Tuesday 12th January
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am pleased to say that our remote learning sessions have run more smoothly today. Thank you for bearing with us!! Staff are working extremely hard to make this work!
I have received a letter today from Bury's Assistant Director for Learning, Julien Kramer. He has provided an update for parents about National Lockdown Arrangements. Please select the link below to view this letter.
The numbers of children in school remain high and in some classes are putting pupils and staff at risk. Please read this letter and if you can possibly keep your child at home, please do. A big thank you, to those of you who have already decided to do this.
I have capped the numbers of children offered a place, in some classes, on health and safety grounds. Any child needing a place will be added to a waiting list. I know how hard this is for you and your families and I genuinely look forward to when we can all be in school, together again. Any decisions I make are for the benefit of our St. Margaret's community.
Thank you again for all your support and good wishes.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry :)