Good afternoon Parents and Carers
School opened today for staff. I trained staff in how the school would look, procedures for the children and then we looked at the school's Risk Assessment. This currently runs to seventeen pages long and is not yet complete. A copy will be put on the website when it is finished although, by necessity it will be an ever changing working document.
I am aware that many of you have questions that you want answering and I genuinely understand your reasoning. A growing number of you are requesting meetings with me personally to discuss your concerns. I am unable to facilitate this at the moment. This is not because I do not want to answer your concerns it is because the school's focus must be on re-opening for more children.
Staff are currently working very hard to re-open the school safely and well. In the last few days there have been over forty updates and amendments made to the guidance that I have had to read, assimilate and act upon. The situation is constantly changing.
I know that you want your questions/concerns answered, but can I please ask for your patience.
Some of your questions can be answered by your child's class teachers. If your questions can only be answered by me then please email them in to school. I am sure that your questions will be the same as many other parents and I can collate a response to you all.
The fact is that the situation is changing so quickly that my answer may be .... 'I simply don't know at this point'.
Thank you for your support and patience.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry