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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Friday 15th January

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have survived another week!! I know that the start of the new term has brought many last minute changes and stresses, but our St. Margaret's community is doing really well. We moved to remote learning for the majority within 36 hours of being told that schools were open only for critical workers and vulnerable children. The move was fairly smooth. This is an admirable achievement for all of us!


On Monday, when a significant number of institutions: schools; colleges and  universities moved to online learning there was an understandable strain on the internet. Thank you for your patience. I think generally things were working  much better by the end of the week.


It has been lovely to see the children in school and also in Zoom meetings and on Google Classrooms. Staff have been working on these - an area they are not trained for. I am proud of the way they have 'got to grips with it' and I am proud of the way the children and our families,  have done the same.


This afternoon I have met (virtually) with Christian Wakeford, our local MP, and I have told him the realities of what life is like for us at the moment(In school and at home). He will take this information to his future meetings and we have his support. 


Hopefully next week will be a little calmer. Please keep safe and well this weekend.


Lots of love,

Mrs. Perry x
