Monday 25/05/20
I hope that you have had a lovely Bank Holiday Monday. The weather has been utterly gorgeous where I am and I have been out in the garden trying to cut things back so my little sunflowers can grow.
I want to tell you that, following on from the piece on Wednesday night, on National TV, I have been contacted by the Bury Times and have been asked to comment on Bury Schools re-opening on June 1st. I have given an honest response. It will be in the Press tomorrow I have been told. Having never dealt with the media before, I have to admit to you that I have found this last week very stressful and that I have been distracted constantly from my most important purpose: the safety of your children and their return to school as safely and as soon as possible. I have responded because as you know I am the the Chairperson of the Bury Association for Primary Heads. I respond on behalf of my colleagues and I believe that we can shape the future together.
I am working very hard with staff and Governors to complete risk assessments and to put them into place, so that our children can return as soon as possible.
You know that I will keep you up to date with school's thoughts about returning to school. The health and well-being of your children is the most important issue for me.
Keep safe and happy.
Mrs. Perry :)