Tuesday 31 March
Dear Parents,​
I hope you are all keeping well?
In these difficult times I am aware that some families may be suffering financial hardship because of lack of work. I have been informed by Bury's Early Help Team that if I contact them then they can organise food parcels. Please let me know if you are interested in this service.
Also, please could you let school know if you are a Key Worker and you need a school place over the Easter holidays. It still remains that places are only available if their is no alternative. However, if you do need a place, please let us know as soon as possible so that I can plan forward.
You will be glad to know that pump in the fish tank is now working brilliantly and the tank is clean!! Josh asked me why it is that when the tank is clean there seems to be more fish in it! If anyone can answer that do let me know the secret.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry :)