Tuesday 5th January
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you can imagine today has been interesting!! We have now received notification of all key worker and vulnerable children who require a place in school and all your individual requests have been accommodated. If any changes are required, please notify the school office at the earliest opportunity.
The arrangements for this week are as follows:
1. Remote learning this week will be English / Phonics and Maths and can be found on the class pages daily.
2. This week there will be no Zoom or Google classroom provision, this is to allow school to prepare for this unexpected last minute lockdown.
In terms of class arrangements for those children attending school this week:
1. Willow and Lilac Classes will be Bubble 1 in Willow Class.
2. Oak and Hawthorn Classes will be Bubble 2 in Oak Class.
3. Years 3, 4 and 5 will be Bubble 3 and will work in the hall on separate tables. If the numbers in these classes increase significantly, we can split the classes into their year groups.
4. Year 6 will work in their own classroom.
Each Bubble will not worry about doing remote learning from the class pages on a laptop for now. The work will be printed off and staff will support the children in their bubbles to complete it.
I am sure that there will be many changes in the coming days and I thank you in anticipation of your continued support.
Tomorrow, all the children will come through the front door at 9am and be guided by the staff at hand to their bubble. This may change according to numbers in the coming days. Please remember all children are required to wear their school uniform. Unfortunately, we have made the decision to keep Smarties closed for the moment and will review regularly. The school day will finish at 3:30pm.
Lastly, we have just received confirmation from our catering team that the kitchen staff will be in school from tomorrow and children who usually have school meals can continue to do so.
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry x