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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Wednesday 25 Nov


St. Margaret’s PTA Update

Christmas is coming!


This is normally one of the busiest of the year for the PTA but with current restrictions in place many of our much loved Christmas activities are on hold. As a result, we are struggling to raise the usual funds to support school, therefore we have had to think differently about what is possible this year.

Non- Uniform days:

Friday 27th November

Friday 4th December

Children can come to school in non-uniform on these dates. We are asking families to donate a minimum of £1 per child or family each Friday.


Raffle tickets will be on sale the week beginning Monday 7th December. Tickets will cost £1 for a strip of 5 tickets.  The raffle will be drawn on Christmas jumper day Friday 11th December.

Christmas Cards

Please remember the last date for ordering your child’s Christmas cards online is 25th November.


If anyone would like to make a raffle donation please contact the school  PTA chair Rebecca Wilcoxson (07790 237933) to arrange collection or drop off by Friday 4th December.

Donations must be new items only this year. Items to consider:

  • New toys
  • New Books, colouring books, felt tips/crayons
  • Christmas activity fun packs / selection boxes


Thank you to all our families for your continuing support.

Keep safe and Well.

St. Margaret’s PTA.

