Wednesday 17th June
I hope you are having a good day. I have done my emails, some school work, and been for a run with Charlotte.
Her new school in Warsaw has been in touch, thankfully! She starts on the 18th August, so now we have the fun of finding somewhere to live!!
Just to let you know my peas are growing nicely, but there is a squirrel showing some interest (and in my raspberries).
Also this afternoon I had to dispose of a wasps nest in my back garden ( I hope you think I was brave?!)
This evening I am looking forward to watching TV with Char and J. Your parents may remember Waterloo Road and Downton Abbey. I usually nod off half way through and have to watch it all all over again.
Mr. Longworth will be thrilled that the footy is back on and I guess things are getting back to normal (what normal??) over time. I hope that you are all as happy as you you can be and safe.
Lots of love
Mrs Perry