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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Friday 26th March

Dear Parents and Carers

Following the sending home of several bubbles recently the school sought further advice from Bury's Public Health Team and NHS representatives.

We talked through the school's systems of keeping the children safe and we were re-assured that school was doing everything it can to keep our children safe as far as possible.

We have been told that the infection has been brought into the school from the community as opposed to spreading between bubbles. Therefore, despite the fact that we are all absolutely fed up of lockdown, we need to hold fast and keep going by socially distancing and not mixing with people that we should not be.

As an additional precaution, Smarties will close until after Easter. Our hope is that Smarties will open after Easter but this will be reviewed during the Easter break.

We have also been told that the PHE Team are going to send a letter to all parents of Bury children to make the guidelines about using a lateral flow test on children clearer. Again, if your child shows symptoms they need a PCR test. The LFTs are not reliable enough.

If your child is isolating at home please do not bring them on the school premises if at all possible. If you do not have any other child care available, please email your child's class and we will arrange to bring your child to the main gate.

The school is also having a deep clean using  Bury Caretaking Department's fogging machine at 7am on Monday to help re-assure you further. The children can come in at their usual staggered time.

This has been a really difficult week in school and for all of you at home. We look forward to welcoming Willow and Lilac Classes back on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs. Perry
