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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Friday 22 May 20

Hello to all our Parents and Carers
School continues to plan for the return of your children as soon as possible but safely. This is our Government Guideline. Five conditions need to be met before this can take place and in Bury, these are not met yet. Thank you for your overwhelming support during this very difficult time.
There is a huge amount to consider and plan for as you can appreciate.
School is now looking again at bringing back Year 6 first. As soon as I have any more details I will let you know. 
School is working with Governors to produce a comprehensive Risk Assessment to protect all your children. This will be shared with you when it is completed. Obviously, any Risk Assessments will change often as school responds to this ongoing situation.
My Charlotte has an interesting situation in her school. Her school  is re-opening next week. There are no teachers there as they all left before China went into total lockdown. Beijing is not allowing English staff back into the country and most of the pupils are still in their homes all around the world. 
In June Charlotte will be Zooming karate sessions to her children at 6am due to the time difference. Let's hope she does it quietly!!
Fortunately at St. Margaret's we have staff who can't wait to see your children asap.
I will continue to do my utmost to keep you up to date with the constant changes.
Thank you for your patience !!
Mrs. Perry