms to set work and you can return that on the same platform. But please be patient with us and this is new to us as well!

Make sure that you self isolate and you and your families stay safe and well. Look forward to seeing you all soon to continue our journey in Y6. 

Week Beginning: Monday 21st September 
Hope you all had another lovely weekend and that your children are feeling refreshed for the learning that will take place this week. Please can you check your emails from the school office, which has a link to join the Year 6 Google Classroom. Click on the link and sign up to the classroom...currently we have a class of 20 and there are 35 Year 6 children! I have begun to show the homework via this platform as well and if you could log into this weekly to familiarise yourself with it will be useful. 


Children are continuing to work incredibly hard and are still motivated with a hunger to learn, it is a pleasure to teach them and see such enthusiasm. In Maths, we are moving onto learning how to calculate percentage of amounts. In English with Miss Cohen, children are continuing to study the book Goodnight Mr Tom and with Mr Longworth, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Both of these texts link in well with our topic of WW2 this term. Please continue to ensure your child is reading regularly at home and completing homework by the due date. Finally, your child should be bringing spellings home in a folder and please could you help in the learning of these words, but also the rules associated with them. Have a lovely week, and it is great seeing so many of you when dropping off and collecting your child 


Week Beginning: Monday 14th September 
Hope you all had a lovely weekend, after the first full week back at school. Your child will have been given  a letter regarding the Year 6 residential to Dearne Valley in February 2021. This explains when payments can be made and more information about the trip. Nearer the time, we will hold a meeting telling you more details about our exciting week away. 


You will also have received an email from the school office with a link to join the Year 6 Google Classroom. Please can you click on the link and sign up to the classroom...currently we have a class of 12 and there are 35 Year 6 children! We will begin to set homework on this once we have everyone joining. 


Children are working incredibly hard and still motivated in all there subjects, it is a pleasure to teach them and see such enthusiasm each lesson. In the Home Learning section please look at the video to support your children with long multiplication. We are moving onto learning how to answer long division questions in maths this week. In English with Miss Cohen, children are continuing to study the book Goodnight Mr Tom and with Mr Longworth, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Both of these texts link in well with our topic of WW2 this term. Please continue to ensure your child is reading regularly at home and completing homework by the due date.

Good evening parents, 


I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Miss Cohen and I will be teaching your children on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting your wonderful children and I feel very lucky to be working with such a polite, lovely and hard working class. I had a fantastic first few days and I hope they did too. I am really excited about the year ahead and looking forward to meeting you all throughout the year.


Miss Cohen :) 

Monday 7th September

It has been great to see and hear what the children have been doing over the past few weeks and months. They all seem eager to embark upon their new journey in Year 6 and I am sure they will thrive and succeed. Hopefully, you are all navigating around the Year 6 page with relative ease. The school office has sent you an email regarding joining the Year 6 Google Classroom. Please could you click on the link and get your child to join the class. 

Miss Cohen, has set some topic homework, which your child should bring home with them. This is due in next week. From next week, Maths and English will be set and their will be a paper copy and also and electronic copy which will be posted in the homework folder in the Home Learning section. 

Next week, children will begin studying the books; Goodnight Mr Tom (Miss Cohen) and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (Mr Longworth). In Maths they will develop their multiplication skills by looking at how to complete Long Multiplication. If you look in the Maths folder in home learning their is a video on how to support your child to do this. Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday. The drop off time for Year 6 is 9.00 a.m. and collection time is 3.30 p.m.


BREAKING NEWS - Year 6 residential to Dearne Valley will now take place Monday 8th February 2021 till Friday 12th February 2021 . More details will follow regarding payments and information about this.

Week Beginning: Monday 31st August

Hello and welcome to a new Year. We hope that you all have relaxed and recharged yourselves ready for a fun year of learning. We are all looking to seeing you on Wednesday.

The Year 6 classroom will look slightly different this year, as you will be in rows that will be facing the front of class. You will need to be dropped off between 9.00 and 9.10 in the morning on the top playground and you will walk down the stairs towards the Y6 classroom. There will be hand sanitiser to use, hang your coat up and into the classroom -ready to learn. The end of the school day is 3.30, where you will sanitise your hands before leaving through the Year 6 door onto the playground. 

Breaktimes: 10.00 - 10.15 and 2.00 - 2.15

Lunch: 12.00 - 12.30 (Inside eating) 12.30 - 1.00 Outside
