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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Tuesday 2nd June

Good afternoon all

I hope you are having a lovely day??

I am sitting in my office on my own feeling rather lonely :(

The school is getting ready to re-open for some of the Year 6 children next week. (Can't wait to see them).

Once they have returned, I will be looking to see how the Reception and Year 1 children can return safely. This is a far more uncertain and complicated prospect because of social distancing with such young children.

I will be discussing with the Governing Body next week, whether they are happy that bringing the children back to school in the current climate is safe enough. I will explain in detail, what systems we intend to put in place. They were very divided on this issue the last time we spoke.

The intention is to re-open to Reception and Year 1 children from 22nd June. It is very unlikely that if all the children return that they will come in to school every day. We will only be able to accommodate return on a rota basis because of lack of space.

School will send further details early next week. You will have plenty of time to plan. What would be helpful is if parents could give a 'first intention' of whether or not you will send your child back to school. Please could you send your Yes/No to the school email address, by Friday.



The school intends to open for your children next Monday as you know. Mrs. Barnes has been constantly chasing up our PPE order. It has become apparent that the supply firm has lost our order. They are trying to rectify this asap. However, as it stands at the moment the school has no sanitiser, no aprons, gloves or masks (for First Aid). We are trying our very best to sort this out but if we cannot then the school will not be able to open for your children on Monday.

Let's see what happens later in the week.

Keep safe and well.

Mrs. Perry
