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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Monday 4th January - Covid Update

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is with deep regret that I tell you St. Margaret' s will not re-open on Wednesday. School realises the distress and inconvenience this will cause. As you know we aimed to re-open, but due to the fact England will move to national lockdown, this cannot happen. School has tried everything to stay open but this would now be illegal.


I have been told that the school MUST move to remote learning from tomorrow. Staff will move to this but since they were expecting to teach face to face, this will take till Monday to implement in full. We will be working on this tomorrow. Please bear with us, as you always have.


Provision will be made for key worker and vulnerable children as soon as possible. I am meeting with school staff imminently to ensure that arrangements are as smooth as possible for you. 


I will be back in touch tomorrow to let you know the arrangements as they unfold. 


Please keep safe and well.


We are shocked, as are school staff, that we are now unable to see our children until after half term. As I say, there will be more information tomorrow. 


Lots of love,


A very distressed Mrs. Perry
