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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning everyone

I am emailing early today with some very good news. The child who was tested for C-19 yesterday - the results have come back negative. Therefore, from tomorrow all our Year 6 children and staff can resume their normal timetable.

This is very good news and must be a great relief to the child's family.

What happened yesterday, can only be the first incident of what schools can expect in the future. This is a 'new way for us'. School dealt with it well and we need to use what we learned from the experience to help us deal with future incidents.

If you do not receive emails from school, it is crucial that you forward your email address to as soon as possible. If there is a need to close a bubble as we did yesterday we need to be able to contact the relevant families as soon as possible.

If you change your mobile number, please give school your new number as soon as possible. when I was phoning families yesterday I struggled to contact several as numbers had changed.

In future, if we need to close a bubble, the parents of children in that bubble will be contacted by phone. We believe that in these circumstances parents would appreciate a personal call from school rather than an email or text.

If your child is not in that bubble, for practical reasons, you will be informed via text and via the school website.

Thank you for all your positive comments about the systems that school has school has put in place to keep your child safe. It was gratifying to hear that you are feeling confident.

It will be good to get back to our version of normal tomorrow!

Take care.

Mrs. Perry
