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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Thursday 18th June

Good afternoon all

Finally!!!! It has stopped raining!! It was a bit grim standing out in the rain this morning, so Dennis has bought us some very fetching waterproof ponchos (like you get at Disneyland except not!!) Keep your eyes open for them..... you won't miss them!

Thank you to the Year 5 parents who have stated an interest in the children returning. This will possibly happen on the 6th July. I will tell you nearer the time IF IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. The reason for the uncertainty is that the number of Key Worker children is rising quickly as parents return to work. School MUST give priority to these families. If we get five more KW children then school will be at full capacity and there will be no room for Y5 children. Please be patient. I will let you know asap.

Take care and keep safe. Mrs Perry
