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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Monday 4th May

Good afternoon Parents and Carers :)

What another lovely day! I have been reading on Tapestry about the Reception children and how hard they have been working. It is lovely to see the pictures they have added. Some of them have have even learned to ride their bike without stabilisers. They look really proud. I am also aware of how hard you are working and you should be proud of yourselves too!

As parents you will be aware that the Government is likely to make an announcement about schools re-opening later this week. This will not be 'a return to normal'. Whatever you hear/read about in the media, the true fact is that we don't know what the Government directive will be and even when we do, schools will need time to prepare. We live in interesting times to say the least

I am working closely with my Head Teacher colleagues and the Local Authority to ensure that whatever happens, school will be a safe environment (based on the science) for everyone in it.

Keep safeĀ 

Mrs. Perry :)
