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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Sunday 10th January

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend? Personally, I have tried to have a quiet one in preparation for next week! Let's hope that we can be allowed to get on with the week without any more changes just for now!


Please can I make another plea to Critical Worker parents. The Government Guidance says that if there is one Critical Worker in a family of two adults, then your child is entitled to a place. However, I have consulted with the Local Authority and the Public Health England guidance and it is the same as it was when school was open for Key Worker and vulnerable children only, between March and July. 

In classrooms, there should be 2 metres between all persons present. That is, in front, behind and to each side. That means that every classroom at St. Margaret's can only accommodate 8 children. Each class has at least this number. 


There is no more room in school for any more children, if the situation is to remain remotely safe. My intention is not to take places away, but if there is any possibility that your child does not need a place each day, please can you let school know. A reduction in places on a Wednesday would be particularly appreciated, especially in Hawthorn Class, where the numbers are nearly double what PHE recommends is safe.


The number of positive cases in Bury continues to rise (by 40%).  Bury has the third highest infection rate in Greater Manchester - in schools the number of positive cases has risen by 333% (this is PHE information I received in the School's Advisory Group last Thursday). 


My concern is for the safety of everyone in the St. Margaret's community. We all need to do everything we can to reduce contact with others and, therefore, reduce the chance of transmitting the disease. Where there is a genuine need for any child to attend school, then a request will always be granted.


I thank you all for your continued support and I really appreciate all the heart-warming comments my staff and I have received this last week.


Keep safe and well.


Mrs. Perry. x


