Tuesday 19th May
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you have had a lovely day. I have watered the spider plants I potted for all your classes and they are really coming on. I re-potted some of the sunflowers over the weekend, but I broke the roots of one and unfortunately it has wilted so I will need to be more careful next time :(
We have had tears in our house today. My daughter Charlotte has finally been told that she cannot return to China where she has been teaching Y1 in the British School in Beijing. The problem is that all her belongings are still there.
So at 4am this morning she was in contact with her class teaching assistant who has been so kindly packing her things ready for shipment home. In China, you can just buy a scooter and ride off on it. She has two that she uses to get to school. (Beware all other road users!!) When I was listening to her conversation, she was telling Yidan how to get the scooters up the stairs. (What?)
Anyway, it seems to be all finished.... hence the tears.
I hope you all have a lovely evening.
Keep safe and well
I hope we will all be back together safe and sound as soon as we can
Mrs. Perry