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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Sunday's update

Hi everyone!! :)

Hope you have had a good Sunday.

As there have been no requests for a school place tomorrow I am closing school once again. Of course this means that I will be back to PE with Joe, or Charlotte's (my daughter's) punishing work outs at 9am!! followed by a run.


I am glad that you are all staying at home and keeping as safe as possible. I know that shifts may change tomorrow and that school may need to open to meet your needs. School will only open for those who have no other alternative.

Today I have learned to look after my fish. You may wonder why this is??

I have tropical fish at home that Josh (Mr Perry to you in Year 6!!) looks after. Since he can't visit I have had to look after them myself today!! It is a bit of a disaster as the pump has given up the ghost. Give it a thump he says.... but not too hard or you will break it. Anyway, I will let you know if they are still alive tomorrow!!

Have a safe evening at home, chilling out in front of the telly.

Lots of love 

Mrs Perry xx
