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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Friday 24th April

Good afternoon staff, parents and carers :)

I can't believe we are at the end of another week. It has been great to hear what you have been doing:

Digging allotments



Walking in the park

Making space models

Building worm gardens.... the list goes on and on. I know that you have lots of work available on the website. Please!!!! do not feel that you have to complete it all. It is there if you want it. Do the activities that you find interesting. Keeping up with reading and maths is important though so try your best with that. 

Every day I know that I have jobs to do. I am not always in the mood to do them, so I do something else and complete the other jobs at a different time. The main thing is that you are all safe and happy.

No parents have told me that a place is needed at school next week, so unless I am told otherwise, school remains closed.

Can I take this opportunity to wish our Muslim parents and staff Ramadhan Mubarak. Congratulations on the first day of Ramadhan.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs. Perry :))
