Sunday 22nd Nov
Dear Parents and Carers
I regret to inform you that a Year 6 child has tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, the Year 6 children must isolate at home for the next two weeks. Their return to school will be Monday 7th December. During this two weeks, the children should not go out even if they do not have symptoms. Parents, please DO NOT send your child to school if they are unwell. This nasty virus spreads rapidly and affects all our families when it takes hold. It is now clear that although children do not become very ill with C-19 they spread the disease in the same way an adult does. This is why children MUST NOT come to school if they are unwell.
We are all now familiar with the main COVID symptoms: a new persistent dry cough; a loss of taste or smell; a high temperature. Our experience in school tells us that children may also experience a poorly tummy and/or a headache.
Staff will be self isolating and will be providing home learning for your child. The children should attend the morning Zoom register. The work for the day will be explained in this meeting. The Year 6 work can be printed off by the office if you are having difficulty accessing it on a computer.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Longworth on the Year 6 home learning email, or contact the school office.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry