Monday 22nd June
Happy Monday to you all :)
It was lovely to see our Year 1s this morning!! After a slightly nervous start and one of them spraying the sanitiser in their eye by mistake, they had a lovely morning!
School is dealing with the situation arising from of one of the Year 6 boys suffering from Covid symptoms over this last weekend. We have spoken to all parents of the children actually attending school, but I am writing to let you all know what has happened so that you are fully up to date, with accurate information.
The boy has not been in school since last Thursday and neither have his 'Bubble Mates'. The bubble he is in did not attend school today and they will not attend till the results of the test are known. We have initially closed the bubble for all of this week so that parents can plan their week as effectively as possible. If the results come back earlier and are negative then the bubble can re-open. If the results are positive then the school will need to close for two weeks for a deep clean. Staff who covered this bubble last week will not attend school till the results are known. School will update everyone with any new information as soon as possible.
The bubbles have kept very much apart, even on the playground, so cross contamination is extremely unlikely. The boy's bubble have not mixed with the Key Worker bubble at any time.
Mrs. Barnes and I would like to say a big 'Thank you' to all our parents, for giving such positive feedback and encouraging remarks when we called today. This made a difficult situation as easy as it could be for us. It was very much appreciated.
Enjoy the lovely weather this evening and keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry :)