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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Friday 16th October

Dear Parents and Carers
We have survived another week. :)
I think I am slowly and reluctantly coming to terms with the fact that this is the way life will be for some time: bubbles being sent home; staff and children off ill and returning; parents and grandparents being ill also. I guess that the important thing is that we are returning  and well. My thoughts go to families where loved ones are not well. Now that we have reset the school again after a very sudden closure, I would like to ask that where parents are having a  real difficulty accessing on-line learning, please will you let us know? We will support you in whatever way we can, with alternatives if classes need to work at home. School staff will be helping me gather this evidence.
I would like to say that, once again, the children are a credit to you and to the school. We do have our difficult days and I can see that the children need lots of TLC and that some of them worry. We will support them with pleasure. 
Please can I also say that I am immensely proud of our school staff at every level. There has been illness with staff themselves. Illness within their families. Staff have children isolating at home, in the same way that you are and home learning. Some staff have elderly parents who are ill.
I think that as a community we are well placed to support each other. School staff are at hand at the beginning and end of the school day to help. Personally, I think that we have all got to know each other better in the last few weeks because we have been talking more. Let's keep doing that.
Have a lovely weekend. I will see you on Monday.
Lots of love .
Mrs. Perry XX