Sunday 19th April
Hi Everyone
I hope that you have all had a lovely Sunday. The weather has been kinder today where I am.
I have had some lovely messages over the weekend, and great pictures of you guys having fun with your families. I am so proud of you all. Please remember parents that the most important thing is to be safe and to be happy.
Don't worry about completing all the work set on the class pages. Staff have put plenty there just in case you want it. We are all in the same boat. All just trying our best.
What am I most proud of!!?? That you are enjoying being with your families, doing new things and enjoying it!
School is here if you need anything!!
No one has asked for a place for their child tomorrow morning. Therefore, school will remain closed. Thank you for keeping your children as safe as you can. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to keep my staff and their families safe as well.
God Bless.